Lord Of The People: My Talent Is 100 Million Points Strong - Chapter 627

Chapter 627

"Very good, it seems that under my command, there is another powerful general of the kingdom general level."

Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and while leaning down to lift the opponent, he opened the attribute bar of the opponent.

Name: Benson]

Occupation: Battlefield Outlaw]

Rank: Tier 4, 1 star]

Loyalty: 100]

Skill 1: Shattering killing method "active" powerful physical single attack, with additional knockback effect]

Skill 2: One-step ten-kill "active" physical group attack, with additional knockback effect]

Skill 3: Hurricane Bombardment "active" powerful physical single attack, outstanding effect on heavily armored targets]

Skill 4: Wind burst footwork "active" greatly increases one's own speed and consumes a large amount of energy]

Skill 5: Chain Hammer is proficient in "passive" when using chain hammer, moderate damage is increased]

Lei Xiao just opened the attribute bar, and Benson's excited voice sounded again: "Lord Lord, after being promoted to the fourth-order powerhouse, due to the subordinate's ability to control energy, it has reached a new height. "

"So, as long as the energy in the body is wrapped in a special form on the surface of the chain hammer, and then supplemented with a strong impact, even if the enemy is wearing a thick and heavy armor, the subordinates can still cause huge damage without breaking the armor. !"

Speaking of which, Benson's pale face was filled with excitement.

Listening to Benson's excited words, Lei Xiao noticed.

On the opponent's attribute bar, there is indeed a new skill that has an outstanding effect on heavy armor.

"This property bar is really smart."

With a sigh in his heart, Lei Xiao, who closed the attribute bar, then said to the Lord of Luolong City in front of him: "Okay, Benson, the curse of death on you has just been lifted, and you have been promoted to the fourth tier. Take a good rest and consolidate in the light healing center for a night."

"Follow your orders! Lord Lord!"

Benson touched his chest and saluted, and then, accompanied by Ye Cang, re-entered it.

The two had just left when Randall, who had an excited look on his face, came up to him, bowed to Lei Xiao and saluted, "Lord Lord, this subordinate also wants to live in the Bright Healing Center tonight, please Lord Lord approve! "

"Go, there are six treatment rooms, enough for the two of you."

Looking at the excited look of the mercenary head, Lei Xiao smiled helplessly.

It seemed that seeing so many miracle buildings all at once really made him emotional.

After Randall left happily, Lei Xiao looked at the tower of illusion not far away, and Ariel, who was walking with Chaoyan Baiwei, turned to the Queen's general and said, "Orange white, today you guys The three also live in the territory, there are still two vacancies in the mansion, let Chaoyan and Bai Wei help you arrange it."

"Follow your orders! Lord Lord!"

Hearing the sound, the orange-white gaze moved away from the Bright Healing Station, and hurriedly bowed to lead the way.

For her, who was born as a priest of the Holy Light, this healing type of miracle building is obviously also very attractive.

After all, although she had visited the territory several times before, she had not stayed for too long.

"Okay, you can take a look at it, you don't need to be restrained."

Waving his hand at Orange White, Lei Xiao took his own steps again.

Going straight back to the lord's mansion, Lei Xiao followed the spiral staircase all the way up.

Finally, he stepped into his own lord's suite.

Standing in front of the window of the living room of the suite, looking down, the scene of half of the territory is a panoramic view.

Looking down at the territory, the seven new subordinates, including Randall, Benson, and Bonnie, who were still in amazement, as well as Ariel, Ju Bai, and others, Lei Xiao's eyes were gentle.

At this time, every subordinate's face was full of smiles and peace of mind, and all of this was undoubtedly what he needed to protect.

"It is with this territory that there will be this group of subordinates on the territory, and it is with this group of subordinates that the territory will be safe and sound. I have to say, it is really a wonderful cycle."

Thinking of this in his heart, Lei Xiao's expression became more and more solemn.

Needless to say, judging from the current situation, the road ahead must be full of thorns and dangers, and it is also full of unknowns and uncertainties.

