Lord Of The People: My Talent Is 100 Million Points Strong - Chapter 875

Chapter 875


Hearing the astonishment and fear in Bai Wei's words, Lei Xiao's expression froze, he immediately raised his head, and followed the former's gaze.

On the west side of the burning city, that is, in the direction of the main battlefield of the front city wall, densely packed red dots are slowly emerging in the night sky.

The faint red light all over the sky, twinkling and twinkling, is like pairs of devil's eyes, looking down on the burning land and the city.

"What are those things?!"

Ariel's star pupils were wide open, staring closely at the many deep reds slowly approaching in the pitch-black Yemu, she couldn't help blurting out.

Although it was still unclear, an extremely uneasy feeling still rose from the heart of this princess Lengyan.

Just as Ariel's panicked words fell, Lei Xiao's reminder sounded quickly.

After connecting, Curio's nervous voice came out immediately.

"My lord, there are a large number of heavy airships in the sky, the number is no less than fifty! The opponent must have used some kind of wide-area invisibility illusion, which made the airship group suddenly appear!"

After a pause, Curio added: "My subordinates can even clearly see that there are large bombing bays hanging under these airships, all of which are military combat airships!"

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"Is it actually a combat airship with a bomb-dropping bay? There are as many as fifty more..."

Lei Xiao took a deep breath slowly, feeling a chill begin to spread in his body.

Regarding the application of airships on the battlefield, Lei Xiao has already studied it, but it is still difficult to realize it in the territory.

First, the moving speed and flying height of ordinary airships are relatively limited, and there is no corresponding defensive barrier and other supporting equipment. The materials are also very common, and they are easy to be shot down, and they do not have good maneuverability.

Second, the Cold Flame Kingdom, including the Holy Night Kingdom next door, does not have a mature combat airship system, or is even blank.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to build a complete combat airship airport and find corresponding technical soldiers for daily maintenance and docking. There is also a lack of off-site supply bases during wartime, making it difficult to fight over long distances.

After all, the airship is one of the few products of sophisticated emerging magic technology in the world. Without supporting maintenance facilities, it cannot take off normally.

Moreover, building a complete military airport is another protracted and slow project.

The third is the issue of magic mineral crystals used for fuel and the energy supply of elite magicians.

The airship magic mineral crystals mined by the Cold Flame Kingdom can only meet the daily needs of the royal family, nobles, and some civilian airships, and cannot support the fuel consumption required by a combat airship fleet.

"To sum up, although I know that an airship like a bomber can definitely play a great role, due to the lack of necessary conditions, it is impossible to form a large-scale military fleet in the short term."

"As for why the cold flame royal family and the Holy Night royal family don't pay attention to the airship, a weapon of war, I have also conducted an investigation."

"One is the rise of airships. In just a few decades, the technology in most countries is still immature."

"Secondly, for some conservative dignitaries and royal families who stick to the rules, they are not optimistic about this new product at all."

"After all, compared with the Sky Knight, which everyone respects and represents the authority of the nobility, this kind of thing that everyone can learn and drive obviously makes these dignitaries lose the majesty and privilege brought by the Sky Knight."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's brows were already tightly knit together.

Unexpectedly, the weapon of war that I had been thinking about day and night would appear in the opponent's camp, and it would cause fatal danger to myself.

"A combat airship that is difficult to deal with?"

Hearing Lei Xiao's words, Ariel was also shocked.

Different from most of the old-fashioned royal families and nobles, Ariel, who is the fifth princess, is a rare enterprising faction, and naturally has enough understanding of the emerging product of airships.

"Among the countries of the human race, the country with the most mature airship technology is the Kingdom of Grimm to the west of the Kingdom of Cold Flame, and the Iron Hand Islands across the shore. I didn't expect it to appear here..."

Surprised, Ariel stared at the dense red dots in the sky, and couldn't help but blurted out.

"Don't forget that the Black Duke, who is a strong vampire, is probably from the Iron Hand Islands. If you think about it, it's not surprising that the airship will appear here."

