Lord Of The People: My Talent Is 100 Million Points Strong - Chapter 849

Chapter 849

On the horizon in the distance, accompanied by the murderous aura that filled the sky, there was an endless muffled sound that shook the ground.

Winter, winter, winter.

Very rhythmic and exciting.

Even Lei Xiao, who was standing on the top of the city gate, could clearly feel the vibration under his feet.

It was the sound of dense and uniform footsteps, which was especially piercing under the quiet moonlit night, just like the drumbeat of the **** of death, constantly trembling in everyone's heart.

In the blink of an eye, dense figures of soldiers began to slowly appear on the horizon, carrying a fluttering battle flag.

As the figures of the soldiers became clearer, there was also a crisp sound of armor clashing in the orderly heavy footsteps, making the approaching loud noise even more intense.

Not long after, the broad road ahead was covered with black soldiers, like a continuous torrent of steel, with no end in sight.

The war horse neighed, killing intent boiling.

The rows of shiny armor and sharp spear points are extremely dazzling under the silvery white moonlight.

A biting chill continued to emanate from every opponent's soldier.

Then a vast and majestic momentum was formed, like a pair of giant hands strangling the throat, almost suffocating.

Seeing this majestic scene, Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath, trying to suppress the tension in his heart.

Such a spectacular scene of murderous aura, even if he has experienced several large-scale battles, he has never seen it before.

"My lord, in terms of scale, the enemy's 20 siege legions have all arrived."

Auer, the commander in chief of Wangxing City's defense, took a step forward and saluted Lei Xiao, "Our magic cannons are all ready."

"As long as the opponent enters the range, let them taste the strength, and don't hold back anything."

Lei Xiao completely stabilized his mind, and said with blazing eyes: "This will be their grave, and we will engrave the word "stupid" on their epitaph. "

Hearing Lei Xiao's words, the subordinates and soldiers standing around couldn't help but become more excited.

Feeling the exciting atmosphere around him, Lei Xiao's heart was up and down, and there was still a sense of uneasiness reverberating.

As discussed in the previous meeting, the opponent will definitely not attack the city first, but will choose another way to distract our combat power and attention.

However, I have already taken corresponding precautions, and I will never let the other party succeed easily.

As long as I can rely on the geographical advantage to defend Wangxing City, and block all the other roads that the other party has found.

When the opponent's front breaks, it's time for our side to blow the horn of attack.

"My lord, they stopped outside the range of the magic cannon."

Just as Lei Xiao frowned and thought of this, a crisp orange-white voice came to Lei Xiao's ears: "The other party seems to be putting up a defensive formation."

"Set up a defensive formation outside our range?"

Ariel's fair face was full of puzzlement, and she asked in confusion: "The range of our magic cannon is obviously higher than that of ordinary magic cannons. Why would the opponent put up a defensive formation at a position that cannot be reached? Could it be that the opponent Think we will take the initiative to attack?"

"Your Highness, this is absolutely impossible. The opponent's camp has four experienced generals of the kingdom, and I have seen the black lion battle flags of the four generals."

Ju Bai tightly grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, frowned and said: "No matter how you think about it, we will never open the city gate to attack in this situation, so what the other party is worried about is not that we will attack you." Take the initiative."

"So, is the other party planning some kind of conspiracy to prevent it from being forcibly cracked by us?"

Lei Xiao stared at the rows of enemy heavy infantry below the city who were pressing their huge shields into the soil, and nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, fifty or sixty dark and swift figures suddenly leaped into the sky from the opponent's camp, and began to hover vigilantly. Judging from the nimble movements, the speed was even comparable to that of Xiao En and other pterodactyl knights.

"My lord, those are pterosaur golem puppets that were summoned!"

Seeing clearly the murderous figures in the sky, Sarah's voice came to Lei Xiao's ears: "In terms of strength, they are all at the third level, and their magic defense is extremely high!"

At this time, from Sarah's crisp voice, one could clearly hear a touch of uncontrollable tension.

It's no wonder, after all, this descendant of the Loren royal family was just an insignificant mercenary not long ago, and he had never seen a large-scale battlefield at all.

"Don't worry, these little playthings can't shake us a bit."

Lei Xiao patted Sarah's shoulder armor lightly, signaling the other party not to be nervous, and then lifted the 8 Sky Guardians he was carrying into the air.

At the same time, he ordered Sean to lead the pterosaur knight team hidden in Songyin Mountains, and the other 5 teams of ownerless pterosaurs to come.

