Legends Of Varlaurea: The Dragon Emperor - 14 The Misty Fox Of The Bamboo Forest 2

14 The Misty Fox Of The Bamboo Forest 2

The investigate team heading to the scene of the latest case ere break of day, after several hours of searching for clue the 2 taosihs cannot find anything significant. But when they search the surrounding area, Hunter Tao, the older of the 2 hunters spot some fox footprints come from the north. He said there are something strange about these footprints, these fox footprints may seem normal to the untrained eyes but to his eyes, they are a little big for a fox. The old hunter also said, he was one of the hunter who found the tailor's body, he does noticed some fain fox's tracks around the body. And in the case of the teen girl, he had seen a lot of fox footprints among the teen girl footprints all heading to a same direction. At that time he did not find is strange because there are a lot of fox in the bamboo forest. Taosih Yung think this may have connection, so the team heading to the spot where the tailor's body been found. When they arrived at the place the 2 taosihs can sense a faint lingering trace of magic in the area and the bamboo tree, they keep searching the surround area in hope of finding more clue. Then suddenly mist came out of nowhere engulfed the area, the mist is so thick they barely see anything beyond one's arm length. A guard starting to feel anxious, and calling for everyone. Hearing that, Captain Vu, the Town Guard Captain try to calm him down and tell everybody follow his voice to regroup. And that is when Taosih Hai sense something moving in the mist toward them, thought Taosih Hai see what exactly it is but he can sense that something's qigun aura and a strong one.

"Captain Vu, I can sense something, do you sense it Yung?" Taosih Hai said

"yes, is come from the north" taosih Yung answered as he sense that strong aura of qigun moving toward them then stop and stand still at about 10 lias from them.

"what is it, can anyone see it?" Pu An the younger hunter asked.

"come out, identified yourself." Taosih Yung said to the ent.i.ty in the mist who the qigun aura belong to, but only silent answered him. Then the aura starting to move around the team, and kept circling them, as if it observing them, studying them. And out of sudden, a scream broke the veil of silence, the anxious guard started screaming in panic, saying there are spiders, giant spiders coming out of the mist trying to attack him. Everyone rush to the direction of the screaming, Taosih Yung is the first to saw the panicking guard, but he dare not approach him as the guard was flailing his sword maniacally at the air around him. Captain Vu arrived a second late and try to calm the guard down, but the panicking guard shrieking in fear as he saw Captain Vu came close to him, he thrush his sword in the captain chest and run into the mist. Taosih Yung rush to the captain side as he collapse on the ground, try to help Captain Vu but it was too late, the captain had die, the blade had pierced through his heart. A minute late, hunter Tao and hunter Pu An and the other 4 guards came, Taosih Yung explain what happened to Captain Vu to them as the mist starting to disperse, and that is when they realized Taosih Hai is nowhere to be found.