Legacy Of Forgotten Times - 138 You Have Demons On Your Fast Dial!?

138 You Have Demons On Your Fast Dial!?

"What the f.u.c.k did you just say?" Leslie was fuming with anger. Her face was contorted. Right, she had a trauma about demon summonings. Six got ready to lunge at Leslie but Linri signalled him to stop.

"I deserved that, I definitely deserved. But can you let me go first? I was talking about a different kind. An astral projection to be exact. I am sure that Baal must have given him an incantation to summon his image in here when Tory is done with his mission. We are going to use that so not a summoning in the literal sense, am I right Tory?"

Of course, this was totally Linri's own speculations from reading lots of myths and most importantly light novels. In the club, Tory never killed Brie as Diego didn't want to do it and especially make Spark angry. Still, that didn't mean that he was going to take any chances. Linri wanted to nip the bud and destroy his killing intent in the first place. Well, worst comes to worst he can still kill him in The Game event so it wouldn't even matter if he failed.

Tory was still laughing unaware of the question he was just asked. Linri had managed to break his will. Too bad he didn't try to commit suicide like Zero.

Jaime stabbed him in the shoulder when he didn't answer.

"Do. You. Know. Of. A. Way.To. Summon. Baal's. Shadow" said Jaime while twisting her katana. Woah, things went dark pretty quick.

Tory woke up from his crazed state and started to scream in pain.

"Yes, Yes I do. So get the sword out of me please!" Tory begged Jaime. She pulled out her sword and blood splattered everywhere. d.a.m.n, it was going to be hard to clean it off from the carpet.

"Wait, wait. Don't start just yet. I know I was the one to come up with the plan but it is too dangerous to just trust him"

"What do you suggest then?" Luke asked.

"Let me make a phone call and talk invite the old pervert Richard here. He is a dark mage so he should be more experienced when it-"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Linri was creeped out by the coincidence. WTF! Don't tell me that just calling his name summoned Richard here? After all, TBB was known to pop out with his characters when their names were mentioned.

Linri slowly walked towards the door and opened to see... nothing? He looked left and right but there was no one in the hallway.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Holy Jesus Christ Mary and Josef! Where in the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l is this knocking coming from?

"Boss I think it was the window" said Lance and went to open it.

Richard pulled himself up from the ledge and crawled inside the room. He dusted his clothes before speaking.

"What's up? I heard someone mentioning my name- Oh dang, are you guys thinking about murdering this poor little soul?" said Richard after noticing Tory in the chair with a b.l.o.o.d.y wound on his shoulder.

"Look, kid. I know your mom and I are tight but I can't just cover up a murder just because we are fellow gentleman" Linri just rolled his eyes to Richard's remark.

"Nope, no murder going on here even though I thought about it. Before giving me a look for admitting it I have to remind you where the other half of my blood is coming from. Anyway, what the h.e.l.l was that? Are you like freaking b.l.o.o.d.y Mary? Appearing out of nowhere just because I mentioned your name?"

"Come on don't be like that! She is a good kid. Here, how about I arrange a meeting with her? I think you can be great friends! You haven't heard it from me but she is kinda lonely and needs friends. She still hasn't adapted to the school life in here"

A pocket mirror materialised in Richard's hand.

"b.l.o.o.d.y Mary. b.l.o.o.d.y Mary. b.l.o.o.d.y Mary"


Nothing happened which disappointed him. Also, why didn't he remember a character designed after her? Was she also one of the characters that were just created and forgotten afterwards?

A claw jumped out of the mirror in Richard's hand! Richard dropped the mirror onto the ground and Mary slowly crawled through the mirror. Her face was covered by her long black hair and she was wearing a white long dress.

"You called for me princ.i.p.al?" said Mary before inspecting the room.

"Do you want me to toss the body into the gla.s.s dimension?" she said after pointing towards the Tory who was about to pa.s.s out. He never imagined that his day would turn out like this. Just what kind of a crazy-a.s.s place was this? They were summoning demons left and right. If Tory was scared for his life before now he was scared for his soul. Yes, they were going to torture him for eternity. He shouldn't have come here.

Tory pa.s.sed out in the chair and foam started to come from his mouth.

