Isaac - Chapter 46 - Volume 3

Chapter 46 - Volume 3

Port City had been the center of trade and transportation for a long time and held untold riches which were recognised by all. They had the financial capabilities to pay off the 60 million if they had the time, although the city would enter a period of an economic depression while doing so.

Isaac, however, prevented them from escaping through such actions with a single verdict from the Department of Law. Anyone with even a small semblance of wealth had invested and held shares of the casino, including the four rulers of Port City. They began desperately looking for any measures to deal with the situation while Soland and a group of North Bears occupied Port City’s casino in order to appraise its assets.

“Harold committed suicide.”


Isaac responded to the report without a shred of emotion, almost as if those words held the value of a dead rat. Cold sweat dripped from Soland’s back, but the creeping iciness in Isaac’s eyes forced Soland to regain his composure and continue his report.

“After appraising their real estate, securities, current assets and the all-important waterways, we have calculated that they hold a value of around 40 million Giga.”

“We’re 20 million short. Don’t they have any slush funds somewhere?”

“We’re currently inspecting for it too, but it seems that most of those funds were gathered in the casino to be laundered.”

“I guess that explains the 10 million Giga. I was quite surprised when I heard that the safe held so much money.”

The casino was perhaps the best place to launder illegal funds. All you had to do was argue that it was won through gambling.

“We’ve also found something very interesting while investigating the shareholders.”

“What is it?”

“It seems Count Milros bought most of Zeroman’s shares when he left.”


The tail of Isaac’s lips flickered in happiness after hearing the unexpected news. Everyone in the know was well aware of the turbulent relationship between Count Milros and Isaac.

“Kukuku. It seems like things are becoming very entertaining.”

With the 3 largest shareholders still short of paying back the winning, the remaining debt would now fall onto Count Milros and his family. The situation had been flipped on its head. No matter how great Count Milros’ family was, they wouldn’t have the financial strength to pay back all of the remaining debt.

It was now Isaac who held the sword to end this situation. He could choose to destroy Count Milros’s family or negotiate for favourable terms. Isaac could imagine that Count Milros’ manor was probably in a state of confusion thanks to such a sudden disaster.

“There’s no need for me to go easy on them when they’ve been so eager to eat me alive. They’ll most definitely retaliate, so cooperate with Department of Law and take what is rightfully mine. Man, that verdict from Department of Law is becoming more useful by the day. I better send them my utmost regards later.”

Isaac snickered as he gave his order, but Soland seemed to hesitate and carefully spoke again with a troubled look.

“But there’s a problem.”

“A problem?”

“Most of the citizens assembled funds to invest in the casino during its construction. If you were to act against Count Milros, then the citizens’ wealth will also need to be seized.”


Isaac responded as if he couldn’t understand why that was a problem. Soland spoke again, the worry in his voice growing.

“At this rate, almost everyone in Port City will go bankrupt.”

“What’s that got to do with me?”


“Have you ever showed pity to your clients when you told them to pay back their debts? Why are you so spineless for someone who runs a loan shark business? You’ve plundered the blood and soul out of the slums, but now you’re getting cold feet when it’s Port City?”

“T, that’s not exactly it but…”

“Shut up and proceed. You said Milros is involved right? With them gone, there should be nothing left that ties me to this place. So what makes you think I should show mercy to some slobs in Port City?”

Soland hung his head at the harsh orders given to him from Isaac. It was at this moment that Selia entered the roof.

“U, um… there’s a call waiting for you.”

While Isaac was living the life of gambling addiction, Mazelan used his influence to establish a Communicator room in New Port City. Selia, the overly introverted and shy girl, was more than enthusiastic to volunteer for the operator role. Having a Campus graduate take the role of a mere operator seemed like a great waste of talent, but the girl seemed more than happy to do it anyway.

Isaac got off his seat in response and ordered Soland.

“Is it Mazelan sunbae? I’ll talk to you later. Wait here.”

