Katherine Katt: Camp Alien - Katherine Katt: Camp Alien Part 63

Katherine Katt: Camp Alien Part 63

We woke up to the rocking sounds of "Wake Up" by American Hi-Fi. Same title but much more rocking than the song from yesterday. Of course, the lyrics were kind of foreboding. Chose to ignore that.

Vance was already on-site and he and Raj had everything organized before we were out of our suite. There were some real advantages to being the President and First Lady. Knew they weren't going to outweigh the disadvantages, but we did soldier on.

We were required to ride up to Camp David in the Beast, though Len was our driver and Kyle had shotgun. Literally our family group, which was six what with Lizzie and Nadine, was all that could fit into this limo comfortably. Didn't share that Bruno, Lola, Mork, and Mindy were also in the car, or that I'd checked my purse and I had a lot of Poofs on Board. By now it should be assumed that Poofs and Peregrines were coming along.

Our luggage went in a burly SUV driven by Secret Service, just like everyone else's luggage. Lost count of the number of SUVs carrying luggage versus people. Lost count of the number of cars overall that we had in our impressive convoy, but it was a lot, many more than we'd had when we were heading into Operation Epidemic and onto the Murder Train.

Jeff spent the entire hour's drive on the phone with my mother-who was still at NSA headquarters and would join us tomorrow-and a variety of others. He did a lot of grunting, and anytime he actually spoke it was about foreign policy, international diplomacy, or equally exciting topics. Len was focused on driving and Kyle was on his own headset having his own grunting conversations. Clearly the men were Occupied.

Requested music, so we listened to the All-American Rejects album When The World Comes Down played not nearly loud enough, but a girl had to take what she could get. Spent the drive playing word games with Lizzie, Jamie, and Nadine, while we all entertained Charlie to keep him from trying to lift the car or anything in it. Settled for him merely lifting some of the Poofs out of my purse and juggling them without using his hands. The Poofs didn't seem to mind, so chose not to stress out about this. Much.

So the time passed in a rather conventional manner. No one tried to run us off the road, shoot at us, bomb us, or kidnap us. Was texting with people in various cars in the convoy, and everyone reported that it was all work and serene driving. Had a glimmer of hope that this would end up being a really boring camping trip combining work and awkward small talk and Poof juggling that I'd have to explain as a magic trick.

We finally reached Camp David, where I discovered it had an official name-Naval Support Facility Thurmont-and I was impressed. It was large, and rustic, and staffed by Navy and Marines, making it nice and secure. The tall wire fences looked remarkably like those around the NSA black site and enhanced the feeling of security. My hopes for a good few days rose.

We were installed in the Aspen Lodge, where the President always stayed. Because we were rolling with so many people, we had a lot more in here than was probably recommended. However, while this was supposed to be where the Pres and his family went to relax, we weren't even trying to pretend that this was anything but work for everyone.

Unpacking took a short amount of time. Fortunately, because we were "camping" in cabins with hot and cold running water, indoor plumbing, and central heat and air-for which I was incredibly thankful-I'd been allowed to be in jeans and Converse. I was even allowed to wear an Aerosmith shirt, since my love for my Bad Boys from Boston was, apparently, well known. Decided that meant I was known as a fun girl and refused to worry about it.

In addition to Alpha Team, who were supposedly already on-site, Doreen, White, Mahin, and Abigail were representing for the Diplomatic Corps and our key White House Staff and Cabinet members, the Vata, and the Planetary Council were also along for the ride, as requested. Happily, Uncle Mort was here, too, representing as the newly minted Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Totally shocking me, Abner was here as well. Grabbed him while Jeff talked to Uncle Mort about their plan for how the next few days should go. "It turns out you can make changes here if you want to," Abner told me by way of nervous explanation. "And I . . . decided that I should be here in case you . . . need me."

"Abner, I'm honestly touched. But, and do not take this the wrong way, where are you sleeping?"

Was prepared for him to tell me he was going to be on our couch. "I'm bunking with Vance."

"Works for me." Felt that I'd managed to hide my relief, since he didn't look hurt. Of course, for all I knew, Vance was in our cabin. Now wasn't the time to worry about it, though.

