I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything - Chapter 140: The World-Famous Monsters 2

Chapter 140: The World-Famous Monsters 2

[Now then, what should we do about this]

I looked up at the rock cliff.

On our way here, those rocky mountains had been on my mind.

Those tall cliffs were spread out left to right.

Its as if theyre tall walls blocking anyone from entering.

[Unless we could fly up in the sky, I doubt it would be possible to cross over that height.]

Its obvious that it would be impossible even if we turn Pigimaru into a rope.

Eve places her palm on the rock wall.

[By no means does this wall look like it would ever crumble with a strike.]

I checked left and right.

These cliffs look like it continues all the way through.

I dont know how far this wall would lead to.

As my line of sight moves, I could see a gaping hole in the wall.

A hole in which someone could pass through alone.

However, it was just a dead end when we checked it earlier.

It could be used as a place where we could take shelter from the rain and rest but

[Isnt there any convenient passage way we could use to go straight through these rocky mountains?]

Eves map only shows our current location and the distance we need to travel to.

It doesnt tell you about the terrain.

Of course, these rocky mountains in front of us were blocking us like walls.

Thinking about the mental fatigue of these three, I want to arrive at the Witchs place as soon as possible.

I want to avoid having to walk through such a large detour.

[I should go with Slei to check out the end of this cliffs one time.]

If were searching for a route, its better to have a small amount of people.

We also cant be sure that the one searching wouldnt encounter another Human-Faced.

In that case, the most suitable skill in dealing with them would be my Abnormal State Skill.

If its necessary, I could even have Slei transform and escape.

After having the three of them take a break, I made them standby at that place while I began exploring around the area.

With the cliff extending out from east to west, I decided on investigating the west side first.

On the west side, I feel like the wall of these cliffs keeps on continuing.

If I keep on following that, I cant imagine how many days it will take for me to get a break.

Fortunately though, I found some changes unexpectedly early on the eastern side.

I had an impression that I would end up having to go around the area before I get to my destination.

I went back and told the three of them about it.

Everyone looks pretty relieved to some extent.

When we were ready to leave, we decided on following the walls to the eastern side.

The leading Eve who was steadily watching out the surroundings relaxed her vigilance.

[There doesnt seem to be any presence of monsters yet.]

Seras who was walking next to me also relaxed her vigilance.

[Theres hardly any monsters around Is this connected to the Witch of Taboos presence around the area?]

[Or perhaps, the monsters habitat was more concentrated on the periphery of the Demon Zone than in the center.]

[I see, thats plausible.]


There were several ruins we passed through along the way.

Its likely that there were some monsters who had taken refuge inside the underground ruins.

It seems that there are even cases where there are a lot of them hiding there

If I think about it like that, I cant help but be disappointed.

I was holding the rear of our group right now.

I left leading the group to the others because I want to talk with Liz.

This is the Golden Demon Zone.

Furthermore, weve even encountered the Human-Faced before.

Liz is still a child.

It wouldnt be strange if shes mentally falling apart.


It cant be helped, shes a really patient child after all.

[Are you alright?]

[Ah, yes.]


No She looks like shes just as usual.

She doesnt look like shes pushing herself too.

If shes just hiding her emotions and is trying to deceive me, she has quite a great acting skill.

[Arent you afraid of the Human-Faced?]

Liz gently entwined her fingers in front of her chest.

[I cant say that Im not scared but its still alright.]

[Choosing to go into this place and die together with Eve rather than staying alive while youre in Monroy, have you not thought that it was a foolish decision?]

[I- I cant say I havent]

Liz wryly smiles.

[However, I dont think I would die in this place. Umm Ive talked with Seras-sama several times since we came here.]

Liz looks towards Seras who was walking forward.

[Seras told me before. Unless Touka-dono himself loses his life, we would be able to safely arrive in your destination.]

I also looked at Seras back.


Unless he gives up

didnt say something like that.

Its because she knows that Im a human who would even pretend to give up just to deceive my opponent.

[Her trust towards me is a bit overwhelming.]

Fufu, Liz cutely smiles.

