King Of World Football - Chapter 273

Chapter 273

The King of World Football Chapter 273: The King of the Finals

As in previous years, Inter Milan, which reached the final, gave generous and preferential treatment to the relatives and friends of the main players. They can bring their families to the scene to cheer and cheer. The club believes that this will give the players more motivation.

Wang Feng's relatives and friends came to France to support him as always, but this time Lu Yao couldn't accompany him because she just had her graduation defense on the 18th.

"Let's work **** our respective battlefields. After I successfully pass the defense, I will watch your match as soon as possible." Lu Yao's words of encouragement lingered in Wang Feng's ears. Mom will stay in Milan.

Before the start of the game, Wang Feng accepted the European Golden Boot Award issued by the European Sports Magazine Group, as well as an exclusive interview with the "World Football" magazine. This award is usually awarded in June, but this year is the World Cup year, and all European leagues will be held in mid-May End left and right, so the final winning result speaks for itself.

With 41 goals in the league, Wang Feng won the trophy for the fifth time in a row! At the same time, he also contributed 18 assists, 17 goals and 9 assists in the Champions League, and there is no suspense to become the final scorer.

Taking over the golden football boots from the editor-in-chief of "World Football" magazine Munger Ayres, the British jokingly said: "Can I ask you a question, how long do you plan to monopolize this award? We are good." Build the trophies for the next few years ahead of time."

Wang Feng laughed: "It depends on the rising star in football, anyway, I will not stop scoring goals."

Apart from scoring 34 goals in the first season of joining Inter Milan, he scored more than 40 goals in the other four seasons. This is an insurmountable record. Now all forwards in football can't compete with him.

Next Ailes asked some regular questions, Wang Feng answered them one by one according to the previous routine, and finally he asked: "Since your debut, whether it is the cup final, the Europa League final or the Champions League final, you have won all of them. After winning, many people called you the king of the final, what do you think of this matter?"

Wang Feng said: "The king of the finals, a good title, I like it very much. It is the dream of all participating teams to reach the finals of an event, but it is also very challenging, because the championship is only one a step far."

"I don't like to fall before the finish line, so I will put 200% of my energy and effort in every final."

At Barcelona's regular press conference, the same question was also raised by reporters. Barcelona coach Rijkaard said with a smile: "The king of the finals? I'm sorry, I'm afraid the king's winning streak in the finals will be given to us. Broken!"

He is very confident in his heart, and now the Barcelona lineup has reached the most mature stage, whether it is Puyol, Deco, Edmilson in the midfield, or Giuly, Eto'o, Ronaldinho in the frontcourt All at their peak, with Belletti, Iniesta and Larsson on the bench.

Such a fantastic lineup will definitely be able to win back the second Champions League trophy in Barcelona's history!

As of 2006, Barcelona has won 18 La Liga trophies and 24 Copa del Rey, but only won the only Champions League trophy in 1992, while their rival Real Madrid has 9.

The European war is an eternal regret for the Catalans. There is only one trophy in the five finals. Therefore, the club attaches great importance to this final and promised a huge championship bonus.

The situation on the side of Inter Milan has been thoroughly studied by Rijkarme's team. Zambrotta and Chivu, the main players in the defense, are destined to miss the final. And Samuel gradually played a role, but still not as strong as the original line of defense.

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The only thing that is more dangerous is the striker led by Wang Feng. However, their pass control ability is average, and they mainly rely on defensive counterattacks and Wang Feng's personal ability to tear apart the defense line. The Dutchman believes Barcelona will not give Inter any chance.

On the morning of the game, the players were doing their final warm-up exercises, while Mancini and his think tank were locked in the meeting room to study the game tactics. He had hardly slept in the past few days, and Barcelona was like a mountain pressing on him.

Compared with the anxiety of the coaches, the Inter Milan players are very relaxed. The impact of the turmoil in Serie A has been minimized. With Wang Feng, the "thigh", they are all looking forward to the bonus after winning the championship.

"Boss, I must win the trophy. I want to buy another off-road motorcycle." Ribery said energetically. He is very obsessed with off-road racing. There is a garage full of all kinds of locomotives, parts and related tools in my home in France.

His obsession with driving and speed even made him want to secretly drive the club's bus. Fortunately, the staff found out and stopped him in time, otherwise he would violate the Italian law. He does not have a bus driver's license.

"I don't really understand your point of interest." Wang Feng shook his head: "But I have to remind Motorcycles are not very safe, and I don't want to hear bad news one day."

Franck Ribery nodded: "Don't worry, I will just go racing with my friends on the track and take full safety protection."

In the afternoon, Mancini finally made the final decision. The original main lineup will not be adjusted, but the formation will adopt AC Milan's classic 4321 instead of the regular 442.

"Franck Ribery and Wang Feng act as double attacking midfielders, and Adriano is at the top." The Italian pointed to the tactical board to explain the game tactics to everyone, "Barcelona will definitely adopt the ultimate pass control coordination and zone defense. Just use a defensive counterattack strategy."

"Wang, I hope you will not be confined to a certain area, but actively run and involve the defense line. This is a great test for physical fitness, but I believe in you."

Wang Feng nodded, not needing to be told by the coach that he also planned to do so. Afterwards, Mancini explained the field arrangement in detail to each starting player. His tactical arrangement was very detailed, even including running positions, marking and other details.

At the end of the meeting, the players on both sides were about to go on the court to warm up. The Italian encouraged: "Everyone, this is destined to be a battle that will be recorded in history. If you win this trophy, your names will be engraved in St. Bradley forever." Cup, preserved in the Inter Milan History Museum!"

Before going on stage, Wang Feng checked his phone, and Lu Yao really sent a text message: "Brother Feng, I successfully passed my graduation defense! My battle has been won, now it's up to you!"

Wang Feng showed a happy smile, full of pride and ambition in his heart, he will definitely win this battle! +Bookmark+