I Became the Wife of the Monstrous Crown Prince - Chapter 24: A yellow puppy adores me (4)

Chapter 24: A yellow puppy adores me (4)

Chapter 24 A yellow puppy adores me (4)


Why wasnt that Beth girl chosen?


Is there any suspicious movement in the Crown Princes palace?


How far has the crown princes curse progressed?

I dont know.

Diana didnt listen to Gilbert. In addition, she evaded the question by answering a short answer.

As a result, Gilbert never carried out a single order by the Duke of Cassil.

I think Count Bellacian should pay attention to his childrens education. Why would they ignore their father?

The Duke of Cassil blamed Gilbert. He announced his eldest son Frank marriage to the Marquis Westins family. He reneged on his promise to marry Diana and Frank.

Gilbert was angry and headed to the duchess, but he couldnt even get inside and was refused on the spot.

Diana, you stupid bitch! You had a year! pathetic bitch!

Gilberts anger turned to Diana. Throughout his trip back home, he cursed Diana.

If Diana had listened to him, everything would have been fine. However, the situation reached this point because she was stupid, lazy and did not listen to him.

Shes not as pretty and smart as Ancia! If she couldnt catch the Emperors eye, and couldnt stand at the center of the society, she should at least listen to her father properly!

The news of Franks marriage broke out, and the Empresss seat was gone forever. Gilberts dream of becoming the emperors father-in-law and taking revenge on the nobles who ignored him also disappeared.

This was all because of Diana that stupid bitch. If he had known this would have happened, he would have loved Ancia. Diana had been cooperating with Ancia because of her stupidity; he was also not respected as a father.

Come to think of it, Diana was the mastermind of everything.

Gilbert was so regretful even for the times he cared for Diana.

The sword? Why do you have this!

Gilbert being full of anger, stormed into Dianas room and screamed as soon as he found the wooden sword she had hidden. Dianas shoulders flinched at his harsh shouting.


While she hesitated to answer, Gilbert forcibly took the wooden sword from Diana.

Give it back!

It is a precious sword that she got as a gift from her sister. She reached out her hand in a hurry. As soon as Dianas hand reached Gilbert, his expression turned frighteningly scary.

Gilbert grabbed Dianas hand. Her fingers and palms had hard calluses.

Whats wrong with your hand! Whats with your hand?

It, it hurts!

Its not the problem! You are noble! I cant believe you go to the Crown Princes palace to do useless things like that! Whos going to take a girl who has rough hands like a maid! A girl who cant take care of her own hands! Youre going to be a disgrace to our family!

He was on a rampage. But it wasnt about feeling sorry for Dianas calluses or worrying as a parent.

Gilbert was angry that Diana might fall out of the marriage trade. More precisely, he was mad that he would lose face.

The more Gilbert lost his reasoning and became angry, the colder Diana became.

She still thought her father loved her. Although he forced her to do things, she thought it was because he cared about her.

But it wasnt. For Gilbert, she was just a high-end accessory that could be boasted anywhere and sold at a high price at the right time.

She looked Gilbert in the eye.

Father, Im not going to marry.


Im going to be a knight. I want to enter the Knights Academy next year.

When Diana revealed her dream, Gilberts face was distorted with anger.

A knight? What kind of knight is a woman? Are you going to do what a low-class nobleman or a commoner is doing?

Thats prejudice. Count Cheyon, the 3rd Knights Commander, is a woman.

Old bitch.

Shes the one I respect.

Respect? So youre going to be like that woman?!

Yes, I will be a knight of the imperial family, and I will protect my sister! So dont think about doing anything strange to her anymore!

The moment she uttered what she had endured, her cheeks hurt so much. Gilbert slapped Diana in the face.


It was the first time that he had used violence, although he has shown signs of doing it these days. Diana was greatly shocked. Gilbert, however, did not care about his daughters reaction and continued with his anger.

If you say that again, Ill get rid of you!



