Latin for Beginners - Part 78

Part 78

>, _refresh one's self_ >, f. [[>, _king_]], _queen_ >, f. _region, district_ >, n. _sovereignty; kingdom_ > [[cf. >, _king_]], _govern, rule_ (--490) > [[>, _back_, + >, _hurl_]], _hurl back; throw away_ > [[>, _behind_, + >, _leave_]], _leave behind, leave, abandon_ >, adj. [[cf. >, _leave_]], _left over, remaining_. As a noun, plur. _the rest_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _remove_]], _remote, distant_ > [[>, _back_, + >, _move_]], _remove_ >, m. _oar_ >, _find_ > [[>, _back_, + >, _carry_]], _carry back, bring back, win, gain_ >, f. _thing, business, matter, deed, event, circ.u.mstance_ (--467).>, _for this reason_.>, _adversity_.>, _grain supplies_.

>, _exploits_.>, _science of war_.>, _the commonwealth_.>, _prosperity_ > [[>, _back_, + >, _cut_]], _cut off, cut down_ >, ---- [[>, _back_, + >, _cause to stand_]], _oppose, resist_, with dat. (--501.14) > [[>, _in return_, + >, _promise_]], answer, reply (--420.a) >, ----, or dep. verb > [[>, _back_, + >, _turn_]], _turn back, return_. Usually active in the perf. system > [[>, _back_, + >, _bind_]], _fasten_ >, m. [[cf. >, _rule_]], _king_ >, m. _the Rhine_, a river of Germany >, f. _bank_ >, _ask_. Cf. > >, f. _Rome_. See map >, adj. [[>, _Rome_]], _Roman_, follows its noun.As a noun, m. and f. _a Roman_ >, f. _rose_ >, n. _beak_ of a ship. In plur., _the rostra_, the speaker's stand in the Roman Forum >, f. _wheel_ >, m. _the Rubicon_, a river in northern Italy. See map >, m. _report, rumor_ >, adv. [[for >, _turned back_]], _again, in turn_ > (locative abl. >, no gen., dat., or abl. plur.), n._the country_ (--501.36.1). Cf. S >, adj. _Sabine_. As a noun, m. and f. _a Sabine_. The Sabines were an ancient people of central Italy. See map >, n. [[>, _consecrated_]], _something consecrated, sacrifice;_ usually in plur., _religious rites_ >, adv., compared >, _often, frequently_ >, adj. _cruel, savage_ >, f. _arrow_ >, _jump_ >, f. _safety; health_.>, _send greetings_ > [[>, _health_]], _greet, salute_ >, imv. of >, _hail, greetings_ >, m. _blood_ (--247.2.a]>, f. [[>, _sound_]], _health, sanity_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _be wise_]], _wise, sensible_ >, adv. and indecl. noun, _enough, sufficient, sufficiently_ >, n. _rock, stone_ >, n. _crime, sin_ >, n. _scepter_ >, f. _school_, the higher grades. Cf. > >, f. [[>, _knowing_]], _skill, knowledge, science_ >, _cut, tear_ >, _know_ (--420.b). Cf. > >, _write_ >, n. _shield, buckler_ >, see > > = > + > >, adj. [[>, _follow_]], _following, next, second; favorable, successful_.>, _prosperity_ >, conj. _but, on the contrary_.>, _not only ... but also_ >, indecl. numeral adj. _sixteen_ >, _sit_ >, adv. _always, forever_ >, m. [[cf. >, _old_]], _council of elders, senate_ >, _feel, know, perceive_ (--420.d). Cf.