Although in terms of strength, our air combat power is not as good as the opponent's, but there are tens of thousands of archers holding third-tier longbows and magic arrows on the city wall, enough to make these pterosaur golem puppets dare not approach.

"But having said that, these pterosaur golem puppets that suddenly rose into the air were obviously deployed to counter Xiao En and other pterosaur knights."

Lei Xiao couldn't help curling his lips as he looked at the swift enemy figures constantly circling in the night sky.

Before that, even though he had thought about sending Sean and others to bomb the opponent, he was finally dissuaded by commanders such as Burt and Orr.

After all, the opponent has already suffered a loss before, and there are an unknown number of fifth-order powerhouses in charge, and our air power is relatively limited, so it is obviously difficult to play any role.

"Look, Lord Lord! Two guys in black robes flew out from the opposing camp!"

Chaoyan blinked her big eyes, and said in surprise, "It looks like two large moths!"

"Pay attention to your wording. This is a battle that will determine our lives and deaths. The tension will completely make you scream."

Lei Xiao smiled helplessly, and watched away intently.

Just as Chaoyan said, the two men in black robes had indeed flew out from the opposing camp, one left and one right suspended in mid-air.

I saw the man in black robe on the left, his whole head was covered by a pitch-black hood, and his face could not be seen clearly, but the black magic wings condensed behind him were extremely deep and conspicuous, exuding an extremely dangerous aura. breath.

As for the man in black robe on the right, the magic wings tended to be transparent, and on his fully exposed face was the Brotherhood Shura mask that Lei Xiao was very familiar with.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the other party's bloodshot pure white strange mask exuded a pale light, which was particularly eye-catching.

But what Lei Xiao paid attention to was not the pure white weird mask itself, but the serial number on the mask.

"00003, the third Shura? In terms of momentum alone, he is indeed better than the Nightmare Knight."

Feeling the chilling aura emanating from the opponent, Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath, and then looked at another handsome man in black robe: "So, this is the Black Duke?"

"My lord, the No. 3 man in black robe is at the fifth rank and eight stars, and the one next to him is at the fifth rank and seven stars."

Jiang Li, who had been guarding Lei Xiao's side, took a step forward, frowned and said: "Compared with them, the Dream Demon Knight is simply not in the same weight class."

"Jiang Li, are you sure you can defeat the opponent?"

Lei Xiao turned his head slightly, and then asked.

"Returning to Lord Lord, although the strength of the subordinates is still at the fifth-level and five-star level, but they have the sixth-level staff bestowed by the Lord Lord. As long as the opponent's equipment is not as good as the subordinates, the subordinates are sure to defeat one of them."

Jiang Li nodded heavily, with a serious expression on his face: "But it will take a certain amount of time, because the subordinates don't know exactly what cards the opponent has and what spells they are good at."

"Hearing you say that makes me feel more at ease."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, and continued to observe the other party's every move.

Lei Xiao is not only surrounded by Jiang Li, Hu Zhang and Hong Ye, but also has already launched an absolute defensive barrier, so he doesn't have to worry about the other party's sudden attack.

At this moment, the two people on the opposite side suddenly erupted with an extremely vast aura, like a huge wave, crazily rushing towards the city wall.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield was full of murderous aura, and even the air instantly became extremely viscous, which made the strict formation of our soldiers on the city wall begin to loosen immediately.

Especially some of the recruits who assisted in the defense had never seen such an astonishing aura. Many of them even felt weak on their feet, shaking and about to fall to the ground.

However, after all, there are more than 30,000 fully armed main soldiers of our side standing on the city wall, all of whom have received good training.

Although he fell into a disadvantage all of a sudden, a uniform and powerful momentum immediately offset the killing intent from the opponent's lasing, making the formation re-stabilized.

"Knotweed, Hong Ye, return the other party's killing intent to them."

Lei Xiao nodded to the two fifth-rank powerhouses beside him, and ordered: "The other party is demonstrating and trying to weaken our morale. Naturally, we can't be defeated."

Lei Xiao clearly understood that in the previous battle for the eastern region, the knotweed and the red night had already been completely exposed to the opponent's field of vision, and there was no need to hide anything.

Although the two are inferior to their opponents in terms of strength, they are also fifth-order powerhouses after all, and it is undoubtedly difficult for ordinary soldiers to detect.

"Obey, my lord."

Hu Zhang and Hong Ye took a step forward at the same time, and a majestic and boundless momentum swept towards each other immediately, causing the heavy infantry in the front row to become confused.