*Smack* *Smack*

"Hey. Hey! Wake up!" Linri slapped him awake.

"Please don't hurt me!" Tory covered his face with his arms and his gla.s.ses fell to the floor.

"Mary-Ann how many times do I have to tell you? We don't murder people at school. I just called here to mingle with the other students. Go on then, pip pip" Mary looked around the room. Linri couldn't see her face but she seemed to be nervous. She walked next to Brie who was standing next to Jaime.

"Soooo do you torture people a lot?"

"Eek!" Brie let out a little yelp before hiding behind Linri. Mary lowered her head. She looked sad. Wait? Did he just sympathise with an old demon? Curse this world for its skewed sense of humour that made him sympathise with the G.o.dd.a.m.n b.l.o.o.d.y Mary!

"Anyway Princ.i.p.al Richard. I called you here for a different reason"

"Call me Richard"

"Okay. Old Pervert Richard I called you here because of this. You see this guy here is her older brother. He made a pact with Baal for power. Baal demanded the blood of his family. He killed everyone except her. He came here to kill her and complete the pact. I caught him. Now I want to summon Baal to prove him that he didn't need to kill them and instead just offer their blood. You with me so far?" Richard inspected Tory up and down.

"And you called me because?"

"To make sure that nothing goes wrong and we don't accidentally summon it here and cause a schoolwide ma.s.sacre. You are the darkness elemental right? You should be good at this stuff no?"

"Yeah sure"

"Yeah sure? Wait wait wait! I know I am the one who asked for it but aren't you supposed to be a responsible teacher and discourage us from doing something like that"

Richard started to laugh so hard that his eyes teared up.

"Oh, man! Nice joke. Exactly what part of me seems responsible. You are definitely Lyra's son. You both have the same sense of humour" said Richard while wiping the tears of his face.

"Anyway just give me a second. I need to find Baal number" said Richard while searching his phone.

"Here it is. Ann if you please?" said Richard and Mary-Ann created a mirror on the wall.

"Hang on a minute. You have Baal's number on your phone?"

"Yeah, don't you? Most of the residents of h.e.l.l and I are tight. Even Ann here agreed to attend the school just because I asked her to. She is a gla.s.s demon you see" explained Richard and Mary-Ann nodded her head.

The mirror slowly turned dark, then the image of a h.e.l.lscape covered in flames appeared. Soon a demon was seen. He had the typical look of a devil. He was wearing a suit and two giant horns were protruding from his head.

"Hey Big B how are ya?"

"Why did you call Richard? I still have souls to torture. If it is about the poker night I told you I won't be coming as long as that disgusting Beelzebub attends. He cheats so blatantly but when you say it he just rages and flips the table"

"No no no it's not about that. Also, I totally agree with you on that part. Even Asmodai agrees that he is too toxic but we can't do anything. You know that he is the brother-in-law of Paimon and he is the one hosting it. We can't just not invite him"

"Princ.i.p.al?" Mary-Ann reminded from the side about the purpose of their call.

"Oh, right. Anyway we called you about a pact you made with this little kid" said Richard while lifting Tory who was about to pa.s.s out again.

Baal's eyes constricted. His hatred for the Alkatraz family was too deep. He didn't want to remember the day when he was their slave.

"Look Richard even for you I can't cancel the renege on our contract. You know what they did to me!" Baal shouted while clutching the arm of the throne.

"Nope, we are here to conclude the pact. Here" said Richard and draw blood from Brie and Tory with spikes that materialised from darkness. Then he sent the two drops of blood to the mirror.

"This should suffice no?" Baal had an ugly expression on his face.

"No! I want them dead!" screamed Baal. The flames behind roared.

"You might want them dead but that wasn't the deal. The deal was offering their blood not killing them" said Linri. Richard patted him on the head.

"What he said"

Baal was breathing heavily. Then his expression eased.

"Fine but you can't ask me for a favour anymore Richard" then he shot something from his hand and it travelled through the mirror to hit Tory on the forehead. A blood-red pentagram materialised on his forehead with ancient runes and slowly faded.

"Kid, if you dare to summon me one more time you will be dead" said Baal before cutting off the call.