I Become Baby Mafia Boss - Chapter 715: "Self-Isolation"

Chapter 715: "Self-Isolation"

Chapter 715: "Self-Isolation"

In the end, no matter how tenacious the Naran Family was, they couldn't shake the fact that their commander was already defeated. 

Plus the fact that Ainsley started to go rampage on the battlefield using her blood manipulation ability in her shaman mode, the Naran troops didn't hold on for so long. 

In no time, they slowly retreated and scattered around the forests. 

Well, they knew that their commander was already done for, but each of them was still waiting for the day the Sloan Family fell from the epidemic to devour the whole family. 

As long as the mafia council didn't know and there's no proof, they could stay shameless! Then, they still had a chance to take over the Sloan Family to cover their losses. 

That night, after cleaning up the battlefield, Ainsley gathered her elites who stayed at the Connecting Hall to do an emergency meeting. 

This time, she didn't let the inner circle members who were stationed outside of the mansion to join the meeting, afraid that they were already infected and could possibly spread the virus around. 

"Okay, the enemy is already dealt with. Now, for the virus…" 

It was already midnight. The third day of the tournament's second round had started, but the enemy had already backed off. That's how they could hold this emergency meeting. 

When Ainsley mentioned the word 'virus', those in the meeting room instantly had gloomy faces. 

"Boss. I think we should quarantine everyone in our family. Self-quarantine, one person in one room. We should wait until tomorrow to see whether they're infected or not." 

The medical division in the family made this suggestion. 

An epidemic was no laughing matter. It was extremely serious and could even inflict ordinary people outside of the family. 

Although only ability users would die...but it was still an epidemic! What if the ordinary people suddenly awakened their abilities while the virus was still inside their body? 

The moment they formed a core, the virus would actively mess up the energy inside the core, eventually breaking the heart and killing the victim. 

"Which building should we use for self-isolation? The emergency building has no single rooms." 

Ainsley started to feel headaches over this matter. 

The emergency building was built to hold as many patients as possible, so they just created a hu