Kyele's Passion - Kyele's Passion Part 25

Kyele's Passion Part 25

Kyele fell into the side of the bed. Joni blinked. "Kyele? What's going on?"

"I'll leave now."

Kyele spared the general a glance. He forced the words out as his heart stuttered. "Thank you. I owe you a debt."

"I claim the debt."

Kyele gritted his teeth. He should have known the man would not help without wanting something in return.

Joni tried to sit up. "Kyele what...?"

He stroked her hair to calm her. "What do you want, General?"

"His name," Azar responded instantly.

Kyele frowned. He hadn't expected that. "Viktor."

The general closed his eyes and bowed his head. The answer seemed to have moved him in some way. Kyele wasn't sure if it was an act or not. When Azar got himself under control, he opened his eyes and stepped back.

"She would have liked that." And with those words, he faded to his Spectar form and vanished.

Bonus Epilogue "I can't find Viktor."

Kyele closed the report he'd been reading to glance up at his Chosen. Joni had her arms around her waist and worry darkened her eyes. "Were you playing hide and seek again?"

His son loved the human game and was quite adept at it. To everyone's dismay.

Joni flushed. "He begged, Kyele. You know I can't resist those green eyes."

He smiled because she often used the same complaint about him. "Have you called to him?"

Despite being three years of age and long past the age of being separated from his maman, Viktor constantly sought Joni's presence if she was out of his sight. Almost as if the child needed to reassure himself of her presence.

The general had been right about that and his family had thrived to the surprise of Dr. Maku and his fellow Jutak warriors who had been waiting to grieve with him.

"Of course, I called for him." Joni rolled her gold eyes. "But you know how he gets when Shiloh challenges him."

Shiloh was Torkel and Faye's daughter and though the smallest of the children, she was always identified as the leader in whatever mischief occurred.

"Plus," Joni continued. "Arak's son won the last time and has teased Viktor incessantly."

Kyele smirked. Raze inherited his father's Argoran ability to shift into his cat form and spent a lot of his playtime climbing the trees and hiding from the others.

"How long has he been hiding?" Viktor tended to reveal himself if it took too long for others to find him.

"Three hours," Joni admitted.

Kyele jumped to his feet, his heart slamming into his throat. His son wouldn't drag a game out that long. Especially not if he knew it would cause his maman to worry. "Where have you looked?"

"Everywhere." She started to cry and Kyele went to her immediately and pulled her into his arms.

"We'll find him. Call the others to help."

"I already did."

A kernel of worry niggled at his gut. If an entire unit of Jutak warriors couldn't find his son, it was definitely time for him to be afraid.

Outside the men from Team One, Two and Three actively searched for Viktor. The women stood to the side keeping an eye on the other children.

Kyele noticed Lindsey with them. Where Lindsey went, her husbands were not far behind. The men had lost her once and vowed to never let that happen again.

Holding tight to Joni's hand, Kyele walked toward Lindsey and her children. "Did you arrive before or after Viktor went missing?"

Her husbands joined them and a knowing look crossed their faces at Kyele's question. Lindsey had three identical daughters by the Senators Zadal and Baruk. At least the girls were identical to everyone but his son. Viktor had developed an attachment to one of them.

"Before," Lindsey answered and chewed her bottom lip. "I'm sorry this is our fault."

"Not at all," Kyele dismissed. "Viktor is a full of pride. He must learn to control his need to impress the females." He smiled to put her at ease and squatted before the three blonde girls with their bright blue eyes.


"Hello, Seppi Kyele." All of the children had adopted the Earth custom and referred to the Jutak warriors as their uncles. Lindsey's best friend status to Faye automatically included her and her husbands into that tight circle of love. The women encouraged the saying it took a family to raise healthy children.

"Did any of you say something to Viktor before he hid?"

The one in the middle peeked from behind her mother's legs and grinned. "I told him I gots two new poppy." She held up two chubby fingers.

Kyele rose and frowned. He couldn't read anything into her words that would hint at where his son had gone.

Lindsey paled. "Baruk's mother unexpectedly remarried in a Triad. We introduced her husbands to the girls."

"Oh God," Joni gasped. "What if he tried to go to Earth to see my father?"

Joni's dad and brother came to visit every few months determined to be a part of their daughter's new life. Both men were admirable and welcomed Kyele into their family fold.

"There's no way he could travel to Earth, Joni."

"I'll call the space port and make sure he's not there," Torkel said, already on his communicator.

The men and women circled them while they tried to figure out his sons whereabouts. Tears streamed down Joni's face. Kyele hugged her and repeated, "This isn't your fault."