>, > >, indecl. numeral adj. _seven_ >, numeral adj. _seventh_ >, dep. verb, _follow_ (--493) >, f. [[>, _crawl_]], _serpent, snake_ >, f. plur. _wreaths, garlands_ >, f. [[>, _slave_]], _slavery, servitude_ >, _save, rescue, keep_ >, m. _slave_ >, emphatic for > >, indecl. numeral adj. _six_ >, m. _s.e.xtus_, a Roman first name >, conj. _if_ >, adv. _thus, in this way_. Cf. >, > >, f. _Sicily_. See map >, _just as, as if_ >, m. [[>, _standard_, + >, _bear_]], _standard bearer_ (p. 224) >, n. _ensign, standard; signal_ >, f. _wood, forest_ >, adj., compared >, _like, similar_ (--307) >, adv. _at the same time_ > or >, conj. _as soon as_ >, prep. with abl. _without_ (--209) >, distributive numeral adj. _one at a time, single_ (--334) >, adj. _left_ >, f. _Sinues'sa_, a town in Campania. See map > (acc. >, abl. >, no plur.), f. _thirst_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _set_]], _situated, placed, lying_ >, m. _comrade, ally_ > (no gen. plur.), m. _sun_ >, semi-dep. verb, _be wont, be accustomed_ >, adj. _disturbed, anxious_ >, adv. [[>, _alone_]], _alone, only_.>, _not only ... but also_ > (gen. >, dat. >), adj. _alone, only_ (--108) >, _loosen, unbind_.>, _set sail_ >, m. _sleep_ >, f. _sister_ >, n. _s.p.a.ce, distance; time; opportunity_ >, n. [[>, _look at_]], _show, spectacle_ >, _look at, witness_ > [[spes, _hope_]], _hope, expect_ (--420.c) >, f. _hope_ (--273.2) >, adv. [[>]], compared >, _splendidly, handsomely_ >, adj. _brilliant, gorgeous, splendid_ >, _Stabian_ >, n. [[cf. >, _stand_]], _standing place, stable, stall_ >, adv. [[cf. >, _stand_]], _on the spot, at once, instantly_ >, f. [[>, _place, set_]], _statue_ > [[>, _station_]], _decide, determine_ >, m. _iron pencil, style_ (p. 210) >, _stand_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _spread_]], _paved_ (of streets) >, m. [[>, _make a noise_]], _noise, din_ >, _bind tight; draw, unsheathe_ >, _give attention to, be eager_, with dat.(--501.14) >, n. [[cf. >, _be eager for_]], _eagerness, desire, zeal, devotion_ >, adj. _foolish, stupid_ >, adj. f. _Stymphalian, of Stympha'lus_, a lake in southern Greece >, m. _Stympha'lus_, a district of southern Greece with a town, mountain, and lake, all of the same name >, _advise, recommend_, with subjv. of purpose (--501.41) >, prep, with acc. and abl. _under, below, up to; at_ or _to the foot of_ > [[>, _under_, + >, adv. [[>, _sudden_]], _suddenly_ >, dep. verb [[>, _below_, + >, _follow_]], _follow close after, follow up_ > [[>, _below_, + >, _go_]], _follow, succeed_ >, reflexive p.r.o.n. _of himself (herself, itself, themselves)_ (--480).> = > + >.>, emphatic form of > >, irreg. verb, _be; exist_ (--494) >, adj. in superl. degree, compared > or > (--312), _supreme, highest; best, greatest_.>, _on the top of the hill_ >, _take up; a.s.sume, put on_.>, _inflict punishment on_ >, prep. with acc. and abl. _over, above_ >, f. [[>, _proud_]], _pride, arrogance_ >, adj. _proud, haughty_ >, comp. of > > [[>, _above_]], _go over; subdue, overcome; surpa.s.s, excel_ >, _be over, survive_, with dat. (--501.15) >, adj., compared > or >, _above, upper_ (--312) >, n. [[>, _kneeling in entreaty_]], _punishment, torture_.