I’m Not the Final Boss’ Lover - Chapter 108: Running A Marathon

Chapter 108: Running A Marathon

B-but we just came from a dungeon


No! N-no way!

No? It was written on their faces that they wanted to rest. The good student Nova didnt welcome it either as he hesitantly said, But the dungeon I wonder if a dungeon at our level would be available right away?

It just so happens that theres a suitable dungeon for us which is level 23.

The kids looked curious about how I knew this. Vegan and August were no different. But as they knew by now that I had information others didnt, they focused on what would happen from now rather than the source of that information.

B-but we have to submit an application to the captain to go to a dungeon.

Ive already done that. All we need to do is to go. Just need to fill up on some supplies beforehand. We had to act fast, but replenishing supplies was important. Neglecting supplies was bound to result in a moment when you were in dire need of them.

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Hey now, rascals. Whats with your faces? Tired already? Vegan mirthfully teased the children even though he hadnt done much. As expected of a regular corps member who knew that if you had to go to a dungeon anyway, better go laughing for mental healths sake.

In a flattering tone, I said, Id expect no less of Vegan. An attitude of ease befitting a regular member. The rest of you should learn from him.


Itll be troublesome if youre all tired already. Because well be running a marathon until you tree hit level 40.

L-level 40? Vegan asked, the mirth on his face frozen.

I replied nonchalantly, Yes. You have to be at least level 40 to call yourself an expedition corps member anywhere, after all.

But arent the youngsters level 22 right now? Even with that skill of yours, Vice-captain, itd take several months No, half a year for them to reach level 40!

The childrens complexions worsened, finally realizing the situation at Vegans words.

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The Dark Knights have a record of clearing three large dungeons in a row two years back, dont we? I think it also took half a year at the time?

Thats true, but Vegan made a nauseous face recalling that time. Even August looked slightly red in the face, even though he had been listening in apathy until now. The spearman continued with hesitation. But Ill have to check if I can be away for that long

It appeared that he feared the unexpected hardcore schedule more than he felt guilty about Wiperas matter. Vegan seemed like he was about to pull out of the conversation, but I had seen this coming too. Ive already gained permission from Axion regarding that. I applied to borrow you long-term in the first place. Didnt you confirm?

Vegan groaned with anguish. Evidently, he hadnt confirmed. Looking at him now, even if he left the Dark Knights and started a business after the demon lord was slain, hed run his company into the ground. And they say retired teachers and soldiers were scammed often The corps members had to be careful later, too.

I clicked my tongue, gazing at Vegan with pity. I could hear the spearmans head whir with self-rationalization toward a better future. There was only one answer to the situation, to begin with, and before long, Vegan cried out, Very well! Ill try! Ten middle-level small dungeons are far easier than three high-level large dungeons, after all!

Although I didnt know if ten would be all of it, in any case, he seemed to have finished sorting out his mind. As Vegan cried out heartily, the children shot resentful looks at him. They seemed to have been hoping he would thwart my plan.

Sevi poked Novas side hastily and said, Nova, you try persuading the vice-captain. Even you think this is going too far, right?

But the vice-captain resembles my elder sister

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What about it?

I mean its hard to argue with her decision


The children murmured among themselves loud enough for me to hear. Whispering was pointless between Sevi and Nora. One was a little smaller than the average fourteen-year-old. Meanwhile, the other boasted a physique that was unbelievably tall for an eighteen-year-old.

No wonder Nova seemed to be more cautious around me than in the first playthrough. In the past, I had moderately resembled his elder sister, summoning nostalgia. Now I seemed to overlap with his elder sisters image as a superior that kept ordering him about.

The children squeezed their heads for any ideas to avoid half a year of hellish training. Unfortunately, they didnt seem to be able to come up with a solution. Their faces gradually expressed resigned despair as they failed to come up with anything good. I grinned and gave them a pat on the shoulders. Now, guys. Vegan says hell help out until the end for your sake. Hes even giving up opportunity costs for this, so youve got to be really grateful.

Thank you

They bowed their heads reluctantly, expressing thanks. Vegan didnt seem that pleased to be thanked either. August, who didnt have a choice in the first place, was detached from the conversation as usual. I was the only one happy. Good thing that at least I was feeling good, no? Now! Lets get our supplies and set out for the dungeon gate before the captain comes bothering us! I shouted energetically.

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Yes, maam