Looking For You All My Life - Looking For You All My Life Part 129

Looking For You All My Life Part 129

dering the very same thing too," said Abigail with a maternal

sort of concern.

Scott nodded. "She's going to wear an old turn-of-the-

century gown that was her great~grandmother's. I haven't

seen it yet, but Chloe says it's absolutely gorgeous. He

frowned doubtfully. "I just hope it doesn't fall to pieces

before the night is over."

"Chloe's smart about these things," said Maggie. "I'm

sure she knows exactly what she's doing."

"I was talking to a friend of mine with a

said Abigail. "She has some lovely white tea roses that are

budding right now, and should just be starting to open by

then. They're very old-fashioned and sweet, and they would

make a beautiful bouquet."

"Maybe you should call Chloe," suggested Maggie. "Or

better yet, why don't you come to the meeting at my house


Abigail grinned happily. "I know exactly how Audrey

feels. I love weddings too!"

"I think Chloe's in good hands, Scott." Maggie turned on

her computer. "And somehow you guys just might be able to

pull this thing off."

Looking for You All My Life203

During her noon hour, Maggie walked over to the fitness

center with plans to work out and hopefully relieve some

stress. Already this morning she'd been personally presented

with a petition signed by many, though not all, of the local

contractors demanding that the newspaper back down from

its opposition to Pine Mountain Estates or lose their ads to

another paper. Maggie wondered, were they thinking of the

Conservative Code? If so, that would make Randy Ebbert

awfully happy. Maybe he'd call up and thank her.

It was the first time she'd been in all week, and she was

curious about Cherise's reaction to Greg quitting his post-

master job. Their marriage already seemed fairly unstable;

adding more financial stress wouldn't help it any. But

Cherise seemed happier and perkier than ever as she flitted

around helping her customers. And the fitness center was

busier than usual with nearly a dozen people all working Out

at the same time. Maggie actually had to wait several times

for the various machines before she could complete her own


Just after she finished a quick shower and was about to

leave, Cherise came over to greet her. "Gosh, I've missed

you, Maggie! Sorry I didn't get over to say hi to you sooner,

but can you believe how busy it is here? This is fantastic!"

"Yes, I'm so glad for you. That special coupon you had

in the paper last month must really be working."

"It is! The timing couldn't be better."

Maggie nodded as she took a sip from her water bottle.