Lei Xiao frowned, and nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that this is the fatal trump card that the Black Duke mentioned just now."

"But my lord, on the western border of the Cold Flame Kingdom, stands the huge Sunset Fortress, which is even comparable in size to the Unfallen Fortress. It has a complete high-altitude thunder net and anti-aircraft magic army, and will never let the other party cross the border. Even if it's invisible, it's useless."

Ariel was still full of astonishment, and asked in confusion: "How did the other party cross the border and then appear on this side thousands of miles away?"

"His Royal Highness, I think the other party probably used the assembly method."

Sarah frowned for a moment, then responded: "More than a year ago, when I was an ordinary mercenary, I stayed in a town near Sunset Fortress for a while."

"In the mercenary guild there, I overheard a drunk old mercenary from the Kingdom of Grim mention that he once participated in an **** mission for airship parts."

"After arriving at the destination, the other party only took a short time to assemble a large airship, and after using special wind spells to fill the huge hull, it can be launched immediately."

Sarah's tone became more serious, and she added: "This kind of assembly operation is obviously not a difficult task for professional combat airship soldiers."

"In this way, things are very clear."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, trying to calm down his tone: "The other party must have used the cover of the caravan or the storage space to secretly transport the parts of the airship and the corresponding technical soldiers to the nearest new station. Noble city."

"Then just wait until the war is about to start, then assemble and launch, and use illusion for cover?"

Ariel accepted Lei Xiao's words, gritted her silver teeth tightly and said, "It's really an unpredictable and terrifying plan."

"My lord, Your Royal Highness, how powerful can these combat airships be?"

Bai Wei listened to Lei Xiao and the others' more solemn words, and said uneasyly, "It's impossible to defeat all the soldiers of our nearly 20 legions?"

"In the absence of any defensive measures on the ground, the alchemy bomb carried by a combat airship is enough to destroy a legion, let alone fifty ships."

Ariel clenched her fists tightly, and her voice even began to tremble: "In other words, as long as the other party reaches the sky above Wangxing City, the other party can easily raze all of us and Wangxing City to the ground!"

Ariel, who knows about combat airships, understands clearly.

A hundred years ago, even the Griffin Knight Squadron of the Holy Night Kingdom once wiped out a legion of elite cold flame soldiers.

But the destructiveness of a single combat airship is even slightly higher than that of an entire Griffin Squadron.

In addition, each combat airship is equipped with a solid defensive barrier and magic attack methods for air combat.

This means that in addition to being able to throw alchemy bombs, the combat airship also has far more powerful defense and self-protection capabilities than the sky knight.

Hearing Ariel's dignified voice, all the subordinates were full of awe, and they all took a deep breath of the **** and anxious air.

In terms of destructive power alone, this is already comparable to 50 fifth-order powerhouses.

But now, such a powerful destructive force is rolling towards the sky above the city, ready to turn the city into a scorching death purgatory.

Just when the subordinates thought of this in unison.

The dots of dark red in the night sky began to reflect huge black silhouettes, which were the light from the beacon lights on the combat airship.

This undoubtedly means that danger, or outright destruction, is already imminent.

Looking up at the densely packed enemy airships in the night sky, they are sweeping over.

Lei Xiao's brain had already started spinning crazily, desperately thinking about the corresponding countermeasures.

The flying height of the combat airship has far exceeded the flying height of the magic powerhouses above the third level, and even the fifth-level powerhouses cannot touch it.

The only forces that can compete with it are the sky knights flying in the sky and some anti-aircraft spells.

"Wangxing City's air defense measures are completely zero, it goes without saying."

"And the air combat power that I can use at present is divided into three parts."

"The first is the third-tier pterosaur knight team including Xiao En, eight third-tier sky guardians, and five teams of second-tier ordinary pterosaurs."

"The second is Sarah and Xiao Huan. I have already asked Sarah just now. With the current magic power and state of Sarah and Xiao Huan, they can barely summon 8 squadrons of Tier 2 Sky Knights."

