Lord Of The People: My Talent Is 100 Million Points Strong - Chapter 869

Chapter 869

Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong Text Volume Chapter 869 The Whereabouts of the Vanishing Legion

The majesty of the spell appeared and disappeared, and the flames spread wildly across the earth.

The scorching flames rose, reflecting the fallen corpses one after another, reflecting the bright red flowing in the ground, and also reflecting hideous and angry faces.

The fierce collision of swords, the cursing and wailing close at Chichi, the wrestling bodies, and the roar of magic cannons are like four movements, forming a symphony filled with steel and death.

The front team fell, and the rear team topped.

Such scenes filled every corner of the battlefield, one side fought for imprisonment, while the other fought for freedom.

Upstairs above the city gate full of people, Lei Xiao felt the tremor coming from the ground while watching the **** battle scenes around him, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

Just like Orr said.

Compared with the beginning, although the opponent's offensive is gradually strengthening, a lot of elite troops have been invested one after another, and they have launched a full-scale offensive against the five-kilometer-long Wangxing City Wall.

However, our defenders were not at a disadvantage by virtue of their equipment and potion advantages, coupled with the fact that Erza and Xiaohuan, who had been transformed into themselves and Ariel, wandered around to boost morale, and the calm command of the commanders. .

However, although the enemy and us are evenly matched, and our losses are significantly smaller than the opponent's, Lei Xiao clearly understands.

The real deadly storm is about to come.

Once the wind blows suddenly, it is the moment of life and death.

"The key problem is, I don't know which areas are going to have storms."

Lei Xiao frowned, and began to think secretly.

"If I can detect some clues, at least I can make a certain degree of defense, which is much better than being caught off guard by the enemy."

"Wangxing City, Luolong City, Shanbao Fortress, Territory, and even Kongqing Town and other cities, this area is too vast. It is undoubtedly too difficult to judge how the other party will find another way."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao began to frown even more.

I have to say that I still prefer active offense to passive defense.

"My lord, have you noticed anything strange?"

I saw Chaoyan approaching with small steps, blinking her big eyes and saying: "Facing a huge number of heavily armed enemies, they are rushing towards the city wall one after another, it is not unusual to cause the ground to tremble, but the frequency of this tremor, It should be relatively disordered..."

"That's right."

Hearing Chao Yan's words, Lei Xiao brought his thoughts back to reality, and began to concentrate, carefully feeling the tremors coming from the soles of his feet.

On an extremely fierce and abnormal battlefield, although this kind of tremor is not obvious, for Lei Xiao whose five senses are already different from ordinary people, he can still feel it easily.

"Chaoyan, what do you mean, there are other places where the tremors are relatively stable?"

Lei Xiao quickly reacted and asked immediately.

Before this, because Lei Xiao had been focusing all his attention on thinking about the opponent's next move, he didn't pay attention to such details.

"That's right, my lord."

Chaoyan helped the witch hat on her head, nodded and said, "When the teleportation came over just now, the tremors that my subordinates felt in the City Lord's Mansion are completely different from here, but relatively regular."

Having said this, Chaoyan tilted her head, curled her lips and said, "Could it be because of the distance that the ground trembles regularly?"

"Impossible, the distance from the city gate to the City Lord's Mansion is only a few kilometers, and it will never have such a big impact."

Teresa, who had been listening carefully, fixed her brows and pondered: "If this is really the case, there is only one possibility, unless it is..."

"Unless there are two sources of the tremor, the tremor Chao Yan felt in the City Lord's Mansion did not come from here."

Lei Xiao accepted the words, and said solemnly: "Let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion to confirm it now!"

After speaking, under the transmission of Jiang Li, the group quickly returned to the meeting hall on the first floor of the City Lord's Mansion.

"My lord, this place is indeed completely different from the city wall!"

Knotweed pressed his ears to the ground for a moment, and reported to Lei Xiao: "Although the battle ahead has covered up most of the traces, my subordinates can still feel this regular, unknown tremor, which seems to come from the ground! "

"In addition, from the analysis of the intensified sound, the source of this regular vibration is still some distance away from Wangxing City, but it is no longer far away."