>, _inflict punishment on_.>, _suffer punishment_ >, ---- [[>, _from below_, + >, _straighten_]], _rise_ > [[>, _under_, + >, _take_]], _undertake, a.s.sume, begin_ >, dep. verb, _suspect, surmise, suppose_ > [[>, _under_, + >, _hold_]], _hold up, bear, sustain, withstand_ >, reflexive possessive adj. and p.r.o.n., _his, her, hers, its, their, theirs_ (--98) T >, abbreviation of > >, f. _shop, stall_ >, f. _tablet_ for writing >, adj. _such_.>, _such ... as_ >, adv. _so, such_. Cf. > >, adv. _yet, however, nevertheless_ >, adv. _at length, finally_ >, _touch_ >, adv. [[>]], _only_ >, adj. _so great, such_.>, _as large as_ >, adj. _slow, late; lazy_ >, f. _Tarpeia_ (p.r.o.nounced _Tar-pe'ya_), the maiden who opened the citadel to the Sabines >, _Tarquin_, a Roman king. With the surname >, _Tarquin the Proud_ >, f. _Tarraci'na_, a town in Latium. See map >, m. _bull_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _cover_]], _covered, protected_ >, n. _weapon_ >, adv. _rashly, heedlessly_ >, f. [[>, _time_]] _storm, tempest_ >, n. _temple, shrine_ >, _try, test; make trial of, attempt_ >, n. _time_ (--464.2.b).>, _for the future_ >, ----, _hold, keep_ >, n. _back_, >, _retreat, flee_ >, distributive numeral adj. _three each, by threes_ (--334) >, f. _earth, ground, land_.>, _the whole world_ >, m. [[cf. >, _frighten_]], _dread, alarm, terror_ >, numeral adj. _third_ >, m. _the Teutons_ >, n. _theater_ >, f. _Thebes_, a city of Greece >, m. _Thebans_, the people of Thebes >, f. plur. _baths_ >, f. _Thessaly_, a district of northern Greece >, f. _Thrace_, a district north of Greece >, m. _Tiberius_, a Roman first name >, m. [[cf. >, _pipe_]], _piper, flute player_ >, ----, _fear, be afraid of_. Cf. > >, m. [[cf. >, _fear_]], _fear, dread, alarm_.Cf. > >, f. _Ti'ryns_, an ancient town in southern Greece, where Hercules served Eurystheus >, f. [[cf. >, _cover_]], _toga_ >, n. _engine of war_ >, adv. _so often, so many times_ >, (gen. >, dat. >), adj. _all, the whole, entire_ (--108) > [[>, _across_, + >, _deliver_]], _give up, hand over, surrender, betray_ > [[>, _across_, + >, _lead_]], _lead across_ >, _draw, pull, drag_.>, _protract, prolong much_ > [[>, _across_, + >, _hurl_]], _throw across; transfix_ > [[>, _across_, + >, _swim_]], _swim across_ >, prep. with acc. _across, over_ (--340) > [[>, _across_, + >, _go_]], _go across, cross_ (--413) > [[>, _through_, + >, _drive_]], _transfix_ >, ---- (acc. >, abl. >), m. [[cf. >, _cross over_]], _pa.s.sage across_ >, numeral adj. _three_ (--479) >, n. [[>, _three_, + >, _days_]], _three days' time, three days_ >, indecl. numeral adj. _thirty_ >, adj. _threefold, triple_ >, adj. _sad; severe, terrible_ >, f. [[>, _sad_]], _sadness, sorrow_ > [[>, _triumph_]], _celebrate a triumph_ >, m. _triumphal procession, triumph_.>, _celebrate a triumph_ >, _cut to pieces, slaughter._ Cf.