While Lorraine and Claudia were here with the rest of Alpha Team, the flyboys were all at the Embassy, seeing as air support was not needed, since we'd driven. It was felt that the five of them deserved the rest, Joe and Randy especially. Based on how many people we had here, I was actually glad they'd stayed at home, so to speak, though they'd all probably have bunked in the barracks.

Camilla was around somewhere, as was Buchanan. Not that I saw either one of them, but Reader insisted they were on-site so I chose to believe him.

Mister Joel Oliver and Bruce Jenkins and their camera crews and assistants and such were the only reporters allowed access, as per usual, and they both seemed quite thrilled. The teams with them seemed almost giddy. Decided not to ask where they were bunking, since I figured they'd all be too busy taking pictures and doing interviews to actually sleep.

With all the people coming with us, wasn't sure that we actually had enough space to house the Israeli and Iraqi contingents, but it turned out that a lot of our people were going to house at the barracks on-site.

The Shantanu had thought ahead and brought a very small portable city with them. This one was actually small enough that it should have been called a portable two-story extra-large suburban home, but I wasn't going to argue with the wisdom of Rohini's people ensuring that those from their system along with the Vata would all be housing together, so as not to put the humans and A-Cs out. That they could fit it onto the grounds when there were so many trees around was the real surprise.

Confirming that everyone was everywhere they should be fell to Raj and Vance, apparently. This was made much easier thanks to hyperspeed.

The Israeli and Iraqi contingents, who didn't have the luxury of hyperspeed, were still getting settled when Raj and Vance returned to share that everyone was where they were supposed to be and we were due to have our first casual meet and greet by the pool, wherever that was, in around thirty minutes.

Nudged Jeff who had finished with Uncle Mort. "Want to see what this place is like?"

He looked around. "Sure, I think we can do that, baby. Raj, we're going to take a quick look at the entire grounds."

Raj didn't argue. "Just be back in time for the reception."

Jeff swung Jamie up onto his shoulders. "Ready for a ride?"

"Yes!" she squealed.

I put Charlie onto my hip and took Jeff's hand. Looked at Nadine and Lizzie. "You coming?"

Nadine shook her head. "I'll pass and take the short break."

"I'd like to," Lizzie said hesitantly.

"Hang onto Daddy, Jamie-Kat," Jeff said. "I have to hold onto Mommy and Lizzie."

"Okay, Daddy!" Jamie sounded totally excited. "It's so pretty here!"

"It is, isn't it?" It was. Felt myself actually relax. We could do this.

Jeff started off at the slow version of hyperspeed so we could see what was here. There was a lot, really. Including a gigantic trench that had the familiar fencing on both sides, effectively making it hard for anyone to casually get in here.

We did a fast run around the perimeter by following the paved path right next to the trench and discovered that this area was really big, easily larger than the area around and including Forest Haven. Turned out to be a sort of an asymmetrical pentagon, though one that was sort of elongated, with ragged, uneven sides, and there were so many trees it would have been hard to tell without doing this at hyperspeed.

The lowest corner, which was to the left of the main entrance, had a helipad, a skeet shooting range, and a building that I thought might have been housing a basketball court, but we didn't go in so I couldn't confirm.

Going up from there were just a lot of trees but, as we turned to go along the "top," we spotted the military barracks, which was actually a small complex. And a back entrance or exit. The rest of the sides were all trees, trees, and more trees, though we did spot horseback riding trails. On a total positive, apparently there were horses to ride if we wanted them. Figured that if things went well, maybe I'd have Jamie try riding while we were here. There were also some trails that led outside of the compound, most notably one at the rear near to Laurel Lodge.

Took a look at Laurel Lodge, where most of the meetings and meals were going to take place. Seemed nice, but we had the kids so we didn't really go inside.

Now we did a run through the interior. Somehow they'd managed to fit a small golf course in the lower right corner of this area. There were also tons of cabins in the "middle"-which gave me a feeling of great relief-tennis courts and a fitness center up near the barracks, the Evergreen chapel near to Laurel Lodge, areas for archery and horseshoes, and, per Jeff's briefing, there was also bowling, movies, a trampoline somewhere that we'd missed, the swimming pool outside of our cabin which only I had missed, billiards-or as I and the rest of the normal people called it, pool-hiking, biking, fishing, and, in winter, lots of other sports.