"The third is Lina's flying undead beast, and there are five first-tier squadrons. Although the combat power is weak, it is better than nothing."

"As for the third-tier summoner squadron, they cannot summon sky knights, and the battle dolls in Crystal Blue City also focus on land battles and cannot be converted into sky knights."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao felt his palms were soaked in sweat.

You know, from the very beginning, the opponent has launched fifty or sixty third-order pterosaur puppets into the air, which is enough to wipe out most of our air combat power at this stage!

Under such circumstances, our air combat forces simply do not have much spare power to attack the raging combat airship fleet.

Moreover, there must be other escorting air combat forces around the opponent's airship fleet.

"And Hong Ye is the only fifth-tier powerhouse under my command who can reach the sky."

"As for Jiang Li, although it is more powerful, it is different from the projectile spell used by Hong Ye in that the space spell that can be formed instantly around the target cannot carry out ultrlong-distance attacks after all, and it is difficult to attack those in the sky. effective strike on the target."

After sorting out all the forces in his hands that can deal with the enemy's airship fleet, Lei Xiao has already begun to sweat profusely.

Hong Ye is currently in a fierce battle with the Black Duke and cannot escape at all.

And Mr. Wu and Teresa, who are helping hands, should also be able to use powerful anti-aircraft spells.

However, both of them are restrained by No. 3 black-robed man and No. 10 black-robed man of equal strength, and it may be difficult to get out.

In addition, there are several Tier 4 magic powerhouses such as Chao Yan, Sarah, and Orr, and a few backbone Tier 3 powerhouses, all of whom can use anti-aircraft magic.

But in the face of fifty airships with perfect protection measures, it is still unknown how effective they can be.

After all, anti-aircraft magic requires a long chanting time, and it is impossible to fire it at a high speed without any restraint as long as there is enough ammunition like a real anti-aircraft gun.

"In other words, has the scale of victory, which was originally tending to balance, even moving closer to me, started to tilt rapidly towards the opponent again?"

"But there is no retreat behind me, and I have to fight with my back no matter what."

Lei Xiao wiped off the sweat from his forehead and began to deploy.

First, all our air combat forces take off immediately.

Sean and other pterosaur knights, who gave the pterosaurs of the sky and the pterosaurs of the sky, and the pterosaurs of the unowned sky, tried their best to contain the pterosaur puppets of the opponent.

With the blessing of the sprinting pill, the faster sky pterosaurs, although not as strong as the opponent, can still restrain the opponent for a period of time.

And the other puppet air combat forces have only one target, and that is the opponent's combat airship!

Secondly, our ground forces capable of air defense, except for those who cannot escape, are all covered with invisibility cloaks and assembled on the highest nearby mountains.

Try to slow down the opponent's footsteps, and cooperate with our air combat forces to shoot down as many of the opponent's vital forces as possible.

Finally, on the frontal battlefield on the ground, more reserve forces were invested, and the main melee subordinates also all stepped forward for reinforcements.

It is conceivable that the opponent will definitely launch a more violent offensive before the airship fleet officially arrives above Wangxing City, so as to make our side exhausted and lose the room for air defense.

Then, there will be countless alchemy bombs falling from the sky~www.mtlnovel.com~ At that time, everything will be irreversible.

"All in all, we must shoot down each other before they reach the sky above the city!"

Lei Xiao's words were full of awe, and he ordered: "Otherwise we will face only destruction."

"Obey! Your lord!"

After receiving Lei Xiao's order, Sean, Sarah, Lina and other main subordinates, as well as Orr and other commanders, immediately started to act.

As for Lei Xiao and Ariel, they also set off immediately, galloping towards the highest mountain as the assembly point.

However, Lei Xiao and his subordinates, who regard death as home, would never have thought of it.

The threats they face are far more terrifying and desperate than what they see in front of them.

A real test of life and death has just begun.