Immortal Ascension Tower - 7 Appearence Of The Emerald-Eyed Child

7 Appearence Of The Emerald-Eyed Child

"This changes in the Core Sect: there, disciples only need ten or more years as a Core Disciple to become Core Elders, as the only disciples that are ranked higher are Twin Stars. For this reason, unless one somehow becomes a Twin Star in these ten years, he'll become a Core Elder, the next highest obtainable rank."

"Also, an Elder won't be able to increase his rank during the rest of his life, unless he or she became a Protector or the Sect Head. For that reason, the status of Elders is normally higher than that of Disciples, but a Disciple that is even just one or two ranks higher than an Elder would usually have a higher standing in the Sect. What's more, the status of Elder only takes into account the fifteen years spent into the Sect and not one's actual strength. For that reason, although an average Inner Disciple might not definitely beat the average Inner Elder, a powerful Core Disciple would very rarely lose to an Inner Elder. In short, watch out for both sides of the medal; both Disciples, AND Elders! Crouching tigers and hidden dragons can be found anywhere in the cultivation world!" At that, Old Lao nodded, clearly satisfied of his speech. The golden-eyed old man then turned around and grabbed a few things which he then gave to Cheng Hao.

"Here are your sect robes! Your copy of 'Basics to Martial Cultivation', which I highly recommend taking a look at before you actually start cultivating, should be on the table inside your room. I wish you luck." The gatekeeper handed the child the sect's Vacant Disciple clothes, consisting in a long, black robe with a single white stripe running from the right shoulder to the left ankle. He then pointed behind him, "Uh… those keys hanging from the carriage are just for the looks: the actual key should be in the hut. After pondering for a while, I have chosen to give you hut #5742; the 5th hut in the 742nd ward. The 742nd ward is right down this road, just a few dozen minutes' worth of walking."

Old Lao then winked, "Just between the two of us, that area has very few people, so you won't need to worry about people coming to look for trouble. After all, I wouldn't want such a cute little Junior to be bullied, right? Well, I wish you good luck!"

"Thanks for your hard work, Senior Lao!" Cheng Hao cupped his hands and bowed to the old man before turning around and leaving, walking slowly while observing his surroundings, all the while drawing a mental map of the place. The old man looked at him, a weird smile on his face. It was neither happy nor sad, but rather it seemed to carry a tinge of both hope and anxiousness for the future.

When the old man finally couldn't see the small back anymore, he sighed and began pondering out loud, "If he could get into the sect as an eight years old boy, his only way would have been to pa.s.s the exam, as the apt.i.tude test is only available for those above the age of twelve. To be able to do that at such a young age, it should be fairly obvious that he either had some 'outside' help... Or has quite the number of tricks up his sleeve. If it was the former it will become clear as time goes on, and this should probably be as far as that child goes. On the other hand..." The old man's eyes gleamed "If it is actually the latter, it seems like my Mysterious Light-Shadow Sect got quite the genius this time! And maybe... Just maybe a Star has appeared. But a single Star isn't enough for the Sect to s.h.i.+ne. A single Star is incomplete, as its ambition would surely tone down, having no compet.i.tion or goals. That is why there must be two. And since that Zhao Bu is quite a bit older and a lot more experienced, the poor child would just become a fake Star, a mere stepping stone for the Zhao Clan's child! I do not want to ruin his future because of some senile old fools' thirst for power! I won't let him become a lone Star! I... will have to protect him!"

The old man lifted his head and, seeing the sky had long since turned dark, he decided to close his stall and head back to rest and think things through. It was pretty late and as such the yearly entrance exam should also have come to an end a while ago so there shouldn't be any more people coming. With that thought in mind, he turned around and was about to head back...

"Senior! Senior! Could this Senior please wait a little bit more before closing?!"

…when a youth's voice had him come to a stop in shock. As Old Lao turned around, he couldn't help but be slightly startled: in front of him, a panting young boy that couldn't be more than eight years old, had once again approached him.

This time around however, the young man was not Cheng Hao!