Diana sank as soon as shes in bed.

Gilbert, angered by her, hit Dianas calf to the point where the whip was broken.

Fortunately, her face was fine, but it was hard to walk because her legs hurt.

The maid applied ointment to her legs and said Gilbert was looking for her.

Have you applied any medicine?

Gilbert asked in a cold voice as soon as Diana entered the office.


I shouldnt have hurt a girl who hasnt even gotten married.


She thought he was genuinely worried, but Dianas heart froze cold at her fathers subsequent words.

Did you reflect?

No, Ill be a knight.

She was going to say it before the end of the year anyway. She didnt mean to talk about it in such a harsh atmosphere, but she had already gone this far.

Gilberts hands flinched. Diana closed her eyes tightly, thinking that he would hit her with his hand.

Soon there was a sound of tak and things rumbling out. She opened her eyes carefully again. On Gilberts desk, there was a mana stone for recording video.

Install this in the Crown Princes Palace.

Father! I told you I didnt want to do that!

Dont be immature! This is all for you and your family!

The eldest son of Duke Cassil and Westins young lady are engaged, but they have not yet married. Besides, the Duke of Cassil had two more sons.

Of course, its not worth considering Richard, who received the blood of slaves, but if she marries the youngest, Neon, she will be the Duchess.

Theres still a chance. If Diana does the job well, the Duke of Cassil will be relieved.

No! I dont want to do that!

Then marry Count Cornwell.

The Count of Cornwell?

Diana doubted her ears. Count Cornwell is one of the richest men in the Empire, but he is old.

I dont need a child who doesnt listen to her father. If you cant set that up, marry Count Cornwell!

Father, Ill be a knight

If you dont set that up today, Ill send you to Count Cornwell tomorrow!

Gilbert cut off her words and spat out coldly.


In the carriage on the way to the Crown Princes palace, Diana constantly looked at the mana stone that her father forced onto her.

Should I be honest with my sister? No, I cant.

Diana was hit by her father for the first time yesterday and was shocked. However, for Ancia, such things were routine. Her older sister was forced to marry the cursed prince without even thinking of having her dream.

Fortunately, the two are doing well.

I cant ask her to help me with this. Im being punished. I couldnt help her when she was having a hard time, so Im getting punished now. Its all my fault.

The carriage reached the Crown Princes palace. Diana put the stone in her pocket. Maybe today will be her last day to meet her sister.

If her father really wanted to marry her with Count Cornwell, she was thinking of leaving home.


The first snow fell all night. It is still in mid-November, but it is also very early.

After all, the year has passed without finding a way to lift Blakes curse. Looking at the accumulated snow with a complicated mind, Diana, sitting next to her with a gloomy face, caught her eye.

Diana, whats wrong?

No, nothings going on!

Diana shook her head. She denied it so strongly that it was even more suspicious. Come to think of it; her cheeks were swollen red.

Diana, you

The moment I tried to touch her cheek, Diana got up from her seat.

Oh! I want to have a snowball fight! Your Highness! Lets have a snowball fight!

Huh? I can fight a little

Blake shook his head, but before he could finish talking, Dianas snowball hit him in the chest.


Blake started to get angry, but this time the snow flew to his face.

Haha! Your face looks like a snowman!

Diana ran away with a laugh. Then Blake got angry and chased after her.

Eventually, the two began to have a fierce snowball fight. Looking at the images of them, recalling memories of the original story, Melissa gently said.

Your Highness, why dont you join them?

Im okay.

Its important to keep your dignity, but its the first snow today. Lets put the burden off your shoulders for a moment.

Melissa felt sorry for thinking that I was trying hard to suppress the child in me. Its not like that

I dont like snow very much.

You dont?

Yes. Its hard to clean it up. And my hands are cold.


Melissa burst into laughter, covering her mouth suddenly.


When I see Your Highness, I sometimes feel that way.

What way?

That youre not 12 years old, but someone my age.
