I’ll Be The Warrior’s Mother - Chapter 47

Chapter 47

At dawn, Yelena, who skipped her meal as she had been buried in her thoughts finally made up her mind.

She will raise him.

After the childs born, unlike the heartless parents of her husband, she will surely take care of the child with love.

She wont let people around her point fingers and chatter.

My child, I will love you as a mother.

Although she was a long way from giving birth to that child now, Yelena vowed so anyway.

It was a big decision for Yelena.

.Im hungry.

When the time of distress was over, her hunger belatedly returned.

Yelena hesitated for a moment. She then pulled the rope and asked the maid for a simple meal.

Yelena sighed after swallowing the warm soup brought by the maid.

Ha, I think Im alive now.

She couldnt believe she had been lost in thought with a stomach this empty.

But I cant even solve the important thing.

She made up her mind to be a mother, but she had to think first about how to become a mother.

If you close your eyes and make the child with me, I can raise the child really well

However, it would definitely be of no use to blindly advocate like this.

If I persuade you

Hold on.

Yelena, who was sipping on the remaining soup, stopped.

Why did my husband suddenly say that to me today?

Yelena blinked.

Come to think of it, it was strange.

So far, he had been so indifferent and adamantly refused to sleep together, so why today?

Not just that.

He not only told her the reason, but he also briefly told her a story of his childhood.

It was quite a personal story now that she thought about it.

Perhaps, closer to a weakness.

Such a story was usually told to someone close, or at least to someone they trusted.

Someone he trusts.

Yelena put down the spoon that was stirring the soup and covered her mouth.

I think Ive become someone he trusts!

Or someone close to him.

Anyway, it was good.

Whats important was that her husband told Yelena a personal story that he wouldnt normally tell others.

Why? Why all of a sudden? Oh, is it because of the Incan thing?

The realization lit up Yelenas mind.

Thats it!

Indeed, seeing through Incans nature and taking action in her own manner must have gained his trust.

That was the only thing that could have changed her husbands mind.

Trust Has he come to think of me as a trustworthy person?

Her heart pounded.

Yelena covered her mouth with her hand.

For the first time, she felt a little grateful to the human-like trash, Incan.


Laughter leaked out.

Yelena laid back in bed and hugged her pillow.

Her heart fluttered.

It wasnt a vain effort.

Uncovering Incans criminal activities.

In addition to the honorary aspect of realizing justice, it was meaningful.

Good. Good job. Im proud of myself. Then, if I take a step further from here

Her husband was beginning to trust Yelena.

Well, what if they developed further from here?

What if the faith grew and the trust increased?

When that moment arrived, she might be able to tell him.

All the facts she knew.

About the miserable future shed seen, and how to prevent it from coming.

If I could

If she could tell everything to her husband and he believed it.

Yelena closed her eyes tightly, imagining a hopeful future.

The beating of her heart sounded pleasant.

Was her heart filled with passion and excitement from the hope of saving the world, or

Yelena fell asleep before she could agonize over the question she didnt know the answer to.


Madam, madam.


Yelena groaned and opened her eyes at the touch of someone waking her from a short sleep.

She fell asleep too late last night, so her eyes were stiff with fatigue.

Is it morning already?

Yes, madam. The butler is looking for you.

Huh, who?

Ben, I heard he found a person

A person

Yelena blinked blankly and then jumped out of bed.

Yelena looked back at the maid with an urgent face and inquired.

Where is Ben now?

* * *

We found the old woman.

It was beyond belief.

On the way to the drawing-room that Ben guided her to, Yelena wondered if it might be a dream.

I cant believe we found you.

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