I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 439

Chapter 439

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

chug chug!

Intensive gunfire suddenly sounded at the gate of the campus.

Lin Xinghai's action was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was so sudden that most people couldn't react.

And when they reacted, what they saw was the ten sophomore students, who had already fallen to the ground humming, and each of them had been shot at least four or five times, and blood was constantly coming out of their bodies.

Armor-piercing bullets are no joke, even mutant zombies such as "spittlers" and "hunters" can be easily injured, not to mention these blood-qi realm warriors.

Lin Xinghai only spent three armor-piercing bullets to break the energy barrier released by the opponent, and the blood energy condensed from the body surface of these students could basically only withstand the impact of one armor-piercing bullet, and it was completely consumed.

The latter is purely carried by the body, of course it can't carry it.

On the sophomore's side, there was chaos in an instant. Some people stepped forward to check the injuries, some immediately called the medical team, and some glared at Lin Xinghai and others.

It's just that at this time, Lin Xinghai has calmly changed the magazine, and pointed the muzzle at them intentionally or unintentionally, making these people dare to be angry but not dare to speak.

On the new side, he was completely dumbfounded.

Although many of these people have heard of Lin Xinghai's "great achievements", they never expected that Lin Xinghai would be so ferocious, and he would dare to act like this in Donghai College.

The scene at this time was quite chaotic, but fortunately, this chaos did not last.

Although it is said that there will be sophomore students to suppress the arrogance of the freshmen, in order to prevent any accidents, the college will definitely arrange some tutors to supervise.

So when the sound of gunfire was heard here and caused a commotion, a powerful aura suddenly rose in the distance, and it quickly approached here.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the breath changed from far to near, and a middle-aged man in a teacher's uniform came to the field.

He glanced at the few students who fell to the ground with a livid face. After seeing that these people were not in danger for the time being, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face was a little better.

Then his eyes locked on Lin Xinghai, and he asked a little sullenly: "Who told you and your classmates that you can use firearms?"

The tutor who came here was named Jian Hua, and he was in charge of the order here at the entrance of the school for new students.

If on the first day of school, a student died under his nose, it would be a major negligence of his work, and he would not be angry.

At this time, he even started to think about what kind of punishment should be given to Lin Xinghai.

But what surprised him was that, facing his question, the student on the opposite side didn't even have the slightest nervousness on his face.

The other party calmly put away the tearer rifle, and then said seriously: "This teacher is good, in fact, on the question of whether or not to use firearms, on the way here, I have already left to my personal instructor. Wen Yao asked."

"Instructor Zuo has made it clear that it can be used as long as the academy does not explicitly prohibit it. Just be careful when using it and not endanger the lives of your classmates." Lin Xinghai directly took out the banner of Zuo Wenyao. .

Sure enough, when Lin Xinghai said this, the sullen look on Jian Hua's face disappeared immediately.

Zuo Wenyao is the youngest powerhouse in the academy, but the other party is qualified to participate in the school committee of the academy, and his status is more than one level higher than him.

If Lin Xinghai was really a direct student of the other party, he really didn't dare to use his identity as a mentor to figure it out.

"Tutor Zuo really said those words?" Jian Hua asked in a deep voice. To be honest, he really didn't believe Zuo Wenyao dared to say such a thing.

After all, if you use firearms to spar, you will die if you are not careful, and there are students who fall during this sparring. This kind of responsibility, even a strong man like Zuo Wenyao, is extremely troublesome.

Lin Xinghai didn't talk nonsense either, he directly turned on the communication watch and called up the communication records between him and Zuo Wenyao.

Jian Hua stepped forward to take a look, then turned on his communication watch, called up Zuo Wenyao's contact information, and called in person.

The other party walked aside and whispered a few words, then walked back quickly.

At this point, the medical team had come here and carried all the injured members onto stretchers.

However, the sophomores around him all looked at him with anticipation, as if waiting for the result of his treatment.

"In this matter, student Lin Xinghai did not clearly violate any of the academy regulations." Jian Hua first came to a conclusion.

Looking at the sophomore students, his expressions instantly became indignant, and he added: "If you have any objections, you can directly appeal to the academy."

"In addition, in the next discussion, you can also use firearms to fight. Of course, if you accidentally kill a student, you will know the consequences. You will be expelled from the school and go to the Zhenyuan Guard to serve in the military for five years."

After he finished speaking, he left directly, leaving behind a group of students who looked at each other in dismay.

For such a situation, Lin Xinghai had long expected, this is the advantage of having a backstage!

"Okay, seniors and sisters, can we register? Or if you are not convinced, we can compare the marksmanship." Lin Xinghai said.

At this moment, even many of these sophomores were gnashing their teeth~www.mtlnovel.com~, but none of them dared to answer Lin Xinghai's words.

Fighting with firearms is too dangerous, both for yourself and for others.

Although with the current medical conditions, as long as you don't die on the spot, you can basically be rescued. Even if the internal organs are injured, it's a big deal to spend more money and do an organ regeneration operation.

However, if the bullet hits the head or the heart, there is no chance of rescue.

Although everyone knows that when shooting, they must avoid these vital parts, but the problem is that you are not fighting stakes, the opponent will dodge and move.

In this case, it is not easy to want to hurt the opponent, but avoid the key points. If they miss, their future will be ruined.

What's more, even if they can guarantee that they will not miss, what about the other party! What if the other party shoots randomly and kills them?

And taking such a big risk, even if they successfully defeated Lin Xinghai and others, on average, everyone would only get one or two months of cultivation resources.

Such risks and benefits are simply not proportional, and naturally no one is willing to try.

In the end, these sophomore students could only angrily register all of Lin Xinghai and several others, and then let them go.

However, what happened at the gate of the school seemed to have wings. Through the communication watches on the hands of these students, it quickly spread across the campus.

As for Lin Xinghai, he swaggered and walked towards the Academic Affairs Building with Little Fatty and other special students.

With roots behind Lin Xinghai, Yan Feijie and the others only felt very emotional in their hearts.

When they were enemies with Lin Xinghai before, they had a lot of headaches, but now they are teammates, the feeling can only be described in one word, that is: cool!