Independent Bohemia - Part 15

Part 15

----_Le monde slave_. Hachette, Paris, 1910.

MASARYK, T.G.: _The Slavs amongst Nations_. London, 1915.

NIEDERLE, L.: _La race slave_. Hachette, Paris, 1910.

TUCIC, S.: _The Slav Nations. Daily Telegraph_ War Books, London, 1914.

See also _Le Monde Slave_, a monthly review published in Paris by Prof.

Ernest Denis at 19-21 rue Ca.s.sette.


BENES, EDWARD: _Le probleme autrichien et la question tcheque_.

Girard-Briere, Paris, 1908.

----_Detruisez l'Autriche-Hongrie._ Delagrave, Paris, 1915.

COLQUHOUN, A.R.: _The Whirlpool of Europe_. Harpers, London, 1907.

CHeRADAME, A.: _L'Europe et la question d'Autriche-Hongrie_. Paris, 1900.

DRAGE, GEOFFREY: _Austria-Hungary._ John Murray, London, 1909.

EISENMANN, L.: _Le compromis austro-hongrois._ Paris, 1904.

FOURNOL, E.: _Sur la succession de l'Autriche-Hongrie._ Paris, 1917.

GAYDA, V.: _Modern Austria_. Fisher Unwin, London, 1914.

GRIBBLE, F.J.: _The Emperor Francis Joseph_. Eveleigh Nash, London, 1914.

LEGER, Louis: _Histoire de l'Autriche-Hongrie._ Hachette, Paris, 1888.

----_La liquidation de l'Autriche-Hongrie._

MITTON, G.E.: _Austria-Hungary._ A. & C. Black, London, 1915.

McCURDY, C.A., M.P.: _The Terms of the Coming Peace_. W.H. Smith & Son, 1918.

STEED, HENRY WICKHAM: _The Habsburg Monarchy_. Constable, 1914 and 1916.

SETON-WATSON, R.W.: _The Future of Austria-Hungary._ Constable, London, 1907.

SETON-WATSON, R.W., and others: _War and Democracy._ Macmillan & Co., 1914.

TOYNBEE, A.: _Nationality and the War._ Dent & Sons, London, 1915.

----_The New Europe._ Dent & Sons.


CAPEK, THOMAS: _The Slovaks of Hungary._ Knickerbocker Press, New York, 1906.

DENIS, ERNEST: _Les Slovaques._ Delagrave, Paris, 1917.

SCOTUS-VIATOR: _Racial Problems in Hungary._ Constable, 1908.

SETON-WATSON, R.W.: _German, Slav and Magyar._ Williams & Norgate, London, 1916.


DENIS, ERNEST: _Huss et la Guerre des Hussites._ Leroux, Paris, 1878.

----_Les origines de l'unite des freres bohemes._ Angers, Burdin, 1881.

----_Fin de l'independance boheme._ Colin, Paris, 1890.

----_La Boheme depuis la Montagne Blanche._ Leroux, Paris, 1903.

FRICZ: _Table de l'histoire de la Boheme._

GINDELY, A.: _History of the Thirty Years' War._ Translation from Czech.

Putnam's Sons, New York, 1884.

GREGOR, F.: _Story of Bohemia._ Hunt & Eaton, New York, 1895.

HANTICH, H.: _La revolution de_ 1848 _en Boheme._ Schneider, Lyon, 1910.

----_Le droit historique de la Boheme._ Chevalier, Paris, 1910.

LEGER, LOUIS: _La renaissance tcheque en_ XIXe _siecle._ Paris, 1911.

LuTZOW, COUNT FRANCIS: _Bohemia._ A historical sketch. Everyman's Library.

Dent & Sons, London, 1907.

----_The Story of Prague._ Dent & Sons, London, 1902.

----_Life and Times of John Hus._ Dent & Sons, 1909.

MAURICE, C.E.: _The Story of Bohemia._ Fisher Unwin, 1896.

SCHWARZE, REV. J.: _John Hus._ The Revel Co., New York, 1915.

SCHAFF, DAVID: _John Huss._ George Allen & Unwin, London, 1915.

WRATISLAW, A.H.: _John Hus._ Young & Co., London, 1882.