Itai no wa Iya nanode Bōgyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu - Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Defense Specialization and the Towers Second Floor 5

Maple and Sally rush out of the room, quickly close the door and lean against it.

Phew lets calm down for now.

W what are we going to do, Sally?

What to do What skills did it take from you, Maple?

Sally asks Maple that question since theres no use going back to the boss room without knowing that first.

Maple checks her skill list and confirms that Machine God, Oozing Chaos, Throne of the Heavenly King, and Pandemonium were gone.

Everything from Oozing Chaos is gone, including Savagery.

Huh? So this ignores your equipment and its effect is so powerful! Is there a time limit?

It doesnt look like it? Ah are my skills gone for good?

Maple looks at Sally, seemingly worried.

Maybe when we defeat the boss or when we leave this floor? Im not sure. I think everything will be back to normal as soon as the event ends, though

Which means that they now cannot give up on conquering the tower.

Hmm we should be able to beat this. But what should we do?

Umm, somehow?

Maple looks at Sally, seemingly surprised.

Hmm. This might prevent us from getting the No Damage achievement, but We could make it take your Dedicated Affection. If such a boss were to use that skill, it would end up killing itself But I dont know if this boss would try to use that skill at all.

But Sally, if it takes my Absolute Defense, wed be in trouble!

Thats right if it takes away your defense, then you

Then Maple would be just a regular person.

Sally believes that if Maple cant attack nor defend, then she wont be able to do anything at all.

Maple, whats your [VIT]? Not counting skill bonuses.

Huh? Ah, umm? Oh, I havent been paying attention to that lately. Lets see

Maple opens up a blue panel and checks her [VIT] stat.

Hmm. 2,000-ish?

T two thou

Sally closes her eyes and swallows the rest of what she was about to say.

Oh, sorry! Should I give you the exact number?

She didnt get the number wrong or anything like that?

Sally finally understands that if thats the case, then Maple doesnt have anything to worry about.

Maple doesnt have any defense-piercing skills, so the boss wont be able to steal such a skill from her in order to defeat her.

Well, Maple, you have to protect me. I cant do anything against your weapons.

Sure! But what are we going to do?

Well wait patiently for that boss to snatch your Dedicated Affection away.

Sally concludes that the bosss defense is not that high since it took some damage from her Double Slash.

So she also sums up that if it were to take Maples Absolute Defense and Fortress, theyd still be able to manage somehow.

All right! And then we beat it down!

Maple throws her fist forward, showing her motivation to go back in and try again.

Yeah. There might some troublesome situations ahead, so lets plan this carefully. We should be okay here for now.

Sally tells Maple that they shouldnt be too reckless about this since the boss might have even more tricks up its sleeve.

Well then, lets try to come up with a good plan!

And so, the two begin to think hard about a fail-proof strategy that would allow them to win the battle.