The voice of the knotweed became more solemn, and he added another sentence.

"Is that really the case? It seems that there is not much time left for us."

Lei Xiao stroked his chin, and nodded thoughtfully: "At this juncture, this kind of trembling is definitely not groundless. I think I know how the other party will find another way next time."

"Lord, are you saying that the other party is digging a hole in the ground, trying to cross the city wall and enter the city directly?"

Ariel immediately understood what Lei Xiao was referring to, she blinked her starry eyes and said in disbelief, "This is too crazy!"

"That's the only reasonable explanation."

Lei Xiao first patted Chaoyan's head to show his appreciation, and then said firmly: "In this way, the whereabouts of the other two missing legions will be very obvious, they are underground!"

"In other words, when the opponent finally supplied supplies in Lute City, they had already divided into two groups, one of which was marching normally on the ground, while the other was marching underground?"

Jiang Li blinked her slender eyelashes, and continued to think along with Lei Xiao: "The large army marching on the ground is so powerful that it can also be used as a cover, making it difficult for the two legions marching underground to be detected. The same goes for the siege, where the opponent is using tremors to disguise tremors!"

"Senior Jiang Li is right. When our attention is completely focused on the city wall, if these two legions suddenly appear in the city and cooperate with the main force to support them, such cooperation from the inside and the outside will be enough to shake the balance of victory. Let's mess ourselves up."

Ariel fixed her eyebrows, and pondered: "It's really a clever and sinister plan."

"That's right. Before, I had always focused my thinking on the entire region, thinking that the other party would still do things in other areas. I didn't expect that the other party would directly choose a new path this time, and choose Star City itself."

Lei Xiao nodded, and slowly took a deep breath: "Once the other party's plan succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous."

"But my lord, there is still one thing I don't know about my subordinates."

Bai Wei, who had just been promoted to the fourth rank, gently swayed her fluffy snow-white tail, and said puzzledly: "Lute City is so far away from here, even if the opponent is digging a hole and marching, it is impossible to dig so fast. Let the two legions advance together."

"This little sister of the Snow Wolf Clan, this is actually not a difficult task."

Teresa looked up and down Bai Wei's pair of erect ears and big tail, obviously very interested in this fluffy thing, and began to explain.

"As long as there is a fifth-tier earth mage who is good at digging, and several fourth-tier earth mages lead the team, it is not impossible to forcibly open a road underground."

Speaking of this, Teresa's expression became serious again: "Besides, there are several kinds of extremely difficult and powerful monsters that can also do this. To a certain extent, these things can It is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary strong people."

"So we have to prepare for the worst."

Lei Xiao took over the conversation and ordered Jiang Li to teleport at the fastest speed and bring back Orr who was commanding from the front line.

"See Lord Lord!"

Not long after, Orr, covered in blood, appeared in front of Lei Xiao.

Of course, even though the face of this middle-aged subordinate was blackened by gunpowder smoke, as a flexible and flexible wind magician, the blood did not come from himself.

"Al, here's the situation."

Without hesitation, Lei Xiao recounted the analysis just now.

"My lord, are you saying that the enemy will attack the city directly from the ground?"

After listening to Lei Xiao's concise introduction, Orr was shocked and swallowed involuntarily.

It is conceivable that since the opponent has chosen this kind of surprise strategy, the two legions dormant underground must be carefully selected elite troops.

In Wangxing City, although the residents have been properly placed in the rear, they will not be affected.

However, among our forces staying behind, there are only 5 recruits who have never even been on the battlefield. As for the other 5, they have already gone to the direction of the city wall to support them.

In this case, let alone 2 enemy elite legions, even if there is only one, it can easily defeat our recruits scattered throughout the city.

Once swords and soldiers are everywhere in the city, the morale of the city wall that is flanked by two sides must be greatly affected, and the result is naturally self-evident.

