I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 617

Chapter 617

Chapter 618 Entering the Poison Mist Area (Part 2)

The moment Lin Xinghai pulled the trigger, these abyss creatures rushing frantically had violent emotional changes in the depths of their pupils.

It's not that they haven't played against human teams before, but with the cover of green poisonous fog, it is difficult for the opponent's hot weapons to lock on them. It is good to be able to shoot at their bodies at close range.

But at this time, any abyss creature felt a sense of danger that made them tremble.

This made them frightened, and they all began to dodge sideways desperately.

Even if you can't dodge the bullet, you must avoid getting hit in the head.

But what frightened these abyss creatures was that the feeling of extreme danger was like maggots attached to bones, and they could not escape at all.

Or it will change as they dodge.

In fact, under Lin Xinghai's exploration technique, he "sees" every dodging movement of these abyss creatures so clearly.

And these armor-piercing bullets fired from the heavy machine gun, under the control of perception, the flight trajectory is changing with the dodging of these abyss creatures.

Puff puff!

Armor-piercing bullets precisely hit the heads of these abyss ghouls rushing in front of them. Their proud cuticles may be able to withstand rifle bullets.

But facing these armor-piercing bullets shot by heavy machine guns, it was not enough to look at. The bullets had a strong penetrating power and easily penetrated the stratum corneum, and then pierced the hard skull and shot into the brain.

In an instant, these abyss ghouls hit by armor-piercing bullets stood upright and stuck in place, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

Even those petrified spiders who used the house as a cover and quickly approached were not spared.

Because Lin Xinghai fired directly at the wall, with the power of the heavy machine gun, the armor-piercing bullet still retained at least half of its kinetic energy after piercing the wall.

Of course, according to the normal situation, the power of armor-piercing bullets that have been weakened by a part cannot be shot to kill these petrified spiders.

After all, these petrified spiders, in addition to having a hard shell on the body surface, can also spit spider silk, and attach a layer of spider silk armor to the body surface.

Under the double defense, their survivability can be greatly increased.

But it is a pity that under Lin Xinghai's control, these armor-piercing bullets can turn around. As long as they are shot into the opponent's eyes, these deadly points, then the opponent's shell will be useless no matter how hard it is.

As long as the bullet shoots through the spider silk armor on the outside of the opponent, the bullet can pass through and kill him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai also had to admit that ordinary tear-off rifles can't really compare with these heavy machine guns in terms of power.

Especially the heavy machine guns that use armor-piercing bullets, the power is directly raised to a level, at least there is no problem in killing these abyss creatures.

Of course, the price of armor-piercing bullets for heavy machine guns will also be a lot more expensive.

The armor-piercing bullets of the ripper rifle can be purchased for 3 yuan, but the armor-piercing bullets for these heavy machine guns cost at least 30 yuan.

The price has doubled 10 times.

But with the current record, it's all worth it.

And as long as the weapon in his hand is strong enough, then Lin Xinghai doesn't need to deliberately control the bullet. If he hits vital parts such as the eyes, as long as he hits the head and dies, it can also greatly reduce his perception consumption.

After all, although his perception is strong, at most it is only comparable to the general body shaping state. Of course, after one or two battles, there is no problem, but in this situation, the battle is definitely one after another.

Lin Xinghai didn't dare to consume too much perception power.

The two heavy machine guns fired extremely fast, and it was only a matter of seconds to kill these more than 100 abyss creatures.

In just two seconds, more than 100 abyss creatures were all killed.

If this scene was seen by other teams, it would definitely be more shocking, but everyone in the Xinghai team has long been accustomed to it.

If Lin Xinghai couldn't do something like this, what a capable person can't, how could it be possible for all the special students in this class to join his team willingly.

Lin Xinghai looked at the mutant zombies that fell to the ground, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. There were more than 100 mutant zombies, that is, more than 1,000 points, not to mention that he can get double rewards, which is equivalent to 2,000 points.

This is much easier than killing those mutant zombies in the shape of the body, but the points are not less, but the next moment, the smile on his face became a little stiff.

Because he sensed that the abyss creatures in the distance that were still moving towards this side, after seeing his great power, escaped directly into the depths of the green poisonous fog.

This is equivalent to a large wave of points lost.

"Should I be more restrained and not kill so fast?" Lin Xinghai couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

At this time, the rest of the Xinghai team also discovered the situation. They all mastered the exploration technique. Although the range of perception is not as good as Lin Xinghai, they have a range of at least three or four hundred meters, and they all saw this scene.

"Boss, you seem to have scared them away, so what should we do next?" The little fat man asked weakly.

"Continue to advance, don't worry about it, how many can be killed, our mission this time is to clean up all the abyss creatures and mutant zombies in this area, and the rest don't need to be considered." Lin Xinghai said lightly.

But after he finished speaking, he still added, "I will reduce the speed of shooting abyss creatures a little later, you protect yourself, and, don't drop the chain."

Hearing Lin Xinghai's last sentence, the little fat man was a little puzzled, but when the zombie detector in his hand sounded, he knew what was going on.

"It's a first-level hunter, at 3 o'clock, there are still 700 meters away~www.mtlnovel.com~ The little fat man hurriedly shouted.

These green poisonous mists also have a certain ability to interfere with detection. Even if Little Fatty has installed military-grade detectors on the armored vehicles, it can only detect the situation within a range of 1,000 meters.

This distance is nothing at all in terms of the speed of mutant zombies. At most, they can only know in advance, and they don't even have enough time to prepare.

Of course, knowing a little in advance is enough for the role of the Xinghai team, and they immediately spread their perception in that direction.

It was soon felt that the hunter was rushing at high speed.

Everyone is experienced. To deal with such an extremely fast mutant zombie, it is necessary to kill with one blow, so everyone did not have any abnormal reaction, as if nothing was found, and continued to move forward.

But in fact, everyone has begun to mobilize the energy in their bodies and secretly prepare.

The hunters are getting closer and closer, 700 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters, 20 meters.

When the hunters approached the distance of 20 meters to the crowd, they finally shot.

(End of this chapter)