I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 849

Chapter 849

Remember [New] for a second,! Don't say it's someone else at this time, even Yao An, a strongman in the realm of rules, is also somewhat inconceivable looking at Lin Xinghai standing on the ring.

As a rule realm, his detection method is not only perception, but can even mobilize some rules to assist in the detection, so he has a clearer understanding of Lin Xinghai's methods.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he could feel that Lin Xinghai seemed to contain a more pure power of lightning in his body.

It is only by mobilizing this power that the other party can make such a terrifying power erupt from a prefecture-level martial arts.

This alone was enough to surprise him, but what surprised him even more was the enormous amount of energy in Lin Xinghai's body.

You must know that when Lin Xinghai fought against Yang Xiangyu of the 3rd Army, he had already performed 10 thunderstorm attacks, and now against the 4th Army, the number of thunderstorms has reached 22 times.

This adds up to a total of more than 30 times, and if it is converted into the power of blood energy, the consumption exceeds at least 30,000 points.

What's more, Lin Xinghai and the first army also had a fight, and during the battle, Lin Xinghai had to keep using the magic body at all times, and the movement technique used by the opponent was also extremely terrifying, and it was not necessary to consume the power of blood. few.

Therefore, according to his estimation, Lin Xinghai's blood energy consumption at this time may have reached 40,000 points.

So the question is, how can a middle-stage body shaper have such a huge amount of blood energy?

He recalled that when he was in the middle stage of Body Shaping, the total amount of blood energy was only 8,000 points, and he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

At this moment, he can only sigh with emotion, "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves."

At this time, no matter what other people think, it really can't be changed. Lin Xinghai has already completed the feat of wearing one and three.

What made these people even more incomprehensible was that Lin Xinghai, who was standing on the ring at this time, was a little out of breath, but his breath did not drop too much. It was obvious that the opponent still had the strength to fight.

This is outrageous.

Because even if you send a God and Demon Realm peak, you may not be able to achieve such a record. Even if you really win, you will definitely pay a big price.

But now, Lin Xinghai has no injuries at all except for the consumption of a little bit, which is outrageous.

Of course, it wasn't this that caused Yao An's headache the most, but Lin Xinghai had already completed the feat of wearing one through three.

This was something he hadn't considered before.

Thinking of this, he felt a little headache and pinched his eyebrows, and then he stopped thinking about it, and he did not intend to take over the command of the game.

At this time, on the side of the 1st Army Group, a group of powerful gods and demons had already begun to quarrel.

"My opinion is to send the peak of the gods and demons to fight." Someone said.

"What a joke, Lin Xinghai has fought three consecutive battles, and now there is definitely not much blood energy left in his body. In this case, we still need to send the peak of the gods and demons to fight. Isn't it going to be laughed at?" Someone immediately refuted.

"You said that there is not much blood energy left in his body. This is all speculation. If he guesses wrong, he still has the ability to fight. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to lose another one?" Someone else said. .

Looking at the quarrel at this time, Gu Zhou, who was in charge of leading the 1st Army, couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

But he also understood that he couldn't continue arguing on his side, otherwise it would really become a joke.

"Okay, there's not much time now, stop arguing." Gu Zhou said.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the rest of the people suddenly quieted down, and they all turned their attention to it.

After Gu Zhou pondered for a while, he glanced around at everyone in the field, and finally his eyes fell on a man with a particularly long hand and foot ratio.

"Meng Yue, you'll play later! Your ability is the most comprehensive. No matter what kind of situation you encounter, you can handle it better." Gu Zhou said.

Following Gu Zhou's opening, the rest of the people did not say a word, but they all sighed lightly.

Because Meng Yue is the pinnacle of the gods and demons, facing a middle stage of the body-shaping realm, even if he wins, what can he do? It just doesn't seem so humiliating.

But no one said anything, because they really can't lose anymore, so it's normal to have a steady hand.

"Okay, leave it to me! I will show him the strength of the peak of the gods and demons." Meng Yue nodded and said.

Looking at Meng Yue who stepped into the ring, Gu Zhou couldn't help but remind him, "Go all out."

Meng Yue waved his hand and didn't say much, but at this time, his heart was full of anger. When their 1st Army was forced into such a state, he had already decided that he would use the fastest speed later. , eliminated Lin Xinghai from the game.

Lin Xinghai in the ring looked at Meng Yue who came to the stage with a metal iron rod, and the information of the opponent instantly appeared in his mind, and he also understood that it would definitely be a hard fight.

But because of this, he gradually became a little excited.

The person in front of him is the powerhouse at the peak of the gods and demons. Under the circumstance that the rules are out of the realm, this is the powerhouse.

There is no doubt that this can also be a better test, what kind of strength he has now.

He took a deep breath and felt the condition in his body. Now he only had the last 5,000 points of blood energy left in his body. As for the rest, he transformed it into the power of lightning.

If it wasn't for the abilities of the gods and demons, which could not be replaced by the power of thunder and lightning, he estimated that he had already transformed them all.

After all the conversions, he still has the power of thunder and lightning in his early 20,000. Although it is a bit small, it is enough for him to fight heartily.

"I have to admit that you are the most perverted genius in the history of mankind, but no matter how talented you are, there is a limit. Let me end this now!" Meng Yue said, putting the metal long stick on the ground.

"Very good, then I'll wait and see." Lin Xinghai said with a smile~www.mtlnovel.com~ Huo Feiteng in the ring, seeing that the two were ready, directly signaled the start of the match.

Meng Yue displayed his demon body and abilities immediately. It is worth mentioning that the opponent's ability is called King Kong Giant Ape, which is a very rare transformation ability.

As we all know, transformation-type abilities are generally quite comprehensive, and attack, defense, and even speed will be enhanced.

In particular, Meng Yue's King Kong Giant Ape ability is definitely the top transformation ability. With his display, it can even affect the gods and demons. After the two are combined, in the blink of an eye, It became a giant ape more than 7 meters high.

At the same time, between the twists and turns of the silver light on the surface of the giant ape, a set of metal armor was quickly condensed.

At the same time, silver light permeated the metal long stick he was holding in his hand, and then the metal long stick, which was only 2 meters long, quickly extended to more than 7 meters.

Lin Xinghai was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"Interesting, no wonder the ability is called King Kong Giant Ape. It turns out that it can control metal, which is equivalent to having dual attributes." Lin Xinghai felt the huge sense of oppression from the opponent, and his fighting spirit became more and more high.