I’ll Be The Warrior’s Mother - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

As soon as they heard what Yelena had said, one of the children burst into tears.

And the other children werent far behind.

As they kept wailing, the children started clinging to Yelena.

Ms. Angel, we were wrong.

Were so sorry, Ms. Angel.

And whos the one that youve been harming with your actions?

One of the children hesitantly raised a finger to point towards Anna, who was hiding behind Yelenas skirt.

Its her

Seeing as how they immediately pointed at Anna at the words the one that youve been harming, it seemed that they were at least aware that what they were doing was wrong.

Then whos the one you should really be apologizing to?

Im sorry.

its all our fault.

Really sorry

One by one, the children rushed to apologize to Anna.

With her hands still clutching Yelenas, only Annas face could be seen peeking out from the side.

When even the boy who was dangling from Maxs fist had apologized with a face full of tears and snot, Yelena swept her gaze over the children and continued her lecture.

Listen well. This is the only time Ill be making an exception for you all. If in the future you bully someone like you have today, all of you will be going to hell. Do any of your want to go to hell?

No way, never!

I dont want to go to hell!

Demons are so scary Ms. Angel, I promise Ill never do it again.

At a glance from Yelena, Max lowered the boy back down on the ground.

Yelena then told them, Now, go home.

The children obeyed Ms. Angels instructions immediately.

Looking at the way they scattered, as if competing to be first, Yelena gave an internal sigh.

They really are just children.

They still had an innocence and naivety that matched their ages.

On the other hand, this caused her to feel even more disgust for the behavior of the adults who had tried to pull off such a scheme by using their own children.

Theres no way that I can just leave it like this, so

What would be the most effective way to force them to take responsibility for their actions?

As she was pondering over this, Yelenas eye was drawn to the hand that was still clinging on tightly to the hem of her skirt like a burr.

Yelena bent her knees, lowering herself to Annas eye-level.

Are you okay, Anna?

Nod nod.

Anna bobbed her head up and down a few times before hesitating, looking at Yelena like she wanted to say something.

Yelena waited patiently.

Eventually, Anna asked, Are you really an angel, Miss?

What should I say?

What would be the best reply to make?

Yelena was troubled.

Would it ruin this girls innocence if she were to confess at this moment that she wasnt truly an angel?

However, Yelena was also hesitant about choosing to keep up this lie in order to protect Annas innocence, as it was likely that they would see each other again.

After some serious internal conflict, Yelena finally said, I used to be an angel, but Im not any more. I was kicked out of heaven.

Really? Ugh!

Due to this tactless reaction from Max, he was struck in the side by the attending maids fist.

Yelena deliberately didnt spare Maxs suffering a single glance.

Annas eyes widened at the excuse that Yelena had come up with.

But why were you kicked out?

Hm Because I wasnt obedient.

Enlightenment dawned on Annas delicate, little face.

So heaven really isnt all that different from here

Yelena quickly bit the inside of her lip. If she hadnt, she would have burst out laughing.

Hold on. Now that I think about it, what about her mother?

Suddenly, it struck her that Anna was out here all on her own.

Yelena asked, Can you tell me where your mother is?

Mum is busy.


Today, Mum wont be coming back home until sunset. Although I promised to wait at home until then, I really really wanted to eat some chocolate

After some hesitation, Anna spilt the whole story of how she had gone out all on her own.

Could she be working?

Considering the sum of the allowance that they had been granted, if the mother also found work on top of that it would help the two of them live a more comfortable lifestyle.

But even so

At a time like this, wouldnt it be better for her to keep a constant eye on her child.

After giving Anna a complex look, Yelena gave a wide smile.

Instead of chocolate, how about a tart?

a tart?

The truth is that I just happened to buy way too many tarts.

The maid was currently carrying in the large amount of tarts that they had bought from the store.

She cooperated with Yelena by lifting the tarts up slightly, making them easier to see.

If you keep the fact that I was kicked out of heaven a secret from those kids who were just here, Ill give you all these tarts. How does that sound?

Annas eyes shot wide open. The pupils were trembling with desire.



Ill definitely keep it a secret, said Anna resolutely.

Although she was replying to Yelena, her gaze was firmly fixed on the tarts.

Good. Then its a promise.


At this moment, it seemed impossible to tear the childs attention away from the tarts.

Yelena merely chuckled and stroked Annas head.


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