I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated - Chapter 943

Chapter 943

943: Wielders of the Divine Swords

After unleas.h.i.+ng the power of Alpha, Adol plunged into the antidemon legion alone.

One man against 100,000. Yet, those of us watching were not worried in the slightest.

The holy knights showed no sign of heading out to support him, so he truly was all by himself.

Maybe their only job was to clear the path until Adol activated Alpha? Oh, and cleaning up stragglers too.

Besides, theyd only get caught up in the rampage if they got any closer to him. It would be difficult to offer much support.

Clad in white mana, Adol unleashed a tsunami-like shockwave cleaving vast fields of antidemons with each swing of the blade.

He managed to maximize the area of effect without reducing the output. Fran could also shoot shockwaves like that, but she wouldnt get anywhere close to Adols range and power.

Adol face showed no emotions as he continued reaping the antidemons. He had his usual gentleman-like expression up until activating Divine Sword Release, so the sudden loss of emotion seemed a bit weird to me.

Instead of going for the commander immediately, Adol simply crushed the lesser antidemons as they came. Seeing as how he didnt leave any behind, it seems he plans to exterminate every last one by himself.

There was no turning the table, no upheavals.

The wielder of the divine sword simply applied his powers, and all his enemies were annihilated before him. We saw the same scene repeated until the very end.

Its over.

Yeah It was pretty much watching the same scene on repeat.

The commander, who just got cleaved in two a few seconds ago, was no small fry. The current Fran without Divine Beast Form would have struggled against it.

Not to say that we would have lost, but it would have taken a considerable amount of time even if we went all out.

Yet Adol cut him down in the blink of an eye, just like any other antidemon.

This divine sword was truly unbelievable, and it seems Adol had been raised to maximize its power.

It might not be an exaggeration to say that Adol was the strongest man on the planet upon releasing his divine sword.

Id like to see him fight someone stronger.

Right, Im interested in how he would fight antidemons on the same level as the ones in Sendia.


Adol sheathed his blade. The white mana covering the region dissipated, and a silence fell over the plains.

Including Adol, none of the holy knights shouted for joy or anything. They probably thought it would be disgraceful to make a commotion. Everyone knew of Adol and Alphas powers, so this outcome was exactly as they expected.

Now we know just how scary Alpha is.

Adol is strong too.


Thats one of the top nations for you. Rather than simply handing the divine sword to the strongest person in the country, they instead train someone to become the strongest upon taking up the blade

This only makes me more curious about Berserk. Its said to have powers on par with Alphas, but what about in reality?

While I was thinking about this atop the walls, I noticed a figure approaching us. They didnt seem to be one of the adventurers.

She was a pretty young girl with reddish-purple hair tied into twin-tails, who looked a little older than Fran. Moreover, her outfit was nothing like the average adventurer.

She wore a mainly black gothic lolita-style dress. Not dress armor, but an full-blown dress, with a miniskirt-like bottom. Maybe its made out of monster materials, but it certainly looks awful in terms of defense.

Im certain I would have remembered someone this conspicuous if I had seen them before.

Her face was completely expressionless and I couldnt sense any hostility. She was clearly here to see Fran, but who could she be?

Who are you?

I am Ajisai, from Hagane.

Hagane? Could she have been in that carriage guarded by the soldiers? If so, this Ajisai girl is

The divine sword holder?

I was thinking the same thing. There couldnt be very many people in the carriage. If anyone besides their commander s.h.i.+kimi was in there, they were most likely the divine swords wielder.

Berserk, the most horrific divine sword. Upon activation, the wielder was said to go out of control and rampage until their certain death.

Which meant the wielder was nothing more than a sacrifice to the blade. Was this young girl to be that sacrifice?

Ajisai tilted her head in response to Frans question. Her expressionless face and hard-to-read emotions reminded me of Fran.

I wonder? Maybe so, maybe not.


Are you an adventurer?

Nn. Im Fran, Rank B adventurer.

I see. Youre

Ajisai, I finally found you. We should get going.


Another girl with a face similar to Ajisais approached us. This new girl, Matsuyuki, seemed to be a bit older. I guess Ajisai was around 15 years old, with Matsuyuki being around 18?

Her long, snow-white hair split into bangs at the left and right side of her face, with the rest of her hair flowing down the back of her head.

She too, wore a black dress, except hers seemed a bit more mature with a longer skirt. Well, in the end it was still gothic lolita-style, with frills and everything.

Unlike Ajisai, this girl smiled slightly. Yet for some reason, Ajisais expressionless face still seemed more friendly than Matsuyukis. Maybe because Matsuyukis smile was so obviously fake.

Is Matsuyuki your older sister?

Maybe so, maybe not.

That again?

Its the truth, so theres nothing I can do about it.

Ajisai shrugged lightly before turning around and leaving. What did she even want? Just to speak with Fran since they appeared to be like minds?

See you later.


Ajisai nodded at Frans words. Again, the two seemed to have very similar expressions on their faces.

So we still have no clue if those girls were really Berserks wielders or not.

They seemed to have a decent amount of strength, on par with Diggins. But after seeing Adol, we learned that strength barely mattered for the wielders of a divine sword.

I kinda hope Im wrong though. I dont want to believe girls that young are being offered as sacrifices Then, Fran whispered in response to me.

Im sure shes the wielder.

What makes you say that?

I dont know.

As Fran stared at Ajisais back, a faint tinge of sadness appeared in her eyes.