I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 924

Chapter 924

At this moment, Xiaodong's heart was agitated, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He seemed to understand a little bit why this Thunder Legion could be marked with an asterisk.

Even if the combat effectiveness of others is 0, the combat strength of Lin Xinghai alone is enough to make the entire army's evaluation become an ace army.

And it's still the top ace troop.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and continued to read the rest of the information.


He rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was wrong again.

He looked over the member list carefully.

The remaining 2950 people did not have a body shaper, and from this point of view, it was obviously a bit weak.

After all, the normal ace division team should have around 2 to 5 strong players in the body-shaping realm, in addition to a supernatural powerhouse leading the team.

Of course, after all, the Thunder Legion has few people, and it is not so strange that there is no body shaper.

The number of people in the quenching body that followed reached 55, and the number was also relatively small.

Because in the past, many of the peak blood energy realms were unable to break through to the plastic body realm, they were stuck in the peak realm.

And now that there is a quenching body in the middle, these warriors at the peak of blood energy have naturally broken through one after another.

Therefore, in the general ace army, there are basically about 100 quenching organs warriors.

And the Thunder Legion's 55 people are obviously too few.

Of course, if it is calculated according to the proportion of the number of people, there must be a lot of 55 people in the quenching body realm, and the proportion is even a bit large.

However, what surprised Xiaodong was the following line of data.

The number of people in the blood and energy realm: 2895 people.

When he saw this number, he first suspected that he had read it wrong, and then he suspected that the data was wrong.

But there is a remark at the back: all the data has been repeatedly confirmed and verified, and all members of the Thunder Legion are in the blood energy realm.

When he saw this line of remarks, Xiaodong was shocked and speechless.

Before, he also thought that the rest of the Thunder Legion was used to make up the number, but now he found out how generous the other party was.

"Could it be that a certain military commander recruited the elites of blood energy from several ace divisions, and finally formed this Thunder Legion?" He couldn't help but guess.

After all, the blood energy of all the members is really outrageous.

Even the number of Blood Qi Realm warriors in an ace division is about two or three hundred.

There may have been a little more in the past, but after those peaks of the blood energy realm have broken through to the quenching body realm, there is really only so much.

Next, Xiaodong looked at the equipment of the Thunder Legion again, and also felt a little scalp numb.

"It turned out to be all the latest models of equipment, and they are all expensive and invaluable. But yes, it is not surprising how luxurious the equipment is in an army composed of blood and energy." Xiaodong slowly spit out a He breathed, and then pressed the red button beside him.

That is the button to call the department supervisor. If it is not important, if you press it indiscriminately, you will be held accountable.

In less than 10 seconds, Xiaodong heard rapid footsteps coming towards him.

"What's the matter?" A middle-aged female officer in her 40s asked hurriedly after arriving.

"I have the latest application here, this Thunder Legion, I think it should be given the third-level authority, and you need to review it, sir." Xiaodong said immediately.

"Three-level authority?" The female supervisor was a little stunned at first, but the next moment, there was a look of surprise on her face.

She knew very well what the third-level authority represented, but she knew even more how terrifying the combat division who could get this kind of authority.

She said quickly, "Show me their information."

10 minutes later!

A soldier who was gathering in the square subconsciously swept to the screen outside the registration office.

Then his eyes were instantly attracted.

A line of large font appeared on it: Welcome to the Thunder Legion to help.

"I know very little, has anyone heard of the Thunder Legion? Let me introduce you!" Someone asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I haven't heard it before, but the welcome subtitles are all displayed. This is definitely a big man coming!" Someone answered.

"Bullshit, you need to say that half a month ago, the Southern Legion gathered more than 30 powerful people from the gods and demons to come together, and this is the standard treatment." The man rolled his eyes and said.

The people in the square were talking about each other, but without exception, they all had smiles on their faces.

Even the news of the arrival of strong aid was quickly conveyed with the square as the center.

If the friendly forces that come are really strong enough, although it is not enough to change the situation of the battle, it can change the outcome of a local battlefield.

The whole battle situation affects the whole body. The advantage gained by a certain local battlefield can often affect other battlefields, thereby indirectly affecting them. This is exactly what everyone expects.

Of course, all of this must have a premise, that is, the reinforcements that come are strong enough to make a certain battle situation change earth-shaking.

Just like the Southern Army Corps half a month ago.

Naturally, Lin Xinghai didn't know that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ just submitted an application, which caused a sensation in a small area of the Eastern Theater.

At this point, they had arrived at the military branch and were warmly received by the staff here.

Lin Xinghai and the other party were polite for a while, and then directly issued the order to dissolve.

After receiving the order, everyone excitedly left together, and this was a rare opportunity for them to relax.

As for Lin Xinghai, he directly dragged Liu Miaomiao to the residence.

"I told you about the details you need to pay attention to when making a breakthrough. Have you decided which route to take?" Lin Xinghai asked with a serious look.

With the power of blood energy and perception in Liu Miaomiao's body, it is definitely impossible to reshape the body perfectly.

But unlike others, Liu Miaomiao could not perfectly reshape the body of gods and demons.

But you can choose to reshape a large category and let the physical system or energy system transform.

For the physical system, the body is reorganized in the order of skin, muscles, and bones to complete a big cycle.

After completing the big cycle, breaking through to the shape of the body, the three attributes will be a lot higher than others.

As for the energy system, it is the choice to reshape the veins and internal organs.

After completion, you can obtain another energy besides the power of blood, which doubles the energy in the body.

To put it simply, the two systems are equivalent to a warrior and a mage, and there is no difference between them, just to see which one is more suitable for you.

"Well, I've decided to choose an energy system, so that it can be more convenient to match my abilities." Liu Miaomiao said.

Lin Xinghai nodded and encouraged: "Your Aoki Divine Body should not be so difficult to reshape, relax, even if you fail, you are still a top genius."