Thinking of this, Orr, the commander-in-chief of Wangxing City, was already sweating profusely nervously, and kept wiping away the beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Fortunately, we have seen through the opponent's trick in time."

Lei Xiao first asked Bai Wei to hand Orr a cup of warm tea, signaling him to calm down, and then asked, "How many open areas are there in the city?"

"Return to Lord Lord, there are two places."

Auer drank the tea in one gulp, and immediately understood what Lei Xiao meant.

Since the enemy chooses to rise from the soil and enter the city, they must not disperse their forces, otherwise they will be easily defeated one by one by our side.

Under this premise, only the open area in the city is convenient for the opponent to gather quickly, and then exert their combat power to the extreme.

In other words, the location where the opponent breaks out must be an open area in the city.

"Lord, these two locations are the central square in front of the City Lord's Mansion, and the airport storage area in the south of the city."

Auer held the teacup and said to Lei Xiao, "Especially the storage area in the south of the city, which is not far from the city wall and has weak defenses. It is also an excellent choice for the other party to steal the house."

"Very good, then deploy all the five recruits in the city to these two areas to form an encirclement situation, and send elite scouts to roam around the area to investigate, and once you find any traces of the enemy, immediately greet them with arrows."

Lei Xiao snapped his fingers lightly, and said to Orr: "At the same time, I will send the main force to sit in the town, trying to kill each other in the bud."

"Obey! Your lord!"

After receiving Lei Xiao's decisive order, Al, who was very excited, stroked his chest and saluted, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Looking at the back of Orr leaving in a hurry, Lei Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, and asked Teresa beside him, "Your Excellency, what do you think of my way of coping?"

"As expected of Your Excellency Ke Qing, you are simply impeccable."

Teresa was not stingy with her praise, and said bluntly: "I seem to understand a little bit why Your Excellency, Ke Qing, has created so many impressive achievements."

"Your Excellency the Holy Maiden has won the prize."

Lei Xiao waved his hand, smiled lightly and said, "I can't afford such praise from Your Excellency the Holy Maiden."

"It's just from the bottom of my heart."

Teresa raised her willow eyebrows, and immediately said solemnly: "Your Excellency, you don't think that everything is all right now, do you?"

"of course not."

Lei Xiao immediately understood what the other person meant, and also suppressed his smile.

"Although marching from the ground is a strange strategy, which is enough to overturn the scale of war, but under the premise that I have solved the disputes between the half-orc army and various places, the other side will never use this tactic alone."

At this point, Lei Xiao's tone became a little more serious: "In other words, the other party will definitely take other insurance measures."

"Other insurance measures?"

Ariel frowned and pondered for a moment, then UU Read Book www.uukanshu.com suddenly enlightened and said: "My lord, do you mean that the other party will also choose to do both this time?"

"That's right, the threats we are about to face are not just the two disappearing legions and the potential fifth-order powerhouses who opened up underground passages."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, then shook his head helplessly and said, "However, we can only block the path of the disappearing legion now. As for the others, we will adapt accordingly at that time."

"In short, everyone must be vigilant, this time the storm will inevitably be more violent than the first one."

After speaking, Lei Xiao made some arrangements to deploy all the main powerhouses, including Teresa, to two places in the south of the city, the airport and the central square.

As for Lei Xiao himself, he stayed in the central square of the city, preparing to see what it was that could dig out an underground tunnel for the army so quickly.

When we came to the central square of the city, Lei Xiao noticed it.

The two new recruits led by Tina and Lai En have blocked the empty central square.

I saw that under the reflection of the cold moon, our soldiers were densely packed with arrows on the strings, and the formation looked quite neat.

These two recruit legions were formed by the backbone of the Blue Rose Knights led by Tina and the Broken Blade Knights led by Yu Lanen.

Lei Xiao had just said hello to the two new army commanders respectively, when the ground under his feet, rocks and rocks trembled, suddenly began to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, there was an unexpected sharp scream.

An extremely huge and dangerous black shadow broke through the ground with a roar, and the momentum can be described as extremely astonishing.