Legacy Of Forgotten Times - 131 What To Do?

131 What To Do?


Name: [Areathy Revane(?)]

Health: 100 / 100

Prana: 0 / 200

Stamina: 190 / 200

Age: [16]

Race: [???]


[2 x Exceptional Strength(?)]

[0.7 x Below-average Speed(?)]

[0.3 x Inferior Agility(?)]

[0.1 x Cursed Spirit]

[1 x Average Endurance]

[3 x Superior Physical Recovery(?)]

[0.1 x Cursed Spirit Recovery]

PrimaryAbility: [None]


Thankfully their speed-related stats were lower than his... at least on the surface. After what had happened with Zero, Linri knew that he could not trust this cursed thing. On the other hand, it seems like these students really were dead. At least from what he remembered Areathy's attributes shouldn't be like this. Her Spirit related stats ere too low. In the club, Spirit attribute symbolised three different things. First of all, your maximum prana capacity. Secondly, your willpower and lastly your intelligence. Again your character is only as smart as you are, so this intelligence represented how fast they can learn a new subject.

Just to be sure Linri appraised another zombie before continuing to run at full speed. Their stats were the same so it was safe to a.s.sume that they all had the same attributes. Okay, so they were not fast. Well, at least not as fast as him. So how can you escape from a zombie chase? Leave the school? That's certainly a good idea. He could use the forest as a cover while running away and he could even start a forest fire and annihilate everything. Though that would take some time, I mean it was not like once a tree started to burn the whole forest would catch fire immediately.

So Linri did just that and ran towards the main gates. When he was about to take the path heading down-hill, zombies jumped out behind the trees. They really liked this tricks those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! He was about to have a heart attack because of them. He was not even 40 yet!

Linri changed his direction once again. He would not be able to escape the school so what else can he do? What do people do in disasters? Hide inside bunkers? Well, the school technically had a bunker but it was inside the school and he was sure that it was infested by now.

What else do they do in case of emergencies? Call the police? Like that would help! Plunder stores? Nope, that was still not it, though he would not mind playing the bandit and steal all those attribute boosters. Go into the high ground! Yes, he could go to the school rooftop and barricade the door but that was only a temporary solution. Still, it would at least give him time to a.n.a.lyse his situation and come up with a plan of escape.

By the time he had made this decision, he was already running towards the main gate.

"Umm, where are we going?" Oh yeah, she was still here. Linri wondered if he should just throw her to the zombies as a distraction. She did not do anything besides bringing him trouble, this way at least she would be somewhat useful.

"To the rooftop" Linri said as he dodged from a zombie's claws. He was getting tired and he needed to reach there as fast as he could. It did not help that he was carrying another person too. Thankfully, she was on the lighter side. Linri would definitely throw her if she was fat. No, this was not fat-shaming! He did not have the stamina to carry someone heavy and he would definitely not risk his life for them by staying behind. And if you were to say 'what should she die just because she was fat?', his answer would be 'Yes, yes she should!'. He did not have any responsibility to help her. His own life came first. Call him a sc.u.mbag, hypocrite or whatever you wanted. No one would help another person in danger unless you were a blood relative. As for the ones who do, they always end up dead! Well, not always but you catch the drift.

He also couldn't help but curse at that d.a.m.n skeleton b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Couldn't he have found a better time to attack? I mean he was the G.o.d of death and all but still! Wait, if this was really Udcek's attack where was he? Did he have to kill all these zombies before encountering the last boss? I mean it was a fact that he would not be able to escape here.

Autumnfall was private property and no one would come to his aid. Even if he hid on the rooftop so what? Were the zombies going to magically disappear? h.e.l.l no! They would not leave until they killed him. Then Linri looked at Natsumi in his arms. He could understand the fact that he was not affected by Udcek's magic but why was she still fine and not like the others?

Linri entered through the main gate and as he expected the place was crawling with zombies. He made his way to the second floor and dropped Natsumi to the ground. Before they headed for the rooftop, he needed to make a quick stop.

The floor had a couple of zombies but not as much as the ones from the ground floor. Linri quickly finished them off with fireb.a.l.l.s.

