Kaminoniki - 35 Chapter 29 - Malignan

35 Chapter 29 - Malignan

"Hi, there!" The boy said smiling.

"...Hi..." Medusa didn't know what is going at the current moment; she can't think of anything in her mind.

"You seem to confuse?" The boy said.

"...I don't know..." Medusa is confused right now. One second the boy that she has hopes on disappearing like he doesn't even exist, the next second he is standing in front of like everything that had happened is like a dream.

"I'm a patient guy. I can wait! But first, you need to take a shower because you are stink!" The boy jokes.

The boy then takes her to a luxurious mansion on the other side of the mountain. This mansion doesn't seem real to Medusa; in her whole life, she has not seen a house like this in this miserable town. Especially the boy that took her here is not even from this town.

"I guess you want to know how do I get this mansion up in this hill, right?" The boy noticed Medusa is holding back her question.

"I have never seen this house around ever exist around here!" Medusa exclaims.

"Ah! I see! This house is not my house nor my family's!" The boy said.

"Then who's this?" Medusa continues to asks after the boy starts up the conversation around the topic.

"Good question! I let you figure out after this little fun story I'm going to tell you." The boy finds a place to sit down and then gets into his comfortable position and said, "But first, you need to take a shower first!"

"..." Medusa embarra.s.sedly stares at the boy.

"Oh! Stupid me! The shower is straight ahead." The boy points in a direction.

"Thanks..." Medusa turns around looks at the direction that the boy points his finger.

"Do you want me to take you there?" The boy smirks and joke.

"..." Medusa didn't reply then nervously walk quickly toward the shower.

"What a nice girl...It will be fun..." The boy magically takes out a cup of red wine and takes a sip. The wine is red like the blood that comes straight from some living being.

"The redder the grapes are, the better wine it will produce...like the rotten ones..." The boy continues.

After thirty minutes, Medusa comes out from the shower wearing a pretty red dress and red bottom heels; walking toward her nervously like a young bride ready for the wedding.

"I see you like the dress I picked out for you!" The boy finishes his drink and compliments his taste in fas.h.i.+on.

"Thank you..." Medusa thank the boy. She not only thank him for the dress he picked out but also for the all the things he did for her.

"You are very welcome! I'll do anything for a pretty girl like you..." The boy flirts like Levi.

Medusa blushes after hearing what the young boy said to her; even though he is like the same age as her, but he doesn't seem like to do things that correspond to his age.

"Ok now! Take a sit with me! I prepare some food for you! I figure that you must be starving!" The boy asks Medusa to sit down and enjoy the meal that he prepares for her.

Medusa's eye glows like a hungry lion comes over to a deer nest when she saw the delicious food sitting right in front of her waiting for her to eat. She quickly takes a sit and starts her action; it's like a hurricane came by, she urgently finishes her food in a matter of seconds.

Medusa bust in tears after she finishes eating all the foods on the table because she never had a decent meal in her life. This meal is the first meal that can enjoyably eat without sacerficing her body.

"Awww girl! There is no need to cry! You are safe with me now! You will be living your best life from now on!" The boy promises.

"If you have the bravery to do so...Dreamland is a nice place to live in!" The boy said.

Unfortunately, Medusa is too caught up in her feelings now to able to hear what the boy said.

"Now now! Are you ready to listen to my story?" The boy saw Medusa finally stop crying and asks.

"Yes...I'm ready!" Medusa seriously said after she weeps her tear off her face.

"Okay! I guess you want to asks who am I, right?" The boy asks.

"I'm Kami!" The boy didn't let Medusa have a chance to reply to his question and answers.

"..." Medusa knitted her brows and gave the boy a confuse look.

"I'm the servant of the devil." The boy calmly said.

"Devil...?" Medusa seems surprised to hear that a boy young like him would say something strange like that.

"Yes." The boy shortly replies; he stops and waits for Medusa to continue to ask him questions.

"...Why you want to help me?" Medusa worries.

"uhm...Because I think it would be fun!" The boy answers.

"Fun?" Medusa now is more confused with this mystical boy.

"A movie is boring if you are just an audience and watch until the end. However, it will be more exciting if you are involved!" The boy metaphors.

"A movie?" Medusa give the boy a look like a student hears an explanation from the teacher and finds it even harder to understand than before.

"Okay...You told me that you hate your parents and everyone in this town, right?" The boy patiently explains.

"..." Medusa's silence answers for her.

"If the people you hate just die all of the sudden you will feel good, right?" The boy asks.

"..." Medusa puts her head down to avoid the question, "Yes..." She then quietly said like the noise that a mosquito makes.

"Now tell me, what if you are the one who did the job? How does that feel?" The boy sits lies back on the high chair and asks.

"..." Medusa picks her head up and open her eyes widely and stares at the boy like she hears something crazy.

"Does it?" The boy didn't seem to mind the staring. Instead, he enjoys the stare very much.

"..." No answers replies; after a few seconds of staring at the young boy she puts her head back down, her face stars to turn red like a tomato. She is doing a battle inside her head. One side she wants to admit to what the boy ask, but the other hand is holding her back trying to keep her not to overstep her conscience.

Silence is the worst nightmare for a person who is on the edge of losing their mind. The boy did not seem to expect Medusa's answer; he looks like he knows what will Medusa's response will be.

Finally, Medusa's conscience lost its battle with the pleasure that is being held back for so long.

"Yes...YES!" Medusa first softly answers then screams her guts out to release the pressure that had been stacking up inside of her.

"Good...Good!" The boy smiles like he accomplished something according to his plan.