Legacy Of Forgotten Times - 4 The Reality

4 The Reality

Once Max or rather 'Linri' heard his father's voice he come out of the kind of trance he was in.

"Ye-Yeah. I am okay.... I just need to take a shower and get this nightmare out of my head. Sorry for making you worry dad." said Linri while trying to calm himself.

His father looked at him weirdly but didnt say anything else and left still looking worried.

"Kids these days. They grow up so fast. Now he doesnt even ask for my help anymore. I dont know if I should feel proud or sad"

His father said that in a low voice but not low enough that Max couldnt hear it. At this point he wasnt sure if that was intentional or not.

Once his father or rather Linri's father, Arkady left he quickly locked the door and inspected himself

in the mirror more throughly this time.

The face looking at him was that of a teenager. He had white hair and azure blue eyes. His face was still immature but it was already showing the trace of Linri's handsomeness. I mean its not like he was gonna create an ugly looking character so it was kind of a given but the thought of creating a good looking person kind of made Max feel cringey.

After confirming that he was really Linri next thing Max wanted to do was confirm if this was the actual reality and not another nightmare. He knew that pain was catalyst to waking up most of the time so he cut the tip of his fingers with the scissors he found on the counter. It hurt a little but he still didnt wake up.

Max was still not convinced but then he remembered a fact he heard in one of his lectures. He wasnt sure about this but he remembered the proffesor saying something like this.

'Humans cant read while dreaming because reading is the function of right side of the brain while dreaming is the function of the left side of the brain'

The only reason he could remember this was because he was a literature geek himself so this fact had left an impression on him back when he first heard about it.

So Max searched for a shampoo bottle or anything with a text on it. He saw a shaving cream on the counter and he started to look through its ingredients.

Max was devestated to see that he could read for the first time in his life. This was the moment it had finally dawned on him that everything here was reality and not some kind of nightmare.

Max was frustrated, angry, sad, all of these things at the same time. He wanted to shout and cry but not a single sound was coming out of his mouth. He just didnt know what to do. So he just opened the hot water in the shower and started to cry silently.

Everything was gone. His family, his friends, his girlfriend and his LIFE! He was not Maxwell Walker anymore. He was Linri Harclaw. The person who had s.n.a.t.c.hed everything from him; and he was forced to live his life. This was the moment Max, no! 'Linri' had made an oath that he was going to take back everything he owned along with that b.a.s.t.a.r.ds life!


After getting out of the shower Linri was still feeling like c.r.a.p but he at least had a sense of direction

of whats going on now. So he tried to remember everything related to club or rather this world and Linri. He put on a black s.h.i.+rt and pants. Normally he would hate this color but right now it didnt seem too bad. His hand searched for his father's military tag but couldnt find it and Linri became restless. That was just another reminder to him that this was not his world anymore.

"Linri breakfast is ready! Dont make me come up there"

This voice was foreign to him but Linri still instictively knew who it was. She was Linri's mother Lyra Harclaw. He had created her as a prodigy Kitsune who had to ran away from home after uncovering some sorta 'secret'.

Even Linri himself didnt know what kinda secret that was because he never got around to flesh out her character. She was just a background character in Linri's and Arkady's backstories.

In the Autumnfall Highschool RP club you could only role play with 2 characters, 1 Teacher and 1 student. His student character was obviously Linri and as for his teacher character he had decided upon using Arkady because his concept was cooler. At least back in his edgy and somewhat cringey RP days it felt like it was cooler.

"Linri dont make your mother angry afterall you are not the one who has to deal with her" said Arkady sarcastically.

It was obviously a joke but Linri could swear that he heard a loud *tong* noice.

Ofcourse the victim was his father Arkady. Linri had based this character on his real life father. That was also one of the reasons why he had favoured him compared to Lyra.

Arkady was from a large Werewolf Clan known as Arctic Wolves. He was actually the son of the Alpha. He had met Linri's mother when she had requested the Arctic Wolves mercenary company. At the time Linri had felt that making werewolves as mercenaries made sense because he had also given them a bloodl.u.s.t so they had to periodically kill to keep their sanity.

He wasnt sure about this part but Arkady might be the only one who survived from the mission which started as a 6 men cell. After that He fell in love with Lyra and left the clan which angered the Alpha and now they were hunted both by the Kitsune and Werewolf clans.

Linri finally arrived at the breakfast table and saw Lyra for the first time. She had long white hair and she also possed crystal blue eyes. This kinda explained where Linri's feautures come from. As the creator himself he had never paid attention to these details. The other important aspect was eventhough she was supposed to be at least 35 years old she still looked around in her early 20s. If they saw Linri and Lyra side by side most people would think they were siblings.

After looking at her for awhile Linri couldnt help but remembering from his own mother and tearing up a little again. After that he got up and hugged Lyra. Whether he liked it or not she was Linri's mother and honestly right now he needed love no matter who it was from.