I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 826

Chapter 826

Chapter 827 Soldier Training (Part 2)

At this time, under Lin Xinghai's signal, the little fat man brought a large box from outside.

And all the boxes in the box are wrist-mounted computers.

Yes, this is the little gift that Lin Xinghai said to everyone.

Although the wrist-mounted computer has reached the blood-qi realm level, it is not a big deal, and it can be done by one person, but at the level of genetic optimizer, there are not many people who can have it.

Ordinary mercenaries are the mercenary head, deputy head, and some wealthy squad leaders.

And the military side is almost the same. Generally speaking, only the platoon commander and battalion commander have enough money to buy it.

Because of this, when Lin Xinghai took out thousands of wrist-mounted computers and signaled that one could be used for each hand, everyone's eyes went straight.

At this moment, everyone finally realized how wealthy the Thunder Legion was and how generous Lin Xinghai was.

"Okay, don't be stunned, each person has one, of course, these are all basic models. If you want better ones in the future, you can find a way to buy them yourself. Of course, you can also accumulate merits and exchange them in our logistics director's office. ." Lin Xinghai said with a smile, and finally pointed to the little fat man.

At this time, the little fat man took up the conversation without hesitation, "Hey, don't worry, our Thunder Legion is very rich. It's boring to change the wrist-mounted computer. I hope everyone will come to me to change the mecha in the future."

These words immediately made everyone wonder.

Of course, no matter what they thought, everyone quickly came over to get the wrist-mounted computer, and then entered their identity information to bind.

As for this batch of wrist-mounted computers, Fatty has installed the command system in advance. In this way, whatever orders Lin Xinghai needs to issue can be directly delivered to everyone's hands through the wrist-mounted computers.

Therefore, after everyone completed the identity binding, their wrist computers vibrated one after another, and what appeared on it was the grouping that Lin Xinghai had grouped them.

"Okay, the grouping is over, let's go now, targeting Tianshan City." Lin Xinghai said.

When everyone was a little confused, Lin Xinghai had already pulled them into the armored vehicle.

No way, all this is really too fast, from the formation of the legion to their actual combat drills, it is not enough to add up to an hour.

And Lin Xinghai doesn't care what they think, what he wants now is speed and efficiency.

Since everyone in the Xinghai Squad is equipped with mechas, the number of armored vehicles they brought is also quite large, with 50 vehicles.

Now pulling these 1000 people, there is no problem at all.

In this way, fifty armored vehicles left the East China Sea base and headed for Tianshan City in a mighty manner.

Only at this time did the soldiers and mercenaries in the car gradually accept this reality.

Then they looked at the wrist-mounted computer, found their team, and got acquainted with the rest of the members.

In this 1,000-person regiment, Lin Xinghai was assigned a team of 10 people, a row of 30 people, a battalion of 300 people, and a group of 1,000 people.

So these 1,000 people were divided into 100 teams.

All the members of the Xinghai Squad basically assumed the position of the squad leader, directly occupying half of the places.

As for the remaining half, the mercenary and the veteran each chose a part.

The same goes for platoon and battalion commanders.

Only the head of the group, Lin Xinghai hung down.

"In the next battle, I plan to let the three of you jointly command, and the team leader will also be selected from among you." Lin Xinghai said while looking at the three beside him.

The three were Fang Tianhe, Gao Shan and Liu Zhengfan.

Needless to say, Fang Tianhe and Gao Shan were both the head of the mercenary group and led 200 people. Lin Xinghai still trusted their commanding ability.

As for Liu Zhengfan, it was the officer with the highest rank that he had selected from the military. He was a lieutenant colonel himself, and he was also the head of the regiment.

Logically speaking, Lin Xinghai's most correct approach should be to directly hand over the group to him, after all, the other party has the most management experience.

But he couldn't let Fang Tianhe and Gao Shan feel cold. After all, they were the first to follow him, that's why he said that.

"Yes!" The three of them responded in unison.

Lin Xinghai glanced at Fang Tianhe and Gao Shan, and seeing that they didn't seem to have enough confidence, he said, "You guys lack the experience in managing a thousand-person group, even if you can't get the group leader this time, it doesn't matter, this time it is I have studied with Lieutenant Colonel Liu. Now only one regiment has been established, and there will be two regiments and three regiments later."



Fang Tianhe and Gao Shan spoke in succession, and at this time, smiles finally appeared on their faces.

The speed of the convoy was very fast, and in just half an hour, they had already entered the scope of Tianshan City.

After entering here, the members of the Xinghai Squad did not feel much, but both the two mercenary groups and the soldiers looked at everything around them in amazement.

"There are really fewer zombies here." Fang Tianhe looked out from the car window. They were driving on the main street at this time, but at a glance, there were only a few zombies in twos and threes.

Compared with the past, it is simply a sky and an underground.

"Yeah, so the corpse wave that broke out at the Star Shield Base is a good thing to some extent. They have gathered all the zombies for us to clean up." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

Fang Tianhe and the others did not say a word.

Although what Lin Xinghai said makes sense and is true to a certain extent, if this was said from other people, several people would probably have sprayed it already.

After all, if it wasn't for Lin Xinghai, and the reinforcements he brought were strong, it would have been impossible for the Star Shield base to be established this time.

"Cough! General Lin, how should we conduct our actual combat drills?" Lin Zhengfan, who had been silent for a while, spoke up.

His strength has reached the realm of blood energy~www.mtlnovel.com~ and as the head of the regiment, he can definitely be regarded as a high-level army in the army, and the reason why he is willing to come to the Thunder Legion this time is that he is looking forward to the Thunder Legion. Prospects.

Therefore, compared to others, he is looking forward to this actual combat drill.

As for Fang Tianhe and Gao Shan, both of them immediately turned their attention to Lin Xinghai with curiosity in their eyes.

But what Lin Xinghai said next made everyone's faces show a look of astonishment.

"I don't participate in the actual combat drill. It's up to the three of you to designate it. I have only one goal for you, and that is to clean up all the ordinary zombies and mutant zombies in this Tianshan City." Lin Xinghai said.

The three of them couldn't help looking at each other.

Before they could say anything, Lin Xinghai continued, "Okay, I'll leave it to you. Don't worry, there will be no three-level mutant zombies."

After Lin Xinghai finished speaking, he explained another sentence in the Xinghai team's internal channel, then jumped out of the car and quickly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)