"You warned me. You said not to let him play this game any more."

He had. Viktor's skills as a Spectar were far beyond Kyele's at his age.

Kyele kissed her forehead. "He knows not to hide after he's won. I told him that."

He thought he'd been very clear when he explained the rule to his son regarding his safety. There were those that would seek to harm him.

A shimmering portal opened in the midst of them. Fifteen Jutaks aimed their lasers at the center to see what or who emerged.

General Azar walked forth, the portal fading behind him. In his arms he held Kyele's son.

"Viktor," Joni shouted and ran to grab her son.

"Joni!" Kyele was a step behind her.

Azar handed the boy to her and Joni smothered their son's dark curls with kisses.

"Your son has the skills of a full blooded Spectar," the general said.

Kyele choked in disbelief. "He traveled to you?"

Azar nodded. "He crossed the barrier and ended up in the middle of a field with my soldiers during a training session."

Kyele's stomach dipped. He ran a trembling hand over his son's head. How easily they could have lost him. Like Joni, Viktor was the center of his world.

He looked none the worst for wear. Except for a silver band on his wrist. Kyele fingered the strange jewelry and read the words written in his birth language. Anger soared. Prepared to snap the metal, he slipped his finger between the band and his son's tender skin.

"Don't," Azar yelled. "It is enhanced to keep him from crossing the barriers until he is old enough to manage his abilities."

A full Spectar could travel wherever they chose in mist form. Some like his father could travel to different dimensions in addition to different worlds.

"If he proves as powerful as I believe he will be and breaks the enhancement to travel away from his parents again the band will at least keep him safe," the general added.

Kyele snorted. Under the protection of General Azar was inscribed on the hammered metal. Anyone foolish enough to attack his son would face the wrath of the armies under the Spectar General. Azar's reach went well beyond Spectar.

Once more he owed this man a debt.

"Thank you. I owe you." The words were reluctantly dragged from Kyele.

Viktor lifted his head up and waved. "Bye, Poppy."

Azar's eyes danced. "I claim the debt."

Kyele grunted. "Why am I not surprised? What do you want this time?"

"My grasp of the Earthling language is sufficient but I don't understand...Poppy. He called me this when the men summoned me to the fields after Viktor formed surrounded by a hundred of my armed soldiers."

Joni shuddered in his hold. Kyele wanted to mimic the gesture but held Azar's gaze. He didn't want to tell him the meaning.

Unfortunately, Joni had no such restraint. "It's a loving term for the father of the father. Poppy."

"Saleyo," Kyele murmured the Spectar word in her ear unwilling to aid the general publicly.

"Saleyo," Joni announced.

"Saleyo. Poppy," Viktor chirped.

Azar smiled. It was a frightening sight since Kyele couldn't recollect anyone ever saying the general smiled. "Poppy. Blood calls to blood." He nodded. "You will be welcome on Spectar should you choose to visit."

"Not likely."

This time, Azar didn't bother with a portal. He shifted into a tall funnel of smoke and faded.

The men all put away their weapons. Not one had dropped their guard during the conversation for which Kyele was thankful.

"So wait," Jaron said. "Your son is the grandson of General Azar, ruthless leader of the Spectar armies?"

There was no need to avoid the claim any longer so Kyele answered, "Yes."

"The man known throughout the galaxy as The Butcher?" Jaron pushed.

Joni shivered, causing Kyele to glare at Jaron who muttered, "I'm staying far, far away from these females from Earth. They bring trouble to your doorstep."

Author's note- Thank you for joining me on another journey with some of my favorite characters. I knew exactly what I wanted from Kyele but Joni was tricky and by the time I had a handle on her, Kyele decided to get contrary. Thus is the life of wrangling characters in order to get them to do what you want. LOL. They settled down and the story flowed. I'm very pleased with the final result. Much thanks to my editor who helps me turn my mad scribbles into worthy books. She is a life saver every time and deserves a medal for dealing with my frantic emails. Much cover love to my cover artist who doesn't blink when I say I need another cover. She brings my Jutaks to life with each book.

A World Beyond will continue in future stories. In fact, I thought I had an idea of who I wanted next and then I dreamed up a scene that was too incredible to ignore and just like that my next hero was identified. I also snuck in a bonus epilogue you may have noticed. LOL. I couldn't resist a sneak peek at the future and how the Jutaks are making out with their little ones.

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Happy Reading, Michelle.

Mating Urge (My Jutaks first make their appearance here).


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