I Tamed The Most Evil Emperor - 38 Allies Of The Ligh

38 Allies Of The Ligh

"Heavenly arts! Black Panther!"

A terrifying roaring sound seems to echoed closely at the ears of the eight dragon swords approaching Ling Ai as a cloud of fog covered the whole place the very second Ling Ai cast the Heavenly arts skill.

All the eight dragon swords coughed blood as they were blasted out 10 yards away from the temple. The temple's facade was completely devastated and steps were heard coming from the cloud of fog.

When the fog cleared out, a huge black panther with gleaming amethyst eyes was glaring down the eight dragon swords sprawled on the ground. All of their masks were stained by blood and cracks were inflicted on it from the moment they received a powerful blast as Ling Ai's Heavenly arts Black Panther skill was cast.

All of the sights of the eight dragon swords turned blurry as they were still feeling dizzy, they watched a huge black figure glaring at them with gleaming amethyst eyes like it's one with the shadows prowling its prey.

When they soon regained clear consciousness their swords were already taken away by Ling Ai. They stood up quickly with their fighting stance and watched Ling Ai facing them standing at the front of the huge Black Panther.

The White Mustache shook and was still perplexed wondering how Ling Ai was able to pull off a Heavenly arts skill already only at a cultivation level of Grandmaster rank. He can't do anything about the dangerous plight he is witnessing but to watch how Ling Ai finishes her actions and put faith on her that she won't do anything very harmful that will kill his people. He is thinking that if one of his dragon swords are killed tonight then everything will have to be settled before the night ends.

"How was she able to use a Heavenly arts skill when she's just a Martial arts Grandmaster like us?"

"I have no idea, even lord White Mustache seemed to have no idea too witnessing such an unexpected dreadful Heavenly arts skill"

"We can all say that she's not normal. What are we going to do? Do we now resort to the clan's forbidden shadow Martial arts skill? The way of the dragon."

"First of all, we haven't reached the spiritual realm yet that our way of the dragon skill is limited to Martial arts level only, so it will not be as strong as the White Jinn's Heavenly arts way of the dragon. Second, are we certain that we can defeat her by using it? Third, will the people of the Full Moon Clan be a.s.sured of safety the moment we cast Martial arts way of the dragon skill turning us unconscious and go on a rampage?"

"What else can we do? The people of the Full Moon Clan already know the drill that when predicament comes and a need of using the forbidden shadow Martial arts skill arises, then they must evacuate the place and proceed to the hidden underground."

"What's your call being the intelligent one of us, dragon sword Zheng Xie?"

"We all felt her potential and how strong she is! So for now, we need to a.s.sess her limits and the strength of her black Panther. We must not act recklessly anymore."

"We don't have enough time for that, Zheng Xie."

The eight dragon swords were given by the White Mustache an enhanced masks that enables them to talk with using only their minds. But the White Mustache was not wearing the mask and the eight dragon swords were aware of it and realized that the critical decision they'll make is up to the eight of them.

"Hey! I can say and agree to anyone that you are indeed strong! But taking our swords from us does not make us any weaker. Also, I can tell that your Heavenly arts skill is not that terrifying and powerful because it's not yet perfected and still far from it. What we're all looking now is just a big animal that stares strangers in the eyes. I won't be scared to any mere cat!" One of the dragon swords uttered such provocative words.

"You idiot!" The White Mustache blurted as he was watching them from inside the temple.

The seven dragon swords watched the huge Black Panther behind Ling Ai disappeared. All of them s.h.i.+vered when shadows enveloped them from behind as the huge black panther was already standing behind them.

"When?!" Ling Ai herself was surprised witnessing her black panther suddenly appeared from behind the dragon swords as all she knew was just strengthening her cultivation growth to make her skill or specifically her black panther stronger that it will last longer.

The Black Panther raised its right forepaw higher than its head and when it was about to smash its paw towards where the dragon swords are standing, Ling Ai called its attention and commanded it to stop.

"Blacky, stop!" Ling Ai shouted a command to her black panther she personally named blacky.


The area was instantly devastated and the hidden territory trembled even though the black panther halted its attack just before pa.s.sing through the dragons swords heads. All that hit the land was the force that was caused by the smas.h.i.+ng paw of the black panther. After its attack halted, it immediately disappeared as it was on its limit based on Ling Ai's chi capacity.

The eight dragon swords were smashed to the ground like bugs that got stomped on because of the immense force released from the blast and a crater was formed due to the impact of the black panther's halted paw attack.

All of their masks were broken while the Full Moon Clan people were watching Ling Ai in awe and some of the lower cultivation ranks were horrified.

The White Mustache then raised his hand giving a gesture to his people that signifies no one was killed. But all of the eight Grandmaster ranked dragon swords were utterly defeated by just one young lady.

The crowd was stunned and they didn't expect that the battle is not yet finished.

"Y-you are not the only shaman talent user here... Now, Martial arts.. one spirit sh-shadow puppets." Dragon sword Zheng Xie stuttered while coughing blood and resorted to his final hidden attack.

Martial arts one spirit shadow puppets is his shaman talent skill specialty. It creates shadow ninjas that imitate the targets full strength but it must be produced with another 7 spirits aside from himself.

"One spirit thread of the shadows." All of the barely conscious dragon swords uttered the same words at the same time.

Out of nowhere, eight shadows on par with Ling Ai's strength appeared in front of her in a quick-draw killing stance. Ling Ai was stunned and hadn't thought of any way of getting out the all directions attack from the eight shadows approaching her.

"What now?!" As the shadows draw closer, Ling Ai was sweating cold and widened her eyes as she was thinking a way of countering the all-out shadow attack. "Too sudden! I don't have much time. Maybe, I can sacrifice my left arm for me to survive this all-out attack. I've let my guard down!" Ling Ai within just a second had already thought about hundreds of words in her mind.

"Stop this oblivious actions at once!"

When Ling Ai was about to get slashed, a loud thundering voice was heard that ordered dragon sword Zheng Xie to stop his deadly attack.

Zheng Xie flicked his fingers and then the shadows disappeared. Ling Ai sighed as she was greatly relieved that she survived without sacrificing one of her arms.

"What now? What was that, White Mustache? Who are you really?" Ling Ai was huffing and she turned around to look White Mustache standing at the front of the devastated facade of the temple.

"I know it's been wrong of me young lady Ling Ai that I've not been too specific in clearing my intentions with you... to you. Your actions are indeed understandable. I ask your forgiveness." White Mustache briefly bowed his head as he asked for forgiveness from Ling Ai.

"The lord White Mustache bowed his head? Just who is this strong woman we see standing from our very eyes?" The people of the Full Moon Clan caused clamor because of witnessing Ling Ai's true strength and the White Mustache's humility.

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The a.s.sa.s.sins didn't meddle to what was going on and just watched them from a hill, from trees, inside the houses, and some were hidden in the bushes.

"So what are the things you're not telling me yet?" Ling Ai twitched her brow looking at White Mustache.

"We are a shadow village, Full Moon Clan, allies of the light." White Mustache approached Ling Ai for them to talk closely.

"Allies of the light? What do you mean by that?"

"We hate evil and we hunt them all to destroy them. That's where I think we are of the same purpose strong young lady."