And what he can do is undoubtedly to lead his subordinates to overcome difficulties and go on unswervingly, to find the faintly visible, or the glimmer of dawn that has not yet been revealed.

"It seems that everything in the future still has a long way to go."

"The most urgent thing for me now is to prepare for a head-on war with the eldest prince and the second prince's forces in this area, and then wait for the opportunity to fight for one bang to take control of the entire eastern region."

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao slowly retracted his gaze and began to pace around the huge living room at will.

"In addition, it has been a long time since the battle of Forge Castle at the Gate of Immortality, and there has been no news of the mysterious organization. I have to say that this is what disturbs me the most."

"After all, in the opponent's camp, there are a terrifying number of fifth-order powerhouses, as well as many wanted criminals and lawless people, who have always regarded killing us, other world lords as fun, which has caused huge panic in the lord circle, definitely not What kind of good."

"Not to mention that it not only robbed and killed the archaeological team of Orr, the master of Fanyin City, but also nearly killed Orman at the auction venue."

"The most important thing is that, regardless of the fact that the other party has been wandering in the ancient ruins, the ulterior secret conspiracy, just the possibility that a certain prince has been incorporated into the organization is enough to arouse my high vigilance, which undoubtedly means that , My competition with the other party has turned from the dark to the bright."

"It is conceivable that the other party will not allow it, and I, the "Princess Guest", disrupted his plan to support the prince to the throne. "

At this moment, Lei Xiao could not help frowning slightly.

"Although when I was in Lan Lengbao, I had discussed with Marquis Rose that once the powerful mysterious organization intervened, let Hong Ye disguise as Mr. Wu to deter the other party."

"But if the other party does not take this set, or has mobilized other fifth-order powerhouses, and is ready to compete with the Leng Yan royal family, then the situation between me and the territory will undoubtedly be even more dangerous."

"On this point, judging from the current situation, I can only adapt to the changes and try my best to throw the blame on the old king and Mr. Wu. After all, before this, I had always been cold. The name of the flame royal family."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao's brows stretched out again, and he did not continue to struggle.

Although this is the only uncertain factor at present, in addition to the two fifth-order powerhouses Huzhang and Hongye, there are also many fourth-order powerhouses with decent strength.

Throwing aside those scattered all over the place, only those in the territory and Kongqing Town are Lian, Burt, Ye Cang, Jubai, Ariel, Nanxing, Nanyue, Chaoyan, Xueya, Faxia, and Fang Hai's eleven people, plus all the fifth-order town national-level equipment, is enough to compete with a fifth-order powerhouse.

Moreover, the power of the mysterious organization spreads all over the human race countries, and it is unlikely that they will gather too many fifth-order powerhouses at one time when everything about me is still unclear.

And this is undoubtedly the best time for me to control the eastern region. Once my power has formed a scale, the other party will naturally not dare to attack me and Ariel at will.

At this point, Lei Xiao had already changed his clothes and started to wash.

"Besides, there are still many unsolved mysteries in front of me."

"Let's not talk about the unknown cataclysm that may come at any time, just talking about the blank era is enough to make me curious."

"Such as the "Lost Relic Effect", "Displaced Object Effect" caused by the Era of Empty, the Gods no longer care, the disappearance of the Chosen Son, etc. "

"According to the current clues, although I have already deduced that at that time, it is very likely that there was a war between the continent's ten thousand races and the gods, and the gods were divided into two camps, and some gods stood in the ten thousand races. On the one hand, it is still impossible to explain any of the above mysterious effects and the blank age itself."

Lei Xiao, who had finished washing up, walked out of the bathroom while thinking about it.

"The thing that puzzles me the most is that our billions of lords have collectively crossed into this world, which one, or those gods, and for what purpose, did the crazy actions? Or what's the difference between them? A well-known shocking secret?"

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, he was already lying on the comfortable big bed.

In an instant, an uncontrollable feeling of exhaustion spread throughout Lei Xiao's body.

"Forget it, don't think too much, just focus on the things in front of you."

"Tomorrow, there are two main tasks for me. One is to check the upper reaches of the Shadow River and find a way to build embankments to store water, so as to make final preparations for a possible war."