[But its thanks to that, that it made me feel less scared as long as Touka-sama is alive. Even at that time with the Human-Faced, I would make sure that I wont be a hindrance while Touka-sama fights Thats just what I thought at that time.]

Liz gently brushes Sleis back who was walking alongside us.

[Im also relying on you, Suu-chan.]


Currently, Im acting as the commander of this group for the time being.

Seras and Eve would often wait for my instructions.

They were thinking that following my instructions would be the best.

And thus, Liz has fully placed her trust towards me.

Heavy responsibilities.

This has brought forth heavy pressure towards me.

Normally, I might succumb due to this heavy pressure.


Theres no problem.

I can do this.

I will not let their trust in me to be just an illusion.

It seems that Liz was alright after I talked with her.

Therefore, I went back to leading the group and replaced Seras.

Walking back in the lead, I talked to Eve who was listening for any changes around the area.

[How is it?]

[I still cant feel the presence of any monsters around Its probably as Seras says, it might be connected with this place being near the Witchs home.]

Eve gently brushes her chin.

[But Touka, Im actually surprised with Seras.]

[Hmm? Are you talking about her being bad with earthworms?]

[Mhmm. Well, Im also surprised about that but Im talking about her brilliance as a warrior.]

Just as we progressed through the Demon Zone, Eve would frequently train with Seras early in the morning.

They were training using their own swords against each other.

However, theres the danger that monsters would notice the sound that would rang out after they exchange strikes.

Thats why the two of them were training while trying not to make their blades touch.

It looks like that so-called Sundome Karate. (T/N: Non-contact)

No matter how many times I look at them, their movements would always feel fresh on my mind.

[If you say so, that could be possible]

I feel like Seras movements have been getting sharper.

How should I say it, it looks quite different.

I wonder if its around the time we entered Urzas royal capital.

Seras have been visibly changing.

No It could possibly be that shes returning to how strong she originally is.

Mills Ruins.

That time when she was fighting as my escort in that place

It seems that Seras wasnt fighting with her 100% at that time.

She wasnt able to perfectly fight because of the fatigue that has accumulated through her life as a fugitive.

Even at that battle against the Black Dragon Knights, she couldnt even show her true abilities huh?

[After she got some lengthy sleep, she began to be able to exercise her original strength huh However, even the one called as the strongest in Monroy, Eve Speed got astonished with her strength?]

[Umu. Back when she was in Neia, it seems that being the Holy Knights Leader isnt a mere ornament attached to her name because of her beauty. Seras ability as a warrior is quite considerable.]

If I think about it carefully

That Civit even said that shes someone he wanted to fight.

[By the way, how strong is she compared to you?]

[I have superiority in terms of strength. Im still a bit better in terms of speed and technique. However, Seras is more brilliant than me.]

[So thats how it is.]

Or rather, so they would know something like that huh.

Is it something that only strong people could understand?

[If the power of that Regalia of the Spirits were also added to the count, most warriors wouldnt be able to stand against her.]

Seras was probably in a condition where shes not blessed with opponents.

Perhaps, it was only after she met me.

The White Walker.

The group boasted as the strongest in the continent, the Black Dragon Knights.

When she dealt with these, she was already extremely exhausted due to the price she paid to the spirits.

The large Skeleton King.

The gigantic monster in the Golden Demon Zone.

The Human-Faced.

These opponents were difficult to properly fight against due to the size differences.

It can be said that she didnt have an opportunity to actively participate.

[Funnnn There would certainly be a reason why Im known as the strongest back in my country.]

[The reputation of a strong person would naturally spread out, even if you dont like it. Well, it seems like Bakuos Civit Gartland is far more outstanding than the others.]

Crossing her arms, Eve looked towards me.

[However, the man who defeated that Civit is right here in this place Its quite strange, I must say.]

[Its because my way of fighting isnt fair and square. All I did was just drag him into my arena and deceived him into falling into my trap.]

It seems that Eve reacted to the word arena which I said just now.

However, it seems that she understood the nuance of that word.