The poor old man was absolutely shocked: two young boys pa.s.sing an exam that many people in their late years would fail had appeared one after the other in the same evening!

How could he not be startled?

This eight-year-old boy was dressed incredibly well, with refined, expensive clothes adorning his whole body. He had shoulder-length purple hair: some of the strands were blue, and it gave the youth a somewhat ethereal appearance. His handsome face and long, purple eyelashes seemed to have been sculpted from the finest jade, and his green eyes looked like two emeralds and were really pleasing to look at. He had an oval and perfectly symmetrical face, and smooth, purple-colored lips. This young boy was handsome, but it was a beauty different from Cheng Hao's girly looks. Instead, it was the fragile beauty of a jewel.

To ill.u.s.trate it in a more comprehensible way...

Fujos.h.i.+s would definitely have burly, masculine men ravage the girly, golden-eyed youth in their fantasies without a second thought.

The purple-haired child on the other hand, would be treated like a fragile crystal sculpture by even the most evil of playboys!

[This Author hopes that he got the point across.]

A night breeze messed up the old man's pristine white beard as he gaped in stupor, "Young boy, it couldn't be that you have pa.s.sed the new disciple entrance exam, could it now?" The old man couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air: how could it be? Two heaven-shaking genius in the same day? That was simply not possible!

The young boy stopped gasping for air and then innocently nodded and replied with a crystalline voice. "I-I did. Can I now enter the sect? I am not too late am I?" The young boy seemed to be extremely worried. "I really do need to get in!"

"Pff-AHAHAHAH!" The old man was a bit surprised but when he got over the shock he pointed his chin upwards and a loud laugh releasing both frustration and indecisiveness came out!

"Ahem! Well…" he coughed with a slight blush. "It's not like you're too late, you just surprised me, that's all. However... can you come here for a second and let this old gatekeeper check something?"

He grabbed the youth's hand and felt his pulse. Immediately afterwards, incredible excitement and euphoria became visible on the old face full of wrinkles. He let out another round of laughter, this time around however it did not carry the slightest hint of hesitation, only excitement! The unfortunate young boy who had to experience such changes in the old man's mood was so startled that he fell on his back.

When he got up the old man was jubilant and extremely happy. In fact, he was even excitedly smiling as he quickly handed the young child the robes. Just as the old gatekeeper was thinking of what hut he should give the child, when a thought flashed through his head. He cast his gaze upon the young boy and he grinned even more as he felt he had just had the greatest idea ever!

"You see," he said, "you are really young... I think it would be better not to live alone at such an age! Coincidentally, another young man that has the same age as you has also pa.s.sed the exam, so how about living together with him? You might get to be friends, and one day even become sworn brothers! Seeing that you both pa.s.sed the exam, you must both be geniuses, so you could even help each other out when it comes to cultivation! What do you think?"

The purple-haired child's eyes instantly brightened and he replied with enthusiasm. "Of course! Father has said numerous times that on the road of martial cultivation, the more friends one has the better!"

Luckily, it looks like this child's father knows his stuff…

Old Lao chuckled and said with an anxious tone, "Hurry, then! That other child was here up until a few moments ago and was walking pretty slowly, so if you run, you might actually catch up to him! He's in hut #5742; 5th hut in the 742nd ward. I'll have someone deliver a spare key later! Now, go!" At the words of his senior, the child nodded resolutely and ran on the paved road in the direction the old man was pointing to: his Clan had sent him here with no explanation nor any words of guidance. He knew no one, so having an ally he could count on would work out perfectly for him! Slowly, the purple-haired child also disappeared in the distance.

Old Lao stared at the countless stars glinting up in the sky. "Paragons above men... or mere crab generals of shrimp soldiers? Twin stars in the sky, glinting brightly until the end of time, or twin reflections on top of a lake, bound to distort and fall apart at the slightest ripple? Only time will tell..." The old man closed the stall and made it disappear with a wave of his sleeve, possibly having placed it within some sort of Heaven&Earth pouch of his own. He shook his head and looked at the twinkling stars overhead expectantly. Then, his figure distorted as he disappeared, leaving behind a cloud of swirling dust.

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