King Of World Football - Chapter 161

Chapter 161

On the evening of January 12, 2003, the second half of Serie A kicked off. In the 16th round, Inter Milan will challenge newly promoted Modena away.

In this game, Vieri, who has been out of battle for a long time, will start again. His partner Wang Feng will form the striker. Recoba's omission will be filled by Morfeo, and Ribery will also enter the squad.

Modena's coach Hennig was very puzzled by the young player's appearance when he got the Inter Milan squad, so he asked the assistant coach Ramiro next to him: "Do you know what the origin of this Ribery is?" ?

Ramiro shook his head: "I don't know, maybe they were promoted from the youth training camp. Their main force, Recoba, was injured, and there must be a shortage of players in the frontcourt now."

Hennig nodded, no longer focusing on him, but focusing on how to limit Wang Feng's performance. Currently, the team is only one step away from the relegation zone, and strive to score points in this game That's king.

With the whistle of the referee, the game officially started.

Inter Milan turned their backs and launched a threatening attack at the beginning of the game. Wang Feng's breakthrough in the frontcourt found Vieri in the middle.

In the subsequent games, Wang Feng created many offensive opportunities in order for Vieri to get back to his form as soon as possible, but he still failed to grasp them. Although Inter Milan had the upper hand, the score remained at 0:0.

In desperation, Wang Feng chose to go it alone and get ahead first.

In the 40th minute, Inter Milan attacked, Di Biagio passed the ball into the penalty area, and Wang Feng faced the two defenders after receiving the ball.

He first shifted the ball to the left. As an offensive player with both left and right feet, the Modena defenders did not dare to be careless.

The defensive team was taken aback, and quickly adjusted their body shape to press on the other side. In a flash, Wang Feng turned the ball back to his left foot again, and then raised his foot to shoot. The ball drew a diagonal line and flew straight to the right of the goal. In the lower corner, Modena's goalkeeper couldn't react in time and was broken through the gate.

"goooooooooooooooal! The goal has been scored! At the end of the first half, the dominant Inter Milan finally opened!"

"When Vieri was in a sluggish state and missed opportunities one after another, Wang Feng stood up. He used continuous spikes with his left and right feet to successfully tear through Modena's defense, and he saw the opportunity to kill him with one blow."

"Let's look at the replay before the goal. In just a moment, Wang Feng reversed the ball three times. It can be said that he lost his pace. The No. 19 defender who defended him twisted his body to the extreme, and still couldn't Block his shot."

"This is the skill at the feet of a top striker! It is worth mentioning that Wang Feng has scored 19 goals in the league so far. If he maintains this state, he is very likely to break the scoring record in Serie A. You know , last season he was only one point away."

After scoring the goal, Wang Feng shook his arm excitedly, then turned around and rushed to the sidelines. Inter Milan's players followed closely behind, and everyone embraced to celebrate.

Vieri said with emotion: "It has to be you, Wang, it's so easy to play football with you." Wang Feng hammered his chest: "Don't be too relaxed, hurry up and get back to the state and score one." Eli nodded with a smile.

At the end of the half, Inter Milan led the opponent by one goal. Cooper adjusted the lineup. He originally wanted to replace Vieri, but Vieri felt that he was still physically fit and wanted to score a goal before leaving the field.

Considering that Modena's intensity is not high, Cooper agreed with his idea, so only Ribery was replaced.

Franck Ribery, who played for the first time, was very nervous. Before entering the field, Wang Feng comforted him and said, "Dude, you are just too concerned about it, so you are very nervous. One game doesn't mean anything. I believe in your strength."

"I will pass the ball to you, try to score a goal, and then I will definitely play more and more smoothly."

Changing sides to fight again, Modena was not reconciled to the result of losing, so he stepped up his offense. Inter Milan also consciously relaxed the pressure and lured the opponent to save in order to create more opportunities.

In the 65th minute, Inter Milan's quick counterattack, Wang Feng ran all the way after receiving the ball in the midfield, Vieira and Ribery followed closely behind, and Modena formed a three-on-three frontcourt.

He first crossed the ball to Ribery in the middle, and then waited for an opportunity to advance. The latter stopped the ball a bit too much during the run, but he still passed the ball before the defender.

The quality of this pass was good. Wang Feng easily received the ball from the side. At this time, he relied on his speed to throw off the Modena defender by a position, so he adjusted calmly and sent a high-quality cross near the baseline.

The ball was spinning in the air and found Vieri who was ambushing in the penalty area. He jumped up lightly, and the ball just hit his forehead, refracted and flew into the lower left corner of the goal.

2:0! Another victory for Inter Milan!

After the goal, Vieri was quickly replaced by Batistuta. Just when everyone thought that Inter Milan would win easily, some changes occurred on the field.

In the 72nd minute, after Modena's attack, center back Yoshizin made a Forward Budd in the penalty area was unguarded. He stopped the ball and hit the goal through Toldo's ten fingers.

Just 3 minutes later, Inter Milan leaked in the penalty area again, but this time Bard's shot was blocked by Materazzi on the goal line.

Cannavaro was responsible for the two mistakes. Cooper decisively replaced him with Zambrotta, and Inter Milan's defense gradually stabilized.

In the 85th minute, taking advantage of the opportunity of Modena's massive attack, Inter Milan launched another counterattack. After Wang Feng dribbled the ball into the penalty area, he attracted all the defensive attention, and then pushed across to the left.

Franck Ribery, who followed, smashed the ball into the goal without any effort, and Inter Milan sealed the victory!

After scoring the goal, Ribery ran around the field excitedly. He never thought that he would be able to score a goal on the Serie A stage for the first time.

Then he hugged Wang Feng who came over, and kept saying words of gratitude. Wang Feng smiled and patted his head, feeling quite relieved in his heart.

In the end, Inter Milan defeated the newly promoted Modena 3:1. With one goal and two assists, Wang Feng was elected the best player of the game. This is the 10th time he has been elected the best player.

At the press conference after the game, Cooper said in an interview: "Wang Feng's performance in this game deserves to be selected as the best. If I were to choose, Inter Milan's past 16 league rounds, he has won every game. He's the best player."

At the same time, AC Milan beat Borgia 2:0, and Juventus beat Reggina 5:0.