I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 460

Chapter 460

Following the student's speech, many people turned their attention to the distance, and sure enough, they saw Lin Xinghai walking towards this side in a hurry.

And as the student said, Lin Xinghai really followed a large group of people behind him.

You must know that the energy **** that Lin Xinghai collected before, in addition to being distributed to Little Fatty and others, there are 18 more.

In other words, in addition to the four of them, plus Xie Shanyong and others, the number of people who can enter the first class has reached 22.

After these people received the financial aid from Fatty's Body Tempering Pill, in the past three days, they also got through the meridians quite easily.

So many people came together, at least compared to the number of people staying here, it is definitely a mighty one.

So these people were almost subconsciously startled, a bold idea emerged from everyone's mind, but they were denied it again in a flash.

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Jian Hua watched Lin Xinghai bring everyone to the front, he frowned slightly, looked at everyone and said in a deep voice, "I made it very clear when I sent the message, only those who have opened up the meridians of the gods and demons are allowed to come here. , Fortune Blood Pond is one of the most precious treasures of our academy, and it is not allowed to be viewed at will."

Of course, Lin Xinghai knew that the other party had misunderstood, and immediately explained: "Mr. Jian Hua, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. These members of my team have only come here if they meet the requirements."

This time, not only Jian Hua, but the rest of the students were also stunned.

The first thought in their minds was: How is this possible?

It's not that they look down on people, but that they want to open up the meridians within three days. The requirements for perception and the like are too high.

And more importantly, the people that Lin Xinghai brought over were all full of energy, and it seemed that it was not difficult for them to get through the meridians.

This is not something they can accept. Only by experiencing it can they understand how difficult it is to open up the meridians.

Even for special students, it's not easy. Like Yan Feijie, many of them spent two and a half days to get through the meridians.

There were even a lot of people in the field. During these three days, they didn't close their eyes at all. Even when they were eating and going to the toilet, they were trying to get through the meridians as soon as possible, so that they could finish it quickly.

It's just that no matter how they don't believe it, after meeting Lin Xinghai's calm gaze, they can only accept this reality.

After all, there is no way to lie about this kind of thing. After entering the blood pool of good fortune, you need to run the exercises.

But after spending more than ten seconds to accept this reality, Jian Hua's face was filled with ecstasy.

Because after the arrival of Lin Xinghai and this group of people, the number of people who are eligible to enter the blood pool of good fortune this time has reached 52 people.

Significantly refreshed records!

He didn't care how Lin Xinghai did it, anyway, when this matter was reported, it was his political achievements.

"Okay! Everyone is doing very well. Now that everyone is here, let's go in and open the Blood Pond of Fortune!" Jian Hua said with a bright smile.

He took the lead and walked in the front, and everyone followed behind, but Lin Xinghai was particularly conspicuous among the crowd.

It's not that he has anything particularly outstanding, but that Fatty and the others subconsciously surrounded him in the center. Under such circumstances, anyone who glanced at him would know that Lin Xinghai was the core of this group of students.

Yan Feijie and the others who saw this were both envious and helpless.

Although they also recruited a group of students during the assessment, some even recruited more students than Lin Xinghai.

But the problem is that many of these students are second- and third-class students. There are not many first-class students, and even if there are, they may not be able to pass this assessment and enter the blood pool of good fortune.

Being able to come with one or two people by his side, even if it is very good, Xiang Yuanzheng is even more unlucky, and there is not a single follower by his side.

"Brother Lin, how did you do it? Let so many people get through the meridians." Yan Feijie came to Lin Xinghai's side and asked curiously.

All of a sudden, everyone around, including Jian Hua, who was walking at the front, also pricked up their ears.

"Hehe, it's not actually my credit. It was Ye Xin who bought the Body Tempering Pill and lent it to us. With the help of the pill, this can be done." Lin Xinghai explained.

Hearing the words Tempering Body Pill, the expressions on everyone's face were different, some were suddenly realized, some were envious, but some were disdainful.

"Body Tempering Pills are so expensive, and I'm afraid you have to use a few in a row to get through the meridians! Is it worth it just to enter the Blood Pool of Fortune?"

In order to open up the meridians, he used a full 10 bottles of high-level medicinal liquid, and the price of this thing also required a bottle of 1,000 Huaxia coins.

The cost of 10,000 Huaxia coins made him feel a little distressed.

He really couldn't understand why someone would be so extravagant as to directly use a body quenching pill ~www.mtlnovel.com~ of 20,000 to 30,000 to open up the meridians.

"Of course it's worth it!" However, this time, it was not Lin Xinghai or the little fat man who answered him, but Jian Hua, who was at the forefront.

"The role of the blood pool of creation is greater than you think. As your mentor, I give you a suggestion. If you have spare energy when you break through, you can find a way to run the magic of the gods and demons to absorb some more medicinal power. Instead of waiting for the breakthrough to complete, slowly absorb it.

"After this village, there will be no shop, and the blood pool of good fortune is not qualified to enter even our instructors."

When Jian Hua spoke, he turned to look at Lin Xinghai and other special students. He was speaking to these top geniuses.

He is looking forward to someone who can continue to break records and complete the first stage of the cultivation of the gods and demons in the blood pool of good fortune.

These students heard Jian Hua's reminder again, and this time the expressions on their faces were much more solemn, and they obviously listened to them.

However, Lin Xinghai looked at the little fat man and the others beside him. He felt that simply listening in was not enough. They had to be made aware of the importance of this matter.

So he deliberately slowed down his pace, and after the crowd and the team in front opened a little distance, he said softly: "In the past few days, I have practiced the Thunder Divine Physique."

Lin Xinghai's first sentence turned everyone's attention.

Lin Xinghai looked at them and continued: "My progress on the Thunder Divine Body has reached 6% now, but... it cost 60 Body Tempering Pills."

"Only 10 body quenching pills can increase the progress by 1%. How much money can be saved by working hard in the blood pool of good fortune, you can calculate it yourself!"

After Lin Xinghai finished speaking, the team re-accelerated to keep up, but everyone who heard his words froze in place.