Life, Once Again! - Chapter 977. Crank Up 8

Chapter 977. Crank Up 8

When he came to, it was 2 a.m. Giwoo looked down at his hand. He had been clenching so hard that nail marks remained on his palms. He had the upper hand. Regardless of what Maru said, he just had to ignore it all and just wait for him to get impatient. He thought that it was a game that couldn’t be reversed by any means.

He emptied the cocktail that had turned completely transparent because the ice had melted. That guy actually came out with a strong move. He uttered a fact that he must not and turned the tables around. As the balance shifted to that guy’s side so rapidly, Giwoo was unable to get a chance to take action. He felt like he was swept up by a large tide. The only thing he could do was wait for the waves to calm down.

In the end, everything went and ended as that guy wanted. That guy probably had the expression of a victor when he stood up. This was how it always was. When Giwoo got involved with him, everything always went wrong. Even though he thought he had prepared for everything, that guy always managed to attack the right spots as though he was making a fool out of him....