>, >, > > (plur. >), pers. p.r.o.n. _thou, you_ (--480) >, f. _trumpet_ >, f. _Tullia_, a Roman name >, adv. _then, at that time_ >, f. _tower_ (--465.2) >, adj. _safe_ >, possessive adj. and p.r.o.n. _your, yours_ (--98) U >, rel. and interrog. adv. _where, when_ > (gen. >, dat. >), adj. _any_ (--108) >, adj. in comp. degree, superl. >, _farther, more remote_ (--315) >, adj. in superl. degree (see >), _farthest_ (--315) >, f. _shade_ >, m. _shoulder_ >, adv. _ever, at any time_ >, adv. [[>, _one_]], _in the same place, at the same time_ >, numeral adj. [[>, _one_, + >, _tenth_]], _eleventh_ >, adv. _from every quarter, on all sides, everywhere_ > (gen. >, dat. >), numeral adj. _one; alone_ (--108) >, f. _city_ (--465.a) >, ----, _press upon, crowd, hem in_ >, m. _wild ox, urus_ >, adv. _all the way, even_ >, m. _use, advantage_ >, conj. with the subjv. _that, in order that, that not_ (with verbs of fearing), _so that, to_ (--350.1) > (gen. >, dat. >), interrog. p.r.o.n. _which of two? which?_ (--108) >, indef. p.r.o.n. _each of two, each, both_.>, adj. [[>, _use_]], _useful_ >, adv. [[>, _each of two_]], _on each side, on either hand_ >, f. _grape, bunch of grapes_ >, f. _wife_ V >, _sheath, scabbard_ >, dep. verb, _wander_ >, _be powerful, be well_; in the imperative as a greeting, _farewell_.>, _have the most power_ >, f. [[>, _be well_]], _health_ >, adj. [[cf. >, _be strong_]], _strong, able, well_ >, f. _valley_ >, n. _rampart, earthworks_ >, adj. _bright-colored_ > [[>, _empty_]], _(make empty), devastate, lay waste_ >, n. _tax, tribute_ >, adv. [[>, _eager_]], compared >, _eagerly, vehemently_ >, _convey, carry_. In the pa.s.sive often in the sense of _ride, sail_ >, conj. _or_.>, _either ... or_. Cf. >, f. [[>, _swift_]], _swiftness_ >, adj. _swift, fleet_ >, n. _sail_ >, _sell_ >, _come, go_ >, m. _wind_ >, n. _word_.>, _speak in behalf of_ >, dep. verb, _fear; reverence, respect_ (--493). Cf. > >, m. _Vergil_, the poet >, _turn, lie_ >, adv. [[>, _true_]], _in truth, surely;_ conj. _but, however_.>, _then you may be sure_, introducing the climax of a story >, _turn, change_.>, _retreat, flee_ >, _true, actual_ >, m. _evening_ >, possessive adj. and p.r.o.n. _your, yours_ (--98) >, n. [[cf. >, _track_]], _footstep, track, trace_ >, n. [[>, _clothing_]], _garment_ > [[>, _clothing_]], _clothe, dress_ >, f. _clothing, attire, garment, robe_ >, adj. [[part. of >, _clothe_]], _clothed_ >, m. _Vesuvius_, the volcano near Pompeii. See map >, adj. _old, veteran_ >, _forbid, prohibit_ >, _trouble, annoy_ >, f. _way, road, street; way, manner_. Cf. > >, m. [[>]], _traveler_ >, m. [[>, _conquer_]], _conqueror, victor_. In apposition, with adj. force _ victorious_ >, f. [>, _victor_], _victory_ >, m. _village_ >, _see, perceive_. Pa.s.s. _be seen; seem_ (--420.d) >, f. [[> _awake_]], watch.