"Second, it is naturally a comprehensive upgrade. The first- and second-order equipment that has not been upgraded before in each territory, and the treasure house that has not been upgraded in the city lord's mansion of individual territories, it is urgent to completely change the clothes of the territories..."

Thinking about it, Lei Xiao's breathing gradually became steady and regular.

In the early morning of the next day, when it was still dark outside and the two moons were in the sky.

Lei Xiao was woken up by the sudden sound of chanting.

In addition to his doubts, Lei Xiao sat up from the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and answered the words.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the Wing Dragon Knight Captain Sean came into Lei Xiao's ears: "Sorry for disturbing the Lord's rest, but the situation is urgent, and the subordinates can't care so much..."

"It's okay, what happened?"

Hearing the panic in the other party's voice, Lei Xiao's expression froze, and he immediately asked.

"Reporting to the lord, thousands of skeletons of beasts have suddenly appeared here, and they are slowly gathering. Among them, there are also a large number of skeletons of flying monsters, circling in the sky!"

I just listened to Sean lowering his voice a bit, and continued: "Also, this number is still increasing rapidly!"

After a pause, Sean added: "Lord Lord, if your subordinates guessed correctly, a huge army of undead is rapidly gathering!"


Hearing the sound, Lei Xiao, who had just put a light spar on the bedside table, became more solemn.

Sean's current location is in the Baibu Mountains not far from the territory.

It is not only the new lair of the pterosaurs, but also the location of the mysterious cave before.

Moreover, the surrounding terrain at that location is relatively steep, which is obviously difficult for ordinary people to reach.

And the skeletons of land-travelling beasts that can appear there will undoubtedly be able to climb over the mountains and reach the location of the territory.

"How can an army of thousands of undead appear out of thin air? Is the location of the territory exposed?"

"No, it's impossible. If the location of the territory is exposed, it's impossible for the other side to gather troops at that location. This is obviously unreasonable."

"It is conceivable that once such a momentum is discovered by our side, as long as we destroy the road down the mountain, the other side's land army will naturally be useless."

At this time, Lei Xiao, who was already dressed neatly, continued to think while walking out of the lord's suite.

"Could it be that the owner of that mysterious cave has returned?"

"But, why did the other party do this? Is it because they found out that the cave was broken into, and then wanted to revenge in anger?"

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao shook his head helplessly, and then asked the captain of the pterosaur knight: "Sean, how are you now?"

"Go back to the lord, the subordinates and others are hidden in the nearby pterosaur lair, and have not been discovered by the other party."

Immediately after, ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Sean's deliberately lowered voice came over again.

"Very good, closely monitor each other's movements, I will bring someone to come later."

After temporarily closing the call with Sean, Lei Xiao, who had come to the entrance of the stairs, went down quickly.

Again, through reciting words, he contacted all the main subordinates and the commanders of each squadron, ordered everyone to gather in the lobby on the first floor, and raised the alert level of the territory to the highest level.

Of course, Lei Xiao also informed Chuan Gu and Shi Feng, the leaders of the two subservient races.

In a short time, in the brightly lit hall on the first floor, all the main subordinates and commanders under Lei Xiao's command were already fully dressed and appeared in front of Lei Xiao, who was at the top.

For commanders who all have storage rings and can quickly change their outfits, wearing armor is no longer a burdensome task.

"Report to the lord, according to your instructions, the highest level of alert has been sounded in the territory, and the soldiers are arriving at their posts one after another!"

I saw Rogge, the military commander-in-chief of the territory at the next position, stepped forward and bowed to Lei Xiao.

"Very well, that's how it goes..."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao simply repeated what Sean had just said.

After listening to Lei Xiao's description, a look of surprise appeared on the faces of the subordinates.

In the vicinity of the territory, there was a sudden army of undead, which had to make one's heart tremble.

After all, only five tiers of necromancers are capable of manipulating thousands, or even tens of thousands of undead troops.

"Okay, each commander is in the territory, and the other main forces are subordinate, follow me to see what's going on."

Nodding to the subordinates, Lei Xiao immediately ordered.