Lord Of The People: My Talent Is 100 Million Points Strong - Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Hearing this, Bert and Jubai, who were in the next position, showed a sudden realization.

It turned out that the reason why the attitude of the other party changed so quickly was that the pit had been dug here long ago.

From this, it can be seen that the other party obviously noticed something.

Even, it has been guessed that Princess Ariel's living environment in the capital is getting more and more severe.

Realizing this, the two couldn't help but sigh one after another.

It seems that the new city owner of Kongqing Town is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than expected.

However, according to the rumors, the other party is just a lord of another world who has arrived not long ago, and the news should be very closed.

Why do you know so much about the current affairs of the Cold Flame Kingdom? Simply incredible.

"Didn't this princess just say it again? Since... Naturally, it is for the Leng Yan royal family where I am on an envoy."

Another year, Ariel still had a natural expression on her face, pretending to be calm and composed.

However, judging from the fingers of the hand holding the delicate pendant on his chest, it was almost completely white due to the force.

Her heart was obviously not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Keenly aware of this, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

He put on a resolute expression and said, "Well, if that's the case, then I have to send someone to forcibly send everyone back to the capital."

"Wait...wait a minute!"

On the other side, Princess Ariel finally couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly said, "This princess suddenly remembered, in fact, we are here, there is indeed another matter."

"I'd like to hear the details." Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao raised his hand slowly, signaling the other party to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Ariel, who looked a little dignified, continued, "You must have heard of it, right?

Recently, several of my brothers have been active in the capital, and they often greeted each other with weapons, which made the whole capital a little lively.

And my father, due to his advanced age and serious illness, did not have time to take care of his elder brothers. "

Having said that, Princess Ariel supported the splendid princess crown on top of her head, and for a while, her complexion seemed a little gloomy.

However, this cowardly look was fleeting.

Immediately afterwards, a touch of grace and elegance resurfaced on her delicate cheeks: "All in all, this princess is a person who likes to be quiet, and naturally she doesn't want to stay in the place of right and wrong that fights and kills every day.

Therefore, just take the opportunity of this mission to come out and relax. "

After listening to the other party's description, Lei Xiao raised the porcelain cup and took a sip of the fragrant tea newly added by the maid, while showing a thoughtful look.

There is no doubt that, although from Ariel's understatement, it seems that there is not so much chaos in the capital of the Lengyan King.

However, based on the panicked expression of the other party who didn't want to go back to the capital just now, let's analyze it further.

The matter is obviously much more serious than what the other party said.

"After all, the other party is a member of Leng Yan's royal family, so his wording is naturally more rigorous than others.

If I expected it right, the battle for the throne in the Lengyan Capital Capital should have entered a white-hot stage.

Even, Ariel's own life has been threatened. "

Gently putting down the teacup in his hand, Lei Xiao glanced at Ariel who was pretending to be calm, and continued to think.

"Furthermore, as for why the other party chose to come to this Kongqing Town, it is actually quite understandable.

Once I came here, it was a small remote town, 108,000 miles away from the capital. Even if the capital suddenly attacked, there would be relatively sufficient time to react and prepare.

The second is my identity, a lord of another world who has just arrived.

Undoubtedly, among all Leng Yan City Lords, he is the only one who can confirm that he has not joined any prince's camp. "

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao tapped lightly on the metal armrest on the throne with his fingers, and glanced at Ariel again.

"So, as the opponent of Leng Yan's fifth princess, she chose to come to this Kongqing Town.

Obviously, to the maximum extent, he can ensure that he will not be plotted against the city lord who secretly joined a certain prince's camp.

After all, the only people who want her to disappear are these princes who also have the right to inherit the throne.

The above two conditions, coupled with the opportunity to send an envoy to Kongqing Town, made this Leng Yan's fifth princess naturally not easily missed.

It seems that this should be the real motive of the other party to come here. "

Realizing this, I saw the corner of Lei Xiao's mouth, and he couldn't help but raise a few points, and said to himself: "Of course, although the other party's small abacus is cracking.

However, as I thought before, this is obviously a once-in-lifetime opportunity for my side.

Not only can you further understand a lot of information about the Leng Yan royal family.

Even with Ariel's hand, it is not impossible to control the entire Cold Flame Kingdom. "

At this time, in addition to being a little throbbing, Lei Xiao's eyes swept back and forth on the people in the next position, and a dignified expression appeared on his face.

"By the way, correspondingly, if this Princess Ariel stays here for too long.

Then, it is bound to attract the attention of other princes.

Even, it cannot be ruled out that these people sent a large number of spies and killers to infiltrate the city to collect intelligence and assassinate the possibility.

At that time, Kongqing Town will naturally become the target of those princes and their subordinate forces.

Therefore, oneself must develop enough to confront it before that moment comes, in order to better deal with such a crisis.

Perhaps, this is the so-called coexistence of opportunities and challenges.

I believe that a lot of interesting things will happen by then. "

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao lifted his spirits, and while playing with the teacup in his hand, said to Ariel: "Okay.

Since the dear fifth princess has already told the true purpose.

Then ~www.mtlnovel.com~ we can be regarded as people standing in the same boat.

Please move on, and I will let the maids take you to your respective rooms.

When the banquet starts, I will send someone to inform you. "

Hearing this, Princess Ariel and the two kingdom generals suddenly showed puzzled expressions again.

The other party went around in such a big circle, and that's the end? Don't you want to ask something else?

I have to say that the young new city owner in front of me is really hard to understand.

In addition to doubts, Princess Ariel and her party, led by several maids, began to walk upstairs to the City Lord's Mansion.

When the princess and the others left inexplicably, there were already only their subordinates left in the hall.

At this moment, Lei Xiao rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought again.

In order to be foolproof, next, he has to make two layouts before he can further obtain other information from Ariel.