It seemed Selia quickly returned to her station after delivering the message, and Trentor was left to stand by instead.

“So where’s the Communicator?”


Trentor gave Isaac a complicated look. This man lived in the City Hall, yet he didn’t even know the way around his own house. Trentor reluctantly led Isaac to one of the rooms on the 1st floor.

The room had everything that was required for a Communicator room, with soundproof walls and all. But other than that, the room consisted only of a stool and a screen for the communicator.

“… I ought to decorate this place better.”

Isaac muttered to himself. It’s true that almost no one used the Communicator in this place, but even he found this to be too desolate, when suddenly Mazelan’s face appeared on the screen.

-Crazy bastard.

Mazelan’s first word of greeting was an insult, but Isaac shrugged and responded with a nonchalant tone.

“It’s been a while, sunbaenim. Have you been doing well?”

-Do you honestly think I am fine after what happened recently?

“Sounds to me like you’ve got some job to do because of me.”

-Then why the hell did you even ask the question!

Isaac appeared to be hurt by Mazelan’s harsh voice.

“That’s harsh. I just solved your and the Empire’s troublesome issue, and that’s how you’re going to treat me?”

Mazelan seemed as if he was suffering from a migraine.

-The problem is that you did it too well.

“So what’s the problem? It doesn’t seem like you’re here to tell me that I’ve done a good job.”

-You made the issue too big! 60 million? You’ve crossed the line, no matter how you look at it!

“I just hit it big for once.”

-But you should still keep it within reason! It was you who robbed their safe too, right?

“I know I am the prime suspect due to circumstances, but it still hurts me that even you would accuse me first.”


Mazelan was at a loss for words with Isaac’s obvious feign of innocence. Mazelan made a sigh of defeat and shook his head.

-This isn’t something we can gloss over so easily. Do you really think Port City will just lie down and give up? They’ll likely hire famous detective agents and mercenaries to get to the bottom of this. There isn’t anything they can do about the gambling match, but finding evidence linking you and the robbery would be more than enough to make a comeback.

Isaac mockingly laughed as if their attempt was futile.

“Investigation? Where? In New Port City?”

In order to start an investigation, they must first find a suspect. Finding someone in New Port City was much harder than it first seems. Even if they were to locate the person, they must meet that person face to face before they can interrogate the person and proceed with their investigation.

With New Port City completely split between the outside and inside, there were only two kinds of outsiders who would enter any district other than Ceta District. They would either be just curious visitors or visitors with specific goals in mind.

If it’s the former, they were politely returned back to Ceta District, but if it’s the latter, then they would either be politely robbed of all their possessions and be returned or buried. Therefore, Port City had no chance to find any evidence with their investigation.

-This isn’t a problem for just Port City. A crime of this level would definitely force the Empire’s police force’s hand.

“Didn’t you promise to stop that kind of stuff from happening?”

-How am I supposed to stop the police from investigating a crime!

“That’s no good. I started the whole incident believing in you.”

Isaac made his complaint with a troubled look. New Port City had enough power to stop such investigations if it was led by civilian authority through means such as bribery or violence.

But things were different if the government’s authority were put in the mix. Not only did Isaac not have a good reason to stop the investigation from happening, even making such an attempt would be evidence. Most importantly, if the investigation were to start, Isaac wouldn’t be able to seize the financial assets until the result of the investigation were to come out.

With Isaac already being prime suspect due to circumstances, the police force could easily stop Isaac from seizing Port City’s assets, and Port City also had enough power left that they could use in lobbying to buy more time.

-Then why did you rob their safe!

“I’m innocent.”


Isaac made the most innocent cry and Mazelan could only moan in frustration, his face buried in his hand.

“I’ll hand over the rights of the waterways.”


Mazelan raised his head with lightning reflex.

“You can prevent the police from acting if I give the government the rights to the waterways right?”

-W, well that’s true but…

“But! Handing them over now would make it very dubious, what with so