>, _about the third watch_ >, indecl. numeral adj. _twenty_ >, m. [[>, _farm_]], _steward, overseer of a farm_ >, f. _farm, villa_ >, _bind, tie,fetter_ >, _conquer, defeat, overcome_. Cf. > >, f. _shed_ (p. 219) >, n. _wine_ >, adv. [[>, _violent_]], compared >, _violently, furiously_ >, m. _man, husband; hero_ (--462.c) >, adj. [[vir, _man_]], _manly_ >, f. [[>, _man_]], _manliness; courage, valor; virtue_ (--464.1) >, (>), f. _strength, power, might, violence_ (--468) >, f. [[cf. >, _live_]], _life_, >, _spend or pa.s.s life_ >, _shun, avoid_ >, _live_. Cf. > >, adj. [[cf. >, _live_]], _alive, living_ >, adv. _scarcely, hardly_ >, _call, summon, invite_. Cf. >, _fly_ >, irreg. verb, _will, be willing; wish_ (--497). Cf. > >, n. _roll, book_ >, m. _Vore'nus_, a centurion >, pers. p.r.o.n.; _you_ (see >) (--480) >, n. [[neut. part. of >, _vow_]], _vow, pledge, prayer_ >, f. [[cf. >, _call_]], _voice, cry; word_ > [[>, _wound_]], _wound, hurt_ >, n. _wound, injury_ >, f. _fox_ [Ill.u.s.tration: EQUES ROMa.n.u.s]ENGLISH-LATIN VOCABULARY This vocabulary contains only the words used in the English-Latin exercises. For details not given here, reference may be made to the Latin-English vocabulary. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, after verbs indicate the conjugation.A B >, malus, -a, -um >, impedimenta, -orum, _n. plur._ >, ripa, -ae, _f._ >, barbari, -orum, _m. plur._ >, proelium, proeli, _n._; pugna, -ae. _f._ >, sum (--494) >, absum (--494) >, timeo, 2; vereor, 2 >, absum (--494) >, praesum, _with dat._ (----494, 426) >, certior fio >, absum (--494) >, egeo, _with abl._ (--180) >, fera, -ae, _f._ >, pulcher, -chra, -chrum >, quia; quod >, propter, _with acc._; _or abl. of cause_ > (_adv._), antea > (_prep._), ante, _with acc._; pro, _with abl._ >, incipio, 3 >, credo, 3, _with dat._ (--153) >, _predicate genitive_ (--409) >, optimus, _superl. of_ bonus >, trado, 3 >, melior, _comp. of_ bonus >, inter, _with acc._ >, fluctus, -us, _m._ >, avis, -is, _f._ (--243.1) >, sanguis, -inis, _m._ >, corpus, -oris. _n._ >, audax, -acis; fortis, -e >, audacter; fort.i.ter >, audacia, -ae, _f._ >, praeda, -ae, _f._ > (_of two_), uterque, utraque, utrumque >, et ... et >, puer, -eri, _m._ >, fortis, -e >, fort.i.ter >, pons, pontis, _m._ >, clarus, -a, -um >, reporto, 1 >, infero, -ferre, -tuli, -latus, _with acc. and dat._ (--426) >, frater, -tris, _m._ >, aedificium, aedifi'ci. _n._ >, cremo, 1; incendo, 3 >, negotium, nego'ti, _n._ >, autem, sed >, a, ab, _with abl._; _denoting means, abl. alone_; _sometimes implied in a participle_ >, noctu C >, Caesar, -aris, _m._ >, calamitas, -atis, _f._ >, voco, 1; appello, 1; nomino, 1 >, convoco, 1 >, castra, -orum, _n. plur._ >, possum, posse, potui, ---- (--495) >, capio, 3; occupo, 1 >, cura, -ae, _f._ >, curo, 1 >, attentus, -a, -um >, diligentia, -ae, _f._ >, fero, ferre, tuli, latus (--498); porto, 1 >, gero, 3 >, carrus, -i, _m._ >, causa, -ae, _f._ >, equitatus, -us, _m._ >, cesso, 1 >, Cepheus, -i, _m._ >, quidam, quaedam, quoddam (quiddam) (--485) >, gallina, -ae, _f._ >, princeps, -cipis, _m._ >, liberi, -orum, _m.plur._ >, deligo, 3 >, creo, 1 >, civis, -is, _m. and f._ (--243.1) >, urbs, urbis, _f._ >, clarus, -a, -um >, cohors, -rtis, _f._ >, venio, 4 >, impero, 1, _with dat._ (--45); iubeo, 2; praesum, _with