I Don’t Want to Be Loved - Chapter 161: Strained Relationship

Chapter 161: Strained Relationship

Rihannanshead became more fogged. The complicated thoughts swirling her mind crumbled away bit by bit.

Maybe it was fine to forget. What was wrong taking what he gave to her?

But as she was ready to give up and throw herself into piles of ecstasy, Leticias words came to mind and her consciousness snapped back into place.

His Majesty was very kind to you. I still remember it clearly. Your Majesty, what do you think if that smile was directed towards me rather thanyou

Rihannanslowly shut her lips.

Yes, thats right

The person the woman Igor will love was not her at the very end. Even when hes smitten with her now,Rihannanwas sure that hed change once he runs into Leticia. They were meant for each other like a preordained fate. The only reason he hadnt met Leticia much earlier was thatRihannanchanged his fate.

But this was temporary.

Igor and Leticia they were meant to meet.

The time it took for her fiery heart to completely cool down to cold iciness was instantaneous.

Rihannanlet go of the strength from her body, hand going limp.

Igor continued to desire and explore her body in the meantime.

She shut her eyes, waiting and waiting for the deed to be done.

She had experienced this many number of times without desire, without emotion back then. Even if it was uncomfortable, shell be patient. The end will come sooner or later.

It wont be any different.

Igor devoured her silky white peaks in his mouth and rolled his tongue over it. But a second later, he realized the reactions from her body changed. He pulled his mouth away and lifted his head; the face of his lover was cold and hardened.

His eyes swiftly blazed with anger.

Do you think Ill give up on you like this? That Ill leave and let the relationship between us return to the one in the past?

What did we have between us in the first place, to begin with?


Igor stared at her with eyes of disbelief.

What we have its nothing more than a contracted relationship. What more did you want? What do you wish from me? If it is my body you desire, then take it. I had no intention of resisting you since the very beginning.

Rihannanturned her head and shut her eyes.

Igor gazed atRihannansstill body on the bed waiting for him to ravish her fully.

Hegrithis teeth and clenched his fist.

She looked no different than an animal awaiting its timely death after it was dragged to the slaughterhouse. As this thought popped in his mind, the fury burning inside him faded until it was no longer.

It was as if the relationship they had built burned down.

Igor let out a long sigh and stepped off the best, trying his hardest best to calm the festering anger burning wildly within him.

Afterward, he tossed the blanket onto her body and bitterly said, Sleep here today, and from tomorrow on, sleep in the main palace. Its better to guard you there, after all. In the meantime, I will be staying at a different quarter. You dont need to worry. Understand that this is an order. If youre still here tomorrow, I will remind you that youll be forcibly moved to the main palace.

He left the room immediately.

With the sound of the door closing,Rihannanslowly pulled the blanket to her face.

She couldnt understand whos feeling were hurt.

She knew he had cut his heart apart, yet why did hers throb in pain?

A moment later, sounds of sobbing came from her lips as hot, wet tears soaked the blanket.

Though, one definite thing was that both of them would sleep with a deep scar in their heart.