This place was both totally outdoorsy and a Jock's Dream Palace. Seriously considered if we could get a small football field in here for Len and Kyle and so I could start training all the kids in track and field. Not that I was anti-tree, but there were so very many of them that if we had to knock down a couple of dying ones I wouldn't feel too guilty. Decided to wait to suggest that until we'd been on the job for at least a couple of weeks and my Dad, who was totally ecologically focused, couldn't hear me suggest destroying any of the lovely trees and such.

"It's totes beautiful here," Lizzie said. "So much less creepy than Forest Haven, too."

"It's like you read my mind."

Jeff stopped running and pulled us all in for a family group hug. "I can't tell you how relieved I am that you two are back with the rest of the family, safe and sound. I want the two of you to try to focus on having fun with Jamie and Charlie more than anything else. Especially you, young lady." He grinned at Lizzie.

Who grinned back. "Will do, Commander."

Jeff looked sort of wistful. "Not a commander anymore."

Couldn't help it, the Inner Hyena released. "Are you kidding me? You're officially the Commander in Chief of the entire U.S. military. Stop kidding yourself, Jeff. Like I said last night, you've been prepping for and doing this job for your entire adult life."

Jeff gave me a very loving smile. "I'm glad you still think so, baby." He sighed. "I think it's time for us to get back."

We headed back for Aspen-which was neither in the center nor near Laurel, but was quite close to the golf course, go figure-and got there as people were starting to gather. Jeff zipped us into the cabin so we could walk out at human normal. So it was kind of a shock to see that someone other than Nadine or our Secret Service teams were in here. Not that it should have surprised me.


"JAKOB! OREN! LEAH!" Let go of Jeff's hand and raced over to give our friends from Mossad stationed at the Israeli Embassy hugs. "Feels like I haven't seen you guys for ages."

"Well, it's been a busy time for all of you," Leah said. She took Charlie from me. "He's grown so much since I saw you last, and it was really probably only a couple of weeks ago."

"Feels like a lifetime," Jeff said, as he shook Oren and Jakob's hands and gave Leah a kiss on her cheek. "This is Elizabeth Vrabel," he said. "She goes by Lizzie."

"Or Quick Girl," I added. Leah raised her eyebrow and I nodded.

She turned to Lizzie and offered her hand. "It's always nice to meet a sister."

"Sister?" Lizzie asked, sounding confused, though she took Leah's hand.

Leah laughed. "Sister in the Kick Butt Club. Kitty's mother is our Founding Member."

Lizzie beamed. "Oh, that. Yeah, I guess I'm in."

"Trust me, she's in. So, are you guys here officially or did you sneak into this secured area somehow?"

"We managed to get onto the Prime Minister's protection team for this meeting," Oren said. "His staff is concerned. He's definitely not acting like they're used to."

"We watched the video," Jeff said. "Honestly, because we can't read it, nothing seemed really off to us."

"It's not what they're saying or doing, it's how they're saying or doing it," Jakob said. "And I'm saying they because the Iraqi President is off, too. And in his case, it's getting more noticeable."

"He's acting erratic," Leah said. "One moment he's pleasant, the next he seems almost possessed."

"Drugs?" Everyone stared at me. Resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Seriously? Come on. It's not like no leader in the world has had addiction problems. That sounds a lot like drug addiction or withdrawal."

"Not that we've discovered," Jakob said. "But we'll search for evidence of such again."

Raj came in. "There you are. We need you outside." He nodded to Mossad. "Are you three done in here?"

"Yes," Leah said. "And before you ask, we were installing bugs."

Stared at her. "Excuse me?"

"Requested by the Head of the P.T.C.U. and the Director of the CIA," Oren explained. "They want us monitoring here, just as they are."

So much for having sex at Camp David. Actively chose not to be bitter, but it took a lot of effort.

Jeff grunted. "Take the bugs out, put the bugs back in. You people need to make up your minds." He nodded to Raj. "We're coming."

Mossad left by a door opposite the one we were going to walk out of so that they could look like they hadn't been in here.

Jeff swung Jamie-who was in jeans, pink tennis shoes, and a bright pink shirt-down and held her hand. I took her other hand while Lizzie took Charlie-who was in a cute green jumper and shirt set-and stayed on my other side. Lizzie was in tennis shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt. And Jeff was, of course, in the Armani Fatigues.

