King Of World Football - Chapter 169

Chapter 169

After the 1-0 victory over Udinese, Inter Milan ushered in a two-week break. Although some of the main players were still recruited to the national team for training and competitions, since there are no major international events in the near future, most of them Still able to get some rest.

Wang Feng took this opportunity to fly to Switzerland to raise funds for the establishment of an investment company. After more than three months of traveling, Balmond had a preliminary understanding of the company's establishment conditions and general operation.

"Wang, I don't feel like a broker, but a financial worker on Wall Street." Balmond complained to Wang Feng: "At any rate, I still have Maxwell and Ribery's affairs in my hands. Your commercial endorsement is also a big job, and now I'm really busy."

Maxwell is the most promising star signed by Balmond after he became famous. He is currently playing for Ajax and is a very sharp left back. He is only 22 years old this year.

At the beginning, well-known agents Raiola and Balmond were competing for the new star, but the Brazilian yearned for a higher stage in his heart.

So Balmond moved out Wang Feng to make a fuss: "You know, what kind of influence Wang Feng has in Serie A Inter Milan, I am fully capable of operating you to Inter Milan and on the Serie A stage."

Maxwell was moved by these remarks and finally chose to sign with Balmond, but he is not in a hurry to come to the stage of the five major leagues immediately. Ajax's advanced training concepts will help him grow more perfectly.

As for Franck Ribery, his outstanding performance in Serie A has made him famous, even in European football, although many people think that this is the result of Wang Feng's support.

"My grandma and Wang Feng can score a goal together." Someone complained indignantly. Of course, this kind of remarks can only make people laugh.

The person recommended by Wang Feng has become the second largest player under Balmond's account. He needs to renegotiate Ribery's contract with Inter Milan and deal with the influx of business activities.

When Wang Feng heard Balmond's complaint, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he said, "Francisco, this is my mistake. I was too anxious about many things."

"But haven't you negotiated cooperation with the Carlyle Group? Next, let's distribute a lot of work and find more helpers."

The Carlyle Group, established in 1987, is the largest asset management group in the United States. When they learned that Wang Feng planned to open an investment company, they actively sought out Wang Feng for a partnership.

At the beginning, Balmond was very cautious, because as an American financial giant, the Carlyle Group was too powerful, and it was completely unfair to cooperate with them.

But they gave a sincere agreement and unassailable reasons. Carlyle wanted to develop the Asian market. They established the Asian Growth Fund in 2000, but encountered many problems when dealing with the AsiPacific.

If we can cooperate with Wang Feng, relying on his influence in the Asian region, we will be able to better develop the market.

Balmond and a team of professional lawyers have studied the cooperation rules for a long time, and found that there is no problem, so they recommend a partnership with them. Wang Feng took out 20 million euros, which is about 10% of his current assets, and owns the new company 67% absolute controlling interest.

The Carlyle Group holds 30% of the shares and becomes the company's second largest shareholder, responsible for professional investment work, while the rest of the shares are held by some relatives and friends of Wang Feng.

At present, the new investment company has no plans to go public for financing, but it can develop in this direction in the future. As long as the equity is not diluted, Wang Feng can always control the company.

For Wang Feng, the establishment of this company is just to better manage his investment and conduct scientific financial management.

Some athletes are very stupid. They earn a lot and spend a lot. They go bankrupt when they retire, and they have no other skills to support themselves, which makes their later life very miserable.

Wang Feng and his group came out of Zurich Airport quietly, and they were greeted by Carlyle Group's Executive Vice President De'Anroni, and Wang Feng's old acquaintance, Rennie.

After the two met, they hugged each other, and Wang Feng said with a smile, "Long time no see, buddy, your body becomes rounder visible to the naked eye after you stop playing football."

Rennie laughed loudly: "I want to eat all the things I was craving before, and finally I don't have to control my diet, but it suffocates me."

Since Wang Feng left Genk, Rennie stopped playing for a year and took over his family's small business. This time Wang Feng started a company and specially invited him to join the team. This guy can't stay idle. I heard that Wang Feng is coming Zurich talked about business, so he followed.

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

Wang Feng also has a good buddy in Genk, Beth, who also became a partner at his invitation. Beth is still playing for Genk, but there is no chance of being favored by a wealthy team. There is a high probability that he will retire in Genk. up.

He occasionally chatted with Wang Feng about those extraordinary years. When Henk won the UEFA Cup, it might be an unforgettable moment for most people.

Reminiscing about the past, the biggest goal of Wang Feng's trip is to complete the establishment of the company and sign a partnership agreement with the Carlyle Group. Everyone came to the Renaissance Zurich Hotel and started a formal negotiation.

This kind of negotiation is simply a kind of torture for Wang Feng. Although he hired a professional legal team, he has to work hard to keep up with the rhythm of both parties. He would rather fight Juventus for another three hundred years. Round After three painful days and three nights, everything was finally finalized. At this time, De'Anroni suddenly said: "Wang, there is one more thing, you haven't named the company yet."

At this moment, Wang Feng was in a trance, thinking of Lu Yao's smile like a flower in his confusion, he said to himself: "Feng... Yao."

"Feng...Yao, OK, I think this name is quite good. Using a Chinese name can attract more domestic attention, and the English abbreviation is FY, which is easily reminiscent of Fly. Well, the meaning is good. ' De'Anroni agreed.

Others also responded one after another. Some people really thought it was good, and some people might just want to end the long negotiation sooner.

Wang Feng was taken aback, he just subconsciously said, why is it going to become an official name soon? Thinking of the ambiguous feelings with Lu Yao, he was suddenly extremely embarrassed. If his sister found out, wouldn't he want to laugh at himself crazily?

He wanted to say that he should stop thinking about it, but seeing everyone packed up and left in a hurry, he was really embarrassed to speak, and could only watch Balmond submit all the materials.

It seems that this matter has to be kept secret, and it can be kept secret for as long as possible, and other things have to go with the flow.

Finally got this big thing done! Wang Feng and his group were obviously much more relaxed, especially Balmond, after he transferred some of Wang Feng's investment in Belgium and Italy to the Fengyao Group, he completed all the missions.

"Now I can finally concentrate on my career as an agent. I haven't had time to take care of several seedlings you recommended. Who is that? Balotelli, a very distinctive young player, but his personality is a bit withdrawn. I'll see if I can get him to the youth academy of Inter Milan or Juventus."