I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic State! - Chapter 12 - The Princess Knight

Chapter 12 - The Princess Knight

The Princess Knight

I dont want to.

I looked down a Goaz, whose skin had been tinted black, and I could feel the corners of my mouth rising into a smile.

The sight of a large man kneeling and trembling before me was truly a humorous thing.

He had a rugged face.

He was the kind person who vainly trained his muscles, the exact kind of person that I hated.

People like him were the plague of my previous life.

He reminded me of my old lifes debt collectors.

Please forgive me! Ill do anything!

The men around me had their guns at the ready as they carried out the corpses.

Their eyes on Goaz seemed to have a frost to them.

This was precisely the reason why I couldnt forgive Goaz.

One of the reasons being that hes the type of person that I hate, with the second being because he seemed to be misinterpreting the situation.

Arent you misunderstanding something? Youre saying that youll give me all of your treasures, but all your treasures are already mine. The only thing of value you have left to give me is the bounty that the Empire has placed on your head.

Goazs eyes widened in surprise.

Please wait! If you let me live, I can still be useful to you! I mightve lost to you, but youve seen my strength! Without arms or legs, theres no chance of me ever betraying you! So spare me, I beg of you! I even have hidden treasures worth far more than my bounty located elsewhere that I can offer you, so please! Have mercy!

He started sputtering on randomly.

What he was saying could be true, but it wasnt enough of a reason to spare him.

Oh? You still have a few secrets left? Im sure youll be willing to tell me on our way to the Empire, we have lots of fun torture chambers booked for you.

Dont screw with me you shitty braaaaaaaaaaa-

Maybe he had given up on speaking with me, but Goaz lunged at me the best way he could with only one foot.

There was black smoke emanating from his body.

To such a Goaz, I pointed my sword and-

Shut up.

-I chopped him up to the point where he was just barely alive, I even took his last leg.

After slipping on the floor, Goaz had the idiotic look of someone who couldnt comprehend what had just happened. It took a while, but after understanding the situation, he started to cry while pleading for his life.

Help me! Please! Anyone! Please help me!

I delightedly looked over my new sword, it was far better than I couldve ever imagined.

Thats when my men asked me,

Lord Liam, do you intend to capture him alive?

Is there a problem with that?

N-no, its just that hes killed a lot of our men.

I see, I definitely couldnt show any mercy to this scum.

If I kill him, will the total bounty drop? Isnt it usually better to bring them in alive?

I remember hearing that it was like that.

But apparently, Goaz was different,

No, particularly atrocious criminals are fine if theyre brought in either dead or alive. Goaz is one of such individuals, the rewards should be fully paid out as long as you have evidence of your kill.

I was quite embarrassed to have my lack of common-sense pointed out again,

Oh, so there was something like that too, huh?

Goaz was still crying when looked back at him.

The sight of him brought back memories of my previous life who the hell said that there was room for humanity in debt collection? Because of bastards like that, I was coerced of my lifes savings and forced to live a life of poverty.

They had absolutely no room for mercy.

I was forced to tell them I had already invested into life insurance.

No matter how much I cried, nobody saved me.

I worked desperately just so I could live to the next day.

Why was that world so unreasonable?

That said, what about now?

Now I was in the position that took things away.

And wouldnt a heinous criminal like Goaz be one of the best people to take from?

Please have mercy. Ill tell you everything, so pleas-

No, you annoy me.

After I beheaded him to shut him up, I was surprised as to what happened with Goazs body.

His black skin slowly reverted into a normal skin tone.

It turned into a wheat-like shade that was slightly sunburnt.

Huh, he changed back to normal. Does this mean he wasnt a remodeled human?

No matter how I looked at the body, there didnt seem to be any form of cybernetic alterations.

So that black skin was just some kind of skill he had this universe sure does have a lot of mysteries in it.

I picked up Goazs head.

Will this work as evidence?


My subordinates immediately replied while bringing over tools for first aid.

From the reports that had started to come in, it looks like weve almost completely taken over the ship.

One of my subordinates then brought forward some interesting news,

Lord Liam, weve captured one of their officers and apparently they have some people imprisoned here.

One of the captured pirates led us to a room that was built nearby Goazs personal quarters.

I thought this pirate ship was built quite well, turns out it was actually a seized battleship from another star country.

As a side note, It was a lot of fun overdoing my abuse against our captive,

I kicked the pirate who was guiding me from behind.

Hurry it up!

A-as you wish!

The man was one of Goazs close aides, someone with the position of a rearing officer.

He was short, fat, and his limbs were thin.

In conclusion, he was creepy little man.

Apparently he was assigned to this position because of some specialized skills and knowledge that he had.

After being guided to the room near the captains quarters, my men entered first.

The rearing officer was trying to say something,

Ah, please try your best to not touch the equipment, theyre very important tools of the trade.

Tools of the trade?

They were using tools to raise animals? On a battleship?

Something seemed off about all this

Hey, you.


Were you raising a dog on this ship?

Maybe thinking that I was taking an interest in his work, the man started to smile,

I love lords who understand my profession. So you like dogs? I can modify any animal exactly the way that you like, my lord. Do you want me to create an obedient dog for you?

What the hell is this man talking about?

As I pondered how strange this man was, several of my subordinates had practically jumped out of the room.

Some of them even removed their helmets and started throwing up.

One of my escorts began criticising them,

W-what the hell are you doing in front of Lord Liam?!

The fully trained soldiers had pale faces, just what did they see in there?

As another one of the soldiers walked out the door, he grimly reported to me,

Lord Liam, I recommend that you dont enter the room.

There was no power in his voice.

Dont patronise me. What happened in there?

Surprisingly, it was the creepy breeder who answered my question instead of my hesitant subordinates,

This is my laboratory. Inside, I was usually tasked with helping with the Boss- er, Goazs hobbies. Im sure my lord would understand the true worth of whats in there.

The men who had taken off their helmets were glaring at the rearing officer,

Youre the devil!

At my subordinates words, the rearing officer started to smile.

explanation, now.

With my order, the rearing officer began to fervently talk about their work.

And because of that with a feeling of disgust welling up inside of me I shot the breeder in the head with my handgun.

As I thought, all thieves are evil.

It couldnt get any simpler than that.

Inside the dark room, creepy tools were hanging off the walls.

But what everyone was scared of was the operation table that was placed in the center of it all.

This room was called the breeding room among the pirates.

It was an unholy place