Little One Tears the Villain’s Script - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Is Ultraman OK? (3)

After hearing the whole story, Jiang Xiumei said, Theyre lucky they didnt meet me, or I would beat them up too!

Only then did Jiang Xing finally escaped the beating.

Reading really made people wise. This trick was also something he learned after immersing himself in books lately.

In ancient times this was called shifting the waters of disaster to the east. In modern times, this was called shifting the blame.

It was very useful.

Not long after the Jiang family house finally calmed down, when the sky started getting dark, someone else appeared again.

It was Hong Xingguo, coming alone.

He secretly followed Jiang Xing here.

Before this, he came to the Jiang family house to take advantage of them. But unexpectedly, after he was released from detainment, the Jiang family had already moved to the city!

Wow! They had a good life, and they didnt even include him! What kind of relative was this? Was this how a person should be?

Hong Xingguo started to make trouble.

But when they cut off their relationship before, Jiang Xiumei spread the word that his family had already received money from the Jiangs. If they came again in the future, that would be utterly shameless.

Both the men and the women in the village were all chatterboxes, and the story had spread far and wide long ago. Not only did he fail in causing trouble, he even got a visit from the village chief.

The village chief felt that he was being a nuisance and brought a few strong men to throw their family out until they didnt dare to cause trouble anymore.

But Hong Xingguo had not given up yet.

The monk can run, but the temple cant run with him.

He didnt know where the Jiang family had moved to in the city, but he knew where the logistics team was, so he went there to cause trouble.

After a few days of causing trouble, there were finally some results.

He got beaten up.

Being beaten up was also go. He could blackmail or bluff someone.

Jiang Xing was finally forced to go back.

Hong Xingguo couldnt get any advantage in their dispute. Other than causing trouble at the logistics team and the mine, Hong Xingguo also secretly kept tabs on Jiang Xings actions.

Seeing him going home to the city early in the morning, Hong Xingguo followed him.

He finally found out where the Jiang family was!

Unfortunately, his face was full of disbelief when he stood in front of their door.

This, was this really the Jiang familys house in the city?

Why was it so old and shabby? It was even worse than a house in the village! Was there something wrong with their head?

Hong Xingguo felt dizzy.

Was the Jiang familys life actually not as good as the stories circulating outside? Was it all just boasting? Did he get beaten up for nothing?

Otherwise, how would you explain this house? It was too shabby! It couldnt even compare to his! It was so bad he wouldnt even want it if they gave it to him!

Hong Xingguo felt bamboozled.

He yelled outside the Jiang family house. This rotten family! You no-good thing! Keep bragging without reflecting on your own situation! Still pretending to be a boss? The way I see it, youre going to go bankrupt and run away by tomorrow!

He cursed Jiang Xing indiscriminately but still couldnt vent all his anger. Hong Xingguo kicked the door with his foot and shouted, You kid caused this old one to get beaten up. This debt isnt settled yet!

He was yelling so much at the door that the people inside could hear him.

Jiang Xiumeis face turned as dark as a pots belly, and she went straight to the kitchen to grab a knife.

Mom, please calm down! Jiang Xing still wanted to hold her back.

At this time, Hong Xingguo started looking for death again.

He continued to curse, Still bringing home a wild seed from who knows where. You treat a wild child better than your own family! Somethings wrong with your head!

Jiang Xing was very angry and rushed out. He slammed the door and pinned Hong Xingguo with the door panel. Thinking that he could not let the ears of Xiaoman inside get polluted by his foul words, he covered up his mouth with all his strength and shouted loudly, Mom! Mom, hurry up! I already covered his mouth. Beat him up!

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