Last Wish System - Chapter 175: A Hidden Passage to the Palace

Chapter 175: A Hidden Passage to the Palace

Yale didnt expect that answer because if Sebe was also an objective, it was better to isolate him with the other princes inside the palace. If he was the one who insisted on being outside it was one thing, but forbidding him form enter was weird.

However, Yale didnt need to think a lot before guessing the true reason for leaving Sebe outside, a distraction.

If a prince was killed outside and a conflict started, the conflict inside the palace would catch less attention.

After all, there were several princes at the Grandmaster Rank, killing all of them with a sneak attack was nearly impossible, they might kill some of them but to kill all the princes at the Grandmaster Rank, they would need to battle without any doubt.

But Yale, if you just want to contact your sister, you can just use the token.

Sebe didnt understand why Yale needed to meet her personally instead of using the token as a method for communication.

I cant contact her, try it if you want. Currently, it is impossible to contact my sister.

Sebe tried to use his token to communicate with Aiwai, but it failed; the same happened when Sebe tried to contact anyone inside the palace.

This is weird; there is no reason for cutting all the communications to the palace.

The fact Sebe was also unable to communicate with them only made Yale surer that the situation wasnt normal and his guess was probably true.

After all, Yale can just use the token to contact Aiwai because Sebe give him permission, but there was a possibility that the permission disappeared during a big event like that party for some reason. However, a prince couldnt lose the communication with all his servants inside the palace; the situation was abnormal.

Yale, do you know something? My brothers always liked to bully me due to my age, but they cant cut my communication with my servants for any reason. Doing that would be enough to lose their status as princes, it is a huge offense.

Sebe noticed that the communication was just cut off with the servants inside the palace and Yale just asked him to meet Aiwai who was also inside the palace; he would be a fool if he didnt think that Yale knew something.

Yale didnt know how to reply because Sebes murder should be more important to the eldest prince plans that he thought initially. After all, killing a prince would cause more disturbance than killing anyone else.

However, seeing how well planed was all, even if Sebes murder failed, Yale didnt doubt that the other plans would proceed.

Indeed, I know something about the current situation, but even if I tell you what I know, you wouldnt believe me. I will explain it to you later when you become able to believe my words; now I need a way to enter the palace.

Yale didnt want to say anything about murders or treason to Sebe at that moment, but he needed his help to enter the palace. The main door of the palace was well guarded, but Yale didnt believe that all the possible entrances would be with the same kind of security.

Sebe was curious about Yales reasons, but he was also feeling that something fishy was happening in the palace, so he was also interested in going in.

I wont ask your reasons. Regardless of your motives, it is true that the people in the palace cut off the communication with those inside. In this case, even if we sneak into the palace using that way, they cant punish us.

Sebes words were something Yale wanted to hear; Yale didnt doubt that Sebe knew a method to enter although it should be a method that mustnt be used unless an emergency happened, losing all the communication with the castle could be considered an emergency.

There is a hidden entrance to a temple in honor of Anpaes near here. Usually, that temple is only accessible from inside the castle, but the temple is also connected to outside to serve as an exit in case of danger.

Normal people didnt know about that passage, even a lot of princes didnt know that the temple could lead to the outside, so it was difficult for that entrance to be guarded.

The fact that Sebe had an excellent bloodline had aroused the jealousy of his siblings, and they had managed to bribe guards to forbid his entrance to the palace after kicking him outside; that happened a lot of times.

The king lectured those who were discovered to do that kind of things, but those punishments were far too soft to stop them, and the king himself knew it. Thus, the king taught Sebe about that hidden passage for use in cases he was unable to enter the palace due to the bullying of his siblings.

The fact Sebe was forbidden to enter in the party inside the palace wasnt enough to give him the right to use the passage because that was his eldest brother party. The eldest prince could choose his guests in his party, but cutting the communication between Sebe and his servants inside the palace was more than enough to give Sebe a reason to enter the palace.

When Sebe started to guide Yale and Wyba, Yale contacted Shirk and ordered him to follow them, but he should be hidden behind the house walls.

The tokens of Yale and Shirk were connected, so although they didnt have any teleportation function, in a short distance Yale could use that connection to teleport easily towards him using the token as a mark point.

Sebe, you need to believe in me if the situation turns weird.

Sebe was startled by Yales sudden words, but he knew that Yale wouldnt say something like that without a good plan behind. Although Sebe still didnt know what was happening, his intuition told him that there wasnt anything good.

They had walked for some minutes, and they were reaching the end of the area of the party, as for the reasons to Sebe going in that direction with Yale and Wyba, no one asked anything, they didnt dare to inquire the reasons for a prince to do something.

Usually, even guards wouldnt question the reasons for a prince doing a stroll in that area of the city, but that day was different because one guard stopped them.

Stop right there Prince Sebe, where are you going?

The guard who had blocked their path was a bulky man who Yale estimated that should be at about the same level that Aiwai. He could be considered one of the weakest among the lackeys of the eldest prince.

I am just taking a stroll with my friends.

Sebe didnt lose his calm although the situation had turned weird, a guard of his eldest brother didnt have any rights to stop him from walking around the city. Moreover, they were still far from the temple entrance; they were just reaching the limits of the party.

You cant; you must be inside the area of the party. Return to the party and dont move around, this is an order.

Sebes face turned ugly. Sebe was a prince, so a mere guard even if was his eldest brothers guard didnt have any authority to give him any orders.

You cant order me. I am a prince, and I can stroll in any place of this city.

That time the guards face was the one that turned ugly, he didnt expect that a kid like Sebe would dare to disobey his orders.

You are a weakling; it didnt matter if you are a prince, you must obey me. I said that you couldnt leave and it means that you cant leave. Return to the party right now, or you will know the consequences.

The words of that guard were enough for obtaining a death penalty, but the fact he didnt hesitate in saying those words filled Sebes heart with fear.

At that moment he understood why Yale said that he wouldnt believe it even if Yale explained to him; the eldest prince and his lackeys had betrayed the kingdom and were planning to take the kingdom for themselves.

Oh, you seem to have understood something. Too bad, it seems that I need to start the plan early. Now, Prince Sebe, die at my hands!

A huge ball of fire generated at the guards hand and directed towards Sebes group at quick speed.

That guard had always been hot-headed and hungry for power. After turning powerful, he was unable to tolerate that others didnt obey him, which made him forget the original plan of silently cutting Sebes neck and instead created such a huge fire attack that would announce to everyone that he was a traitor.

That would force the eldest prince and the others to start the plans earlier and added a lot of difficulty to the situation for them. The guard noticed his fault just after launching the attack, but he was unable to stop it.

After the explosion, there wasnt any remnant of Sebe, Yale, and Wyba in the floor. Moreover, all the surrounding houses were in flames, there was no way to continue hiding the situation, but without Sebes corpse, the panic wouldnt be at the same level.

The guard knew that he might die for that failure, the eldest prince wasnt merciful; with luck, he may just be tortured for some hundreds of years instead of being killed.