King Of World Football - Chapter 561

Chapter 561

King of World Football

"Today's Madrid derby will be the best time to test the ceiling of this team led by Simeone."

"It's true, it's not fair to the Sheets because they're just starting to improve, but at least we can see if the team is as aggressive as Simeone said."

With the whistle of the referee, Atletico Madrid took the lead to take the ball. Real Madrid, who were playing at home, had a very positive attitude and kept pressing forward.

Soon Diego made a mistake and was intercepted by Hedia, and the Galaxy Battleship's quick counterattack tactics were fully operational.

Through several passes from HediAlonso-Di MariWang Feng, the ball was successfully sent into the penalty area, and finally the Chinese superstar swept out of the post.

"Cheer up your spirits!" Simeone roared angrily on the sidelines. If they continue to make such mistakes, I am afraid they will face another disastrous defeat.

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"From the current point of view, Atletico Madrid does not seem to have changed much, and the game situation is still firmly controlled by Real Madrid."

"Yes, Simeone won't just talk about it? It is difficult for such a sheet team to make a breakthrough in the league and the Champions League."

As soon as the voice of the live commentary fell, Khedira made another steal from the backcourt. This time he chose a long pass to the frontcourt.

Yin Guayin fought hard to grab the first spot to return, Wang Feng accelerated to take the ball away, changed direction and broke away from Thiago and broke into the penalty area.

Facing Miranda's blockade, the Chinese superstar calmly lowered his right shoulder and lowered his sheepskin slightly. Seeing that the other party was unmoved, he took advantage of the trend and wiped it directly from his side.

Raising his left arm to block Miranda, Wang Feng shot from a small angle to the far end. The ball rubbed the goalkeeper Courtois' fingertips, hit the inside of the post and bounced into the net. The angle was just right.

"goooooooooooal! The goal has been scored! In the 5th minute of the game, Wang Feng gave Real Madrid the lead."

"The home team relied on sharp tackles and precise passes to quickly tear apart the opponent's defense."

"Miranda is like a wooden stake in the restricted area, Wang Feng passing him is as easy as crossing the road in the early morning."

"He doesn't think that he can block the fake moves of Chinese superstars by not moving?"

"Look at the slow-motion replay again, God, the Brazilian is playing Atletico Madrid, he really didn't make any blocking moves!"

Miranda felt extremely aggrieved and helpless. All La Liga defenders including him had carefully studied Wang Feng's style of play.

Personally, he feels that Chinese superstars are very good at feinting and then cutting inside to shoot. Therefore, it would be better to wait for the opponent to really express their intentions before blocking.

But he didn't expect that Wang Feng's reaction and action were so fast, and once he expressed his intention, he could immediately turn it into reality.

And this shot from a small angle was almost right at grandma's house. Courtois blocked it very hard, but it still allowed him to find a route to the goal.

The Brazilian defender was a little afraid to look at the coach's bench, because he knew that Simeone must have a bad face at this time.

Every Atletico Madrid player feels deeply about the new coach's iron fist, and some even feel that they are in a military camp.

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King of World Football

Real Madrid players can clearly feel that Atletico Madrid is indeed a bit different from the last match. Conceding the ball prematurely did not cause them confusion. The offense and defense are proceeding in an orderly manner, and even the turnovers have gradually decreased a lot.

So the situation on the field fell into a stalemate, until the 38th minute, Wang Feng retreated to the center line and received a pass from Khedira, seeing that there was no good chance, he passed it back.

Khedira crossed the center line and passed a direct pass to Di Maria, who took advantage of the situation and passed it to the Chinese superstar who was advancing at high speed.

While dribbling the ball along the sidewalk, Wang Feng watched his teammates move. He noticed that Yin Guayin was passing behind and immediately passed, and he cut inside and ran.

The two completed a collision into the wall and tore apart Atletico Madrid's defense. When the ball returned to the feet of the Chinese superstar, he had already broken into the penalty area from the side, and Perea couldn't even grab and pull him behind him.

Courtois resolutely abandoned the goal and Wang Feng used a lob to tell the young Belgian goalkeeper that you are still too young!

2:0! Real Madrid extend their lead!

At the end of the half, the score did not change again, and they changed sides to fight again. Atletico Madrid took advantage of Real Madrid's relaxation of vigilance, and Falcao entered the penalty area to get back.

In the 69th minute, Reyes sent a cross from the wing, Adrian volleyed and shot through Casillas again.

"Wonderful shot! Unbelievable, the Sheets evened the score!"

"It is undeniable that Real Madrid has been slack on the court during this period, but Atletico Madrid's mental outlook has indeed changed a lot. Even in an unfavorable situation, the players still have a clear division of labor and perform their duties, and finally achieved fruitful results of scoring two goals in a row."

"Actually, when the team falls behind, they are afraid of confusion. In many games won by the Galaxy Battleship this season, the opponents conceded the ball prematurely, and their mentality was completely suppressed and eventually led to a collapse."

Real Madrid quickly made adjustments. Ancelotti sent Shaheen to strengthen midfield control, and at the same time asked him to remind the players on the field to be more focused.

In the 77th minute, Alonso planned an attack in the midfield. He passed a diagonal pass to Di Maria on the wing. The Argentine failed to break through and then passed it to Wang Feng who was nearby.

The Chinese superstar dribbled horizontally, and two defensive players, Thiago and Gabi, stepped forward to press forward, trying to drive him out of a dangerous position.

I saw him dribbling the ball with his back to his own half, gradually lowering the vigilance of the two, suddenly smashing the ball and turning around with his right foot diagonally, the ball just passed between Gabi's legs, successfully breaking the double-team!

Immediately Wang Feng accelerated to catch up with the ball, UUReading Book caught off guard Gabi tried to turn around, but still lost his balance and fell to the ground because it was too sudden.

In a panic, he grabbed forward with both hands, just in time to grab the jersey of the Chinese superstar and bring it down as well.

"Beep!" The referee's whistle sounded immediately, yellow card + frontcourt set kick!

This is a free kick in the middle area about 20 meters away from the goal. All Atletico Madrid players and Simeone on the sidelines are heartbroken. It is too easy for Wang Feng to hit the goal directly!

Sure enough, the Chinese superstar personally took the penalty, and the ball flew in a beautiful arc in the air, bypassing the human wall and hanging straight to the dead corner, as if a full moon scimitar cut the throat of the sheet army.

Real Madrid take the lead again!

Three minutes before the end of the game, Di Maria hit the wall with Wang Feng from the wing and entered the penalty area. Then he crossed and hit Yin Guain. The Argentine made it overnight and the score was fixed at 4:2.

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King of World Football

"Real Madrid won the Madrid derby, but we saw the future possibilities of the Sheets during the game."

"Yes, after going through the initial adaptation process, Atletico Madrid quickly entered the state. The whole team is highly disciplined, and the players are very serious in implementing tactics. At one time, they were evenly matched with the Galacticos."

"The final loss was also due to the fact that the overall strength level was not as good as that of the opponent. I believe that if they complete some reinforcements at the end of the season, they can become even better."

"Simeone has handed over a satisfactory answer to all the fans and the club's top management. We seem to have seen the sheet army reborn from the ashes."