Would have suggested he put on jeans, but decided to see how everyone else was dressed first. So, thusly ready, we headed out to the pool. Aspen was only one story high, but it had an upper terrace and a lower terrace due to the slope of the terrain around it. The pool was near the lower terrace and was quite nice, a sort of figure-eight design with pretty flagstones instead of boring concrete around it.

There were people I was pretty sure were Field agents passing around drinks and light hors d'oeuvres. People appeared to be mingling. So far, so good.

We reached the Israeli prime minister first. He was rather short, only a little taller than me, balding, but not trying to hide it, which was refreshing. He wore glasses and had nice brown eyes. He was in slacks, a long-sleeved, buttoned-down shirt, and loafers. "Eitan, this is my wife, Kitty. Kitty, this is Prime Minister Eitan Harpaz."

"Shalom. It's an honor to meet you," I said as we shook hands and he beamed at me. Amazing, my father's teaching and the Washington Wife class came through in pressure situations.

"And I you as well." He smiled at the kids. "A beautiful family. You both look too young to be parents to this lovely young lady, however."

"True enough. This is Elizabeth Vrabel. She's my ward."

Lizzie bobbed her head and rattled something off in what I was pretty sure was perfect Hebrew.

Harpaz's eyes lit up and he responded in what I was certain was Hebrew. They had a short, animated conversation, then he smiled at me. "A wonderful young lady indeed."

"Yes, we think so. This is our daughter, Jamie, and our son, Charlie."

Harpaz bowed gravely to Jamie. "It's a pleasure, miss." Jamie giggled. Then he chucked Charlie under his chin, making Charlie giggle, too. "And what a fine boy. You have a wonderful family, Jeffrey."

We made some more small talk, then Raj and Vance both came over to move us off to our next stop. "If that's off, I wonder what he's really like," I said softly to Jeff. "That man was totally charming."

Lizzie nudged me. "They're not wrong. His Hebrew is off."

Didn't have time to ask her how she knew this before we were meeting the Iraqi President. He was taller than Harpaz but not as tall as Jeff. He was stout, with a full head of hair. I'd expected him to be in something traditional, but he was in a regular business suit. Clearly Jeff and the others in the Armani Fatigues weren't going to stand out badly in this crowd.

Jeff did the same introduction here as he had with Harpaz. The Iraqi President's name was Faiz Samara. For him I bowed my head and pointedly didn't offer my hand. "Peace be with you, President Samara. We are honored to welcome you to our home."

He smiled gravely. "And peace be unto you, Missus Martini. Your hospitality has already been a gift."

Since I hadn't done a thing yet, figured either he'd loved it at Blair House or he was just being extremely polite. Decided I'd follow that lead and introduced Lizzie, who again showed that the school Siler had put her in was amazing, because she said a greeting in what appeared to be perfect Arabic. Like Harpaz before him, Samara seemed pleased and impressed and replied in kind. Once again, they had a brief, animated conversation, and once again we received compliments on Lizzie the Teenaged Diplomat Extraordinaire.

When meeting Jamie and Charlie, Samara gravely handed Jamie a small gift. She thanked him profusely. "May I open it now, Mommy?" she asked.

Vance and Abner had run me through this particular gauntlet when we'd practiced the day before. "No, sweetie. That's a special present to open later."

Samara smiled at Jeff. "Your family is thoughtful to our ways. I look forward to our time here together. I believe we will make great strides."

More small talk, then we were once again led away. "Again, I think that man was totally charming," I said quietly to Jeff and Lizzie as we managed to get to an area without people. "Was his Arabic off?"

"No, not at all," Lizzie said. "The Prime Minister's accent is wrong, though. It's like he learned Hebrew in a country other than Israel. But not on every word. Just some of them."

"Maybe he's just got a weird way of speaking."

She shook her head. "It's like when you hear a Canadian talking. They totes sound like Americans until they hit a word that's got an O-U in it. Then they sound wrong, you know? It's like that, only different."

"I don't see what Mossad sees in regard to Samara," Jeff said. "He didn't seem odd to me at all yesterday. But Harpaz . . . I'm with Lizzie. There's something just a little off about him. But I can't put my finger on what it is, since he's not doing the wrong word things in English, or if he is, I'm not noticing."