[Fireball] X 5

After fireb.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t them the zombies quickly turned into ash and dropped to the floor. Mind you, normally a fireball did not have enough strength to one-shot a person. These zombies probably had a weakness towards the fire. It kinda makes sense considering after a person dies their body starts to release various ga.s.ses. Then again it shouldn't be this effective but who cares? This was a fantasy world!

"Wait for me!" Natsumi followed after Linri who was butchering any undead that stood in his way. He really seemed like he was in his element. Did he fight against undead before? Oh, sister! You don't even know half of it.

Linri finally stopped after reaching his destination. The chemistry lab. He opened the door and killed the lone zombie inside with a single fire bullet to the head. He waited for Natsumi to get inside before barricading the door with chairs.

"Why did you block our only exit!?" Natsumi shouted once again. Man, she really was annoying. Didn't she know that you weren't supposed to shout when you are being chased? Now all the zombies in the radius knew where they were.

"Shut up and pick anything with a flammable sign on it" Linri said while opening his backpack. He walked towards the cabinet where chemicals were stored. He tried to open it but the d.a.m.n thing was locked. He didn't hesitate to break its gla.s.s with his [Bracers of Nox MK I]. He started to randomly fill the bottles of chemicals inside his backpack. Well, it was not really random as he had only chosen the flammable ones. His prana was running out fast and he needed other ways to burn those pesky things. On a side note, the smell of burning flesh was disgusting but it was kinda fun to see them all turn to ashes. Wait, was he going through his pyromaniac phase now?

His flamethrower was already half spent and his prana was in an even worse condition. He could not make dynamites with these but it shouldn't be hard to make some Molotov c.o.c.ktails. When Natsumi and Linri were done scouring the room, the zombies were already banging the door. It shouldn't take long before they break it completely.

Their total haul was eleven bottles which made him frown. It was not enough! He did not even know which were only useful for burning or useful for exploding. Anyway, that was not important for now. He just had to throw it at the enemy and shoot flames afterwards problem solved.

"What do we do now?" Natsumi asked nervously. The undead could walk in at any minute now and she did not want to die.

After making sure he did not forget anything Linri closed his backpack and went to the window. His plan was to gather every zombie here and then escape through climbing to the next floor. Thankfully, he was not afraid of heights so he grabbed the downspout next to the window and started to climb. He was leaving Natsumi behind! Once he made it there he broke the gla.s.s and opened the window before pulling himself in.

"How can you leave me here?" Natsumi looked like she was about to cry.

"Relax, I am not that cold-hearted" Linri replied. After making sure there weren't any zombies around he hanged from the window and held out his backpack for Natsumi to grab. Once she grabbed it tightly Linri pulled her upwards. He was out of breath and sweating profusely. That didn't mean they had time for a rest though so they made their way onto the rooftop.

Once they arrived Linri immediately barricaded the door with a pipe. They were finally safe... for now.


Name: [Linri Harclaw]

Health: 100 / 100

Prana: 55 / 200

Stamina: 40 / 200

Age: [15]

Race: [Human (?)]

Attributes: [Expand]

PrimaryAbility: [Stones of Day and Night]/[Expand]

SecondaryAbility: [Thermal Sense]/[Expand]


Looking at his stats they had really cut it close. What if he had run out of stamina? He could deal with having no prana but stamina? If he ran out of it, he would literally collapse to the ground not being able to move. Anyway, he was safe for now. He could rest and meditate. If he gained ten prana and stamina for every fifteen minutes he meditated, he should be back to full shape in about four hours. Wait that was a.s.suming he had [1 x Average Recovery] but his spirit recovery was higher than that. Then again he did not think he was going to go out before recovering his stamina. So yeah, four hours sounded about right.

Unbeknownst to Linri, Natsumi who was behind him was going through some changes. First, her skin became pale and then black veins started to appear all over her body. Her eyes had become white, without any pupils. She slowly walked behind Linri who was sitting cross-legged in the ground looking at his stats and bit him in the neck, blood gus.h.i.+ng all over her face!