Kaminoniki - 23 Chapter 19 - Love, Evol

23 Chapter 19 - Love, Evol

Both wake up from the alarm; with happiness and good mood.

"Good morning baby!" Levi wakes up first then notice Mary is starting to wake up.

"Good..." Levi cuts her off with a romantic kiss.

"Awww! I didn't even brush my teeth yet!" Mary blushes.

"It's fine, every smell of your's great!" Levi goes on with his sweet talk.

"You are such a cutie!" Mary then proceeds to kiss Levi back.

It is a sunny day today because spring is coming after the d.a.m.n freezing winter.

"We are going to relax and just kick back and chill since you are going back to your country today!" Levi said.

"OKay! It's all up to you today! You are the boss!" Mary smiles.

"You from the United States, right?" Levi asks.

"Yeah!" Mary replies.

"I hear that in the United States, it's always quick and no time to relax, right?" Levi asks.

"Pretty much, since everyone needs to wake up early and go to work in a stressful mood," Mary explains.

"Okay, today we'll be going to get some brunch since it's pretty late for morning breakfast!" Levi recommends.

"Sure baby! It's all on you today!" Mary reaches over to Levi and gives him a kiss.

Since Levi had fully realized his mistake in life and believe that Darwin has given him a chance to change his life to a better one, he is all in for Mary.

They went to a locally famous and fancy restaurant to get their brunch, Levi wants Mary to fall in love with this place; so when they do decide to be together for life, Levi can have a better chance to convince Mary to move in French with him.

They both went in and takes a sit at a seat where the warm sunlight is.

A nice looking young teen waiter gently walks over to their table,

"Good morning sir, mam', how can I help you two today!" (In French)

"I would like a cup of coffee, and an order of French toast, please! (French) " Levi kindly said.

"Sure! And what can I get for this beautiful young lady today?" the waiter speaks English for Mary to understand; he saw that Levi and Mary are both speaking English on the way to the seat.

"Uhmmm...I don't know! This is my first time being here! What can you recommend for me?" Mary looks at the waiter and smiles.

"Sure thing! Today's special is this 'Heart of Candle', it is a steam beef cover in chocolate, with a touch of our special sauce!" The waiter explains.

"Okay! I'll get this then!" Mary orders, she didn't care about the food that much, as long as she can eat with Levi is enough!

"'Heart of Candle'? I've never heard of this dish before! And I've been coming in here for a while now." Levi quietly asks, and that's when Levi looks over to the waiter. When he saw the waiter's face, he feels like he has seen him somewhere before.

"Oh! The chief just came with this yesterday!" The waiter smiles, but this smile does not look comforting, so Levi didn't really get into the question too deep and send the waiter aways to prepare their food.

"The brunch selection in here is really unique, I've never seen or eaten something this creative before!" Mary exclaims.

Not too long of a wait time for the food to arrive.

After putting Mary's 'Heart of candle' on the table, the waiter then explains,

"This heart-shaped chocolate needs to melt before you can eat the beef inside because the sauce inside needs to combine with the melted chocolate in order to taste good on the beef or else it is very plain."

He then takes out a small bottle of red wine, and pours over onto the chocolate; then he takes out a lighter and lights the wine while it is still pouring down from the bottle. Just right before the fire about to reach up to the bottle, the water then stops pouring immediately leading the fire to stop reaching into the wine inside the bottle.

"Huf!" the sound of fire amazes Mary.

Few second later the chocolate completely melted and a blood red liquid spills out the chocolate and comes combined with the melted chocolate.

"WOW! That is an absolutely amazing show, just that alone makes me open up my appet.i.te. I just want to eat this 'heart of candle right now!" Mary said.

"Enjoy!" The waite takes a bow and slowly walks off.

"Did you see that! Oh, my G.o.d! That is a crazy show! I've never seen that in my life!" Mary exclaimed, then she takes a bit on the soft steam beef, "Oh, my G.o.d! This is actually good! I would definitely come back for this!"

"Haha! Sure! I will take you anywhere anytime!" Levi said with love.

"You are the best!" Mary smiles.

"So am I better than the dish?" Levi jokes.

"Emmm...I would say...the dish is better, but just a slight bit!" Mary laughs.

After the brunch, they both decided to go see a movie or something to kill some time. Just when Levi and Mary go to the counter to pay the check, the cas.h.i.+er looks at the check and said,

"Congraduation! You have won a special price for ordering the 'Heart of Candle' since it is a new dish that we just came up yesterday, so the owner of this restaurant decided to reward whoever order this dish first and it looks like you guys are the first one to order it! "

"Oh, my G.o.d! Is it really!" Mary jumps and said.

"Yes, it is!" The cas.h.i.+er kindly smiles back and answers.

"Levi! You are my lucky charm! I love you!" Mary hugs Levi and gives him a kiss.

"I guess I am!" Levi is always pretty excited about the price that he just wins.

"So what is the price?" Levi then asks the cas.h.i.+er.

"No problem, let me check!" The cas.h.i.+er politely said.

After a few seconds, the cas.h.i.+er replies,

"The price is a heart scented candle souvenir..."

"Wow! That's pretty cool, I guess to symbolize the dish. Not a bad idea!" Levi thought about it for a second and said.

"There is still one more price!" The cas.h.i.+er then kindly replies.

"One more?! Wow, the owner is a real champion!" Mary comments.

"What is it?" Levi wonders.

--------------------------------------- P.S.

Thank you so much, [b.u.t.terflySapphire], for the Power Stone.

That means a lot to me!

"You are the best!" Levi said. HAHAHA