dat._ (--426) >, committo, 3 >, res publica, rei publicae >, de, _with abl._ >, supero, 1; vinco, 3 > (_a ditch_), perduco, 3 >, consul, -ulis, _m._ >, contra, _with acc._ >, Corinthus, -i, _f._ >, Cornelia, -ae, _f._ >, Cornelius, Corne'li, _m._ >, lorica, -ae, _f._ >, casa, -ae, _f._ >, _as distinguished from the city_, rus, ruris, _n.; as territory_, fines, -ium, _m., plur. of_ finis >, virtus, -utis, _f._ >, scelus, -eris, _n._ >, transeo, 4 (--499) >, corona, -ae, _f._ D >, cotidie >, periculum, -i, _n._ >, filia, -ae, _f._ (--67) >, dies, -ei, _m._ >, prima lux >, carus, -a, -um >, mors, mortis, _f._ >, res, rei, _f._ >, altus, -a, -um >, calamitas, -atis, _f._ >, defendo, 3 > (_noun_), mora, -ae, _f._ > (_verb_), moror, 1 >, postulo, 1 >, densus, -a, -um >, discedo, 3; exeo, 4; proficiscor, 3 >, cliens, -entis, _m._ >, consilium, consi'li _n._ >, cupio, 3 >, deleo, 2 >, Diana, -ae, _f._ >, differo, differre, distuli, dilatus (--498) >, dissimilis, -e >, difficilis, -e >, difficultas, -atis, _f._ >, diligentia, -ae, _f._ >, cena, -ae, _f._ >, calamitas, -atis, _f._ >, absum, -esse, afui, afuturus (--494) >, fossa, -ae, _f._ >, ago, 3; facio, 3; _when used as auxiliary, not translated_ >, de, _with abl._ >, traho, 3 >, ago, 3 >, habito, 1; incolo, 3; vivo, 3 >, aedificium, aedifi'ci, _n._ E >, quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque) (--484) >, uterque, utraque, utrumque >, inter _with acc. of a reflexive_ >, acer, acris, acre; alacer, alacris, alacre >, studeo, 2 >, studium, studi, _n._ >, aquila, -ae, _f._ >, facile >, facilis, -e >, aut ... aut >, imperium, impe'ri, _n._ >, negotium do >, hortor, 1 >, hostis, -is, _m. and f._; inimicus, -i, _m._ >, satis >, totus, -a, -um (--108) >, opinio, -onis, _f._ >, oculus, -i, _m._ F >, perfidus, -a, -um >, clarus, -a, -um >, longe >, agricola, -ae, _m._ >, ulterior, -ius >, pater, patris, _m._ >, patria, -ae, _f._ >, faveo, 2 >, idoneus, -a,-um; secundus, -a, -um >, metus, -us, _m._; timor, -oris, _m._ >, timeo, 2 >, pauci, -ae, -a >, ager, agri, _m._ >, quindecim >, contendo, 3; pugno, 1 >, reperio, 4 >, conficio, 3 >, ignis, -is, _m._ (--243.1) >, constantia, -ae, _f._ >, primus, -a, -um >, fugio, 3 >, fuga, -ae, _f._ >, volo, 1 >, see > >, subsequor, 3 >, cibus, -i, _m._ >, pes, pedis, _m._ >, pedes, -itis, _m._ > (_conj._), enim, nam > (_prep._), _sign of dat._; de, pro, _with abl.; to express purpose_, ad, _with gerundive; implied in acc. of time and of extent of s.p.a.ce_ >, diu >, veto, 1 >, copiae, -arum, _f., plur. of_ copia >, silva, -ae, _f._ >, castellum, -i, _n._; castrum, -i, _n._ >, munitio, -onis, _f._ >, munio, 4 >, fortuna, -ae, _f._ >, quartus, -a, -um >, liber, -era, -erum >, libero, 1 >, creber, -bra, -brum >, amicus, -i, _m._ > (_adj._), amicus, -a, -um > (_adv._), amice >, amicitia, -ae, _f._ >, perterreo, 2 >, a _or_ ab, de, e, ex, _with abl._ _Often expressed by the separative ablative without a prep._ >, inter, _with acc. of a reflexive p.r.o.n._ >, plenus, -a, -um