[Putting aside Civit, are there any other people from other countries that represent their countrys strongest? I know the names of their knight corps and squadrons they own but]

[Fufufu, as expected, youre also a man. You would also be interested in the strongest people huh.]

[Well, yeah.]

I used to ignore the information that I deemed unnecessary.

Its because all I thought at that time was to crush that f*cking goddess.

However, I felt that it was necessary to be more involved with Seras and Civit.

Back when Seras fled into the the Dark Forest, hearing the name of the Black Dragon Knights made me remember the information Ive got about them.

Thats why I immediately knew

Seras was being chased by a dangerous group.

I immediately understood as such.

Having knowledge about something is better than not.

Its because you wouldnt know when it may be useful.

Misunderstanding that I wanted to know about this because of my boyishness, Eve begins to speak.

[First would be the Jonato Principality from the northwest, the heroine that was called as Jonatos Saint. Her name is Curia Gilstain. Currently, she was the leader of the Annihilation Monks who was said to be Jonatos strongest. And there were the four siblings that were rumored to be the people that would steal her position, the Four Revered Saints. I heard that the eldest son and daughter particularly have strength befitting of such a rumor.]

(T/N: / Kyuria Girusutein)


[As for the Mira Empire from the southwest, as expected, it would be the Mad Emperor.]

That guy with the f*cking long name huh.

[That guy should be their emperor, right? Is the strongest person in the country the one who will be their emperor?]

[It seems that there were hardly any people that have actually seen him fight, thats why his true strength was actually uncertain But, hes the man who has overthrown the other successors to the throne even in such a young age and became the emperor. Furthermore, the first prince and second prince who have competed with him for the imperial throne are now serving as the hands of their younger brother, the Mad Emperor. His strength may be unknown, but Im sure that hes not just an ordinary person.]

[Heeeeh. And, as expected, Urzas strongest would be Eve Speed huh?]

[No, theres the Dragonslayer of the Magic Knights. If those rumours Ive heard before were the truth, I dont think Im able to compete against him.]

So, he might be stronger than Eve huh.

Well, its possible that Eve is just being humble.

[And the late Holy Kingdom of Neias Seras Ashrain and Bakuos Empires Civit Gartland. How about the norths Magnar Kingdom?]

[As for Magnar, there wouldnt be anyone other than Sigurd Sigmus, the leader of the White Wolf Knights.]

(T/N: / Sogyuudo Shigumusu)

The leader of the White Wolf Knights

Ah, that guy who Civit said that he wants to fight someday.

[It was said that ever since he was appointed as the leader, there has never been an instance where he was sarcastically told that He just acquired that position because hes the younger brother of the King. Before he took the position of the knight corps leader, his abilities were already known by people both from inside and outside their country.]

At that time when that rumored Knight Wall had fallen, was the leader not there?

Well, lets put that aside for now.

My next question would be the real issue at hand.

[How about Alion? Aside from those Heroes from Another World, are there any strong people in there?]

The country whose war potential I want to know the most.

Alion, so to speak, is the country that was completely under the f*cking goddess control.

[Theres the Sixth Cavalry which were famous for their unparalleled strength among Alions Thirteen Cavalries But when its about individuals Ah, theres that Nyantan Kikeepat that Ive heard about before. I dont really know nowadays, but Ive heard that she has been dispatched towards Urza.]

The Sixth Cavalry of Alions Thirteen Cavalries.

Nyantan Kikeepat.

I particularly need to remember those names huh.

[Theres also the mercenary corps, the Drunken Sword Party who were famous among the people who dont belong to any countries.]

Ive met them before.

[Theres also the four-person mercenary group, the White Walker.]

Ive killed them before.

[Other than them, theres also that person called Heroic Sword. Hes a mercenary that has the Lineage of Heroes within his blood. I dont really know about him that much though.]

I dont know about him.

[I see, Ive learned a lot.]

I now have a general idea about their strength.

I wonder if those people would be involved in the future?

If they were involved, would they become a hindrance?

Or perhaps, could they become valuable pieces that I could use?

I still dont know.

However, if they were to turn into dangerous enemies-

I will be trampling all of them down.