"Jie Jie Jie, with the strength of this three-legged cat, are you really planning to die?"

In mid-air, unscrupulous and insolent laughter came from the mask of No. 3 man in black robe.

I saw the hostility in the turbid boy hole that was exposed, and the cold and emotionless voice resounded through the sky: "Don't worry, City Lord Kongqing, I will not ask you to surrender, because you will all die in the tonight." here!"

While the Black Duke at the side was silent, but the murderous aura around him became more and more intense.

"The more incompetent the thing, the louder the howl. This is not true at all."

Lei Xiao let out a disdainful snort from his nasal cavity, and the calm voice spread to the ears of everyone present.

"Since you are planning to kill yourself, we might as well send you off for the last time."

Hearing Lei Xiao's words, the soldiers on the city wall rejoiced again.

"Castle Master Kongqing, it's time for you to be stubborn."

The No. 3 man in black sneered, without saying anything more, he and the Black Duke turned around and returned to the fully constructed defensive formation.

At this time, it can be seen that, except for the densely formed large shield array.

From time to time, streamers flickered above the defensive formation, and it seemed that some kind of defensive magic barrier had also been deployed.

Then, something happened that Lei Xiao didn't expect.

Without any warning, in the opponent's defensive formation consisting of at least 50,000 soldiers, suddenly colorful streamers flashed.

An extremely huge six-pointed star magic circle quickly rose from the ground, causing the surrounding atmosphere to become extremely chaotic immediately.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this giant magic circle, which is at least 500 meters long, has rushed to an altitude of several hundred meters, and began to spin crazily.

This sudden scene was like the sky was filled with a gorgeous aurora in an instant, it was so spectacular and dazzling that Lei Xiao and all the subordinates couldn't help but look sideways.

And the ordinary soldiers around opened their mouths wide, watching the shocking scene overhead.

At the same time, Lei Xiao could clearly feel it.

The originally extremely active energy particles around me began to become thinner and thinner, as if they were forcibly pulled away by something.

"My lord, this is the energy expulsion circle!"

Jiang Li's surprised and dignified voice rang out immediately.

"This kind of tricky magic circle will forcibly pull away the magic energy particles in the entire area, greatly weakening the magic power and casting speed of ordinary magicians, including the deployed magic cannon!"

Hearing Jiang Li's explanation, Ju Bai couldn't help blurting out: "What? Then the advantage of our carefully deployed magic cannon will be completely offset?"

"This is exactly the opponent's purpose. It seems that the opponent has already noticed the number and range of our magic cannons, and it is obviously better."

Lei Xiao clenched his fists unconsciously, his eyes became more serious.

The 1,000 magic cannons deployed on the city wall are a major reliance for him to defend Wangxing City.

If the killing effect and firing frequency are greatly reduced, opponents with the same quantity and quality will undoubtedly rush to the city wall at a very small cost and start a head-on confrontation with our defenders.

It is conceivable that although this will also affect the other party, the blow to our side is fatal.

"Jiang Li, is there a way to break this magic circle?"

Lei Xiao was startled in his heart, and immediately asked.

"Returning to Lord Lord, the eyes of this magic circle are deliberately scattered, and they are located in the central areas of the five defending legions. They must be destroyed at the same time."

Jiang Li's star eyes were full of awe, and he responded: "And this magic circle is obviously cast by a magic scroll, and there are almost no flaws. In other words, unless all the five legions are wiped out, there is no possibility of cracking it. sex."

"So this is the purpose of the opponent's defensive formation?"

Lei Xiao looked at No. 3 man in black robe and the Duke of Black floating below the magic circle, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

However, before Lei Xiao could think of a countermeasure, a series of hasty voice prompts rang out.

After the connection ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the hurried and panicked voices of the left-behind subordinates from all over the place reached Lei Xiao's ears one after another.

"My lord, Luolong City is being attacked by a sudden army!"

"My lord, an unknown army is attacking the territory quickly!"

"My lord, Tiegebao City Lord's Mansion is under attack!"

"My lord, the Lord's Mansion of Songluo City is under attack!"

"My lord, the Lord's Mansion of Fanyin City is under attack!"

Before Lei Xiao could react, the dull horn sounded, and the shouts of killing resounded through the sky.

The densely packed enemy soldiers under the city all showed ferocious faces, and they had already rushed towards Wangxing City like a tide, causing the earth to tremble wildly, and the momentum was extremely alarming.