I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Lin Xinghai frowned and pondered, but the little fat man was shocked when he heard it.

He knew that Lin Xinghai had a special sensing ability that could help them avoid zombies smoothly.

Therefore, he attached great importance to Lin Xinghai's sense of threat. He hurried to the window and squinted at the outside, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

At this time, Liu Miaomiao and Jin Tong, who felt the movement, also woke up.

After asking clearly what was going on, Liu Miaomiao suggested, "If we leave here, it won't take much effort. If Ah Xing really didn't feel wrong just now, he might be able to avoid a crisis."

Little Fatty and Jin Tong listened and couldn't help but nod their heads again and again.

Now that the end of the assessment is not far away, no matter how careful you are.

Lin Xinghai also nodded, and soon several people began to pack up and prepare to transfer.

At this time, it was close to 2:00 in the morning, but the lights were still bright in the command post.

Neither the examiner nor the officer here fell asleep.

On the one hand, I want to know the news on the abyss channel as soon as possible, and on the other hand, because it is almost the hour, the location of the energy ball will be synchronized immediately.

At this time, there will always be some unwilling teams that will change. Although there are not many such teams, they should also keep an eye on them.

It was at this time that a member of the monitoring team found that there was an abnormality in the area he was responsible for.

On one of the surveillance screens, a flashing red light appeared, and the speed was so fast that he almost thought he had hallucinated.

However, when he replayed it, he was shocked to discover that the red light turned out to be the half-exposed body of a blood demon.

Immediately, he reported the news, and soon the matter reached Zuo Wenyao.

"I really didn't expect that there is such a thing. When we were investigating, we should have thoroughly explored the ground." Zuo Wenyao shook his head and said.

And Lu Wei, who was on the side, also had a bad look on his face, because the military was responsible for the eradication of the mutant zombies in Dong'an City.

Now a **** night demon has suddenly appeared underground, and they have to bear the main responsibility.

"I'll find a way to find it!" Lu Wei said in a deep voice.

"Yeah! Apply for more underground detectors to come here. In addition, if you can't kill it, try to drive it away. Anyway, there is not much time until the end of the assessment. As long as it does not affect other candidates, then No problem." Zuo Wenyao said after pondering for a moment.

Because the blood demon can burrow into the ground, coupled with the opponent's ability to reunite the body, even if it is torn apart by the burrowing bomb, it can quickly recover and is very difficult to kill.

However, the opponent's combat power can only be regarded as average, and it is difficult to cause too much damage.

Therefore, although these people in the field can be regarded as paying attention, they are not too nervous. While mobilizing manpower, seize the time to install underground detectors, and increase monitoring efforts, keep an eye on every place, and report immediately if they find something wrong. .

However, not even a minute after the order was issued, another supervisor discovered the traces of the blood demon.

However, when the other party reported the location of the blood demon, Zuo Wenyao and others were a little stunned.

Because this time, the location was actually on the edge of the city.

"This blood demon burrows under the ground, so fast?" An examiner couldn't help but murmured while looking at the screen.

"Theoretically it is impossible. Either the opponent's strength has reached the second rank, or there are more than one blood demon underground." An officer who knew about mutant zombies immediately said.

"How long will it take for the underground detector to be installed?" Zuo Wenyao asked in a deep voice.

"It will take about three minutes, but the underground detectors we brought this time are not too many. We can only probe the downtown area first." The soldier in charge of the engineering department quickly reported.

Zuo Wenyao nodded and said nothing, but he had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Others are also a little nervously waiting for the result.

However, they couldn't wait, the result returned by the underground detector, but the exclamation of an inspector.

"Oh my God! There are mutant zombies under the ground, dead claws, giant arms, blood worms, spitters, so many!"

"There are also mutant zombies in this area I monitor. There are actually 5. No, there are already 7."

Almost instantly, all the monitoring members were loudly reporting what they had discovered.

The situation they discovered by themselves was exaggerated enough, but when they heard the report from their companions, the panic in their hearts was even stronger.

At this time, Zuo Wenyao and others couldn't calm down either, and after a quick swipe, almost all of them stood up.

As the members below continued to gather information, red dots suddenly appeared on the big screen in front of them.

Each red dot represents a mutant zombie.

At this time, the number of these red dots was rising sharply, and it took just one or two breaths to exceed 100, and there was no intention to stop.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded, even Zuo Wenyao was no exception.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why are there so many mutant zombies underground?"

"Even if they are really hidden underground, when there are so many mutant zombies, when we clean up, it is impossible not to find a trace!"

In an instant, the headquarters here seemed to explode.

And Zuo Wenyao, when his thoughts were spinning, instantly connected all the information together, and then a frightening thought emerged.

"Conspiracy, it is impossible to gather so many mutant zombies under normal circumstances. These mutant zombies can only come from one place... the abyss passage."

"And the reason why they came here is for only one purpose, those candidates~www.mtlnovel.com~ Zuo Wenyao said through gritted teeth.

The others also reacted instantly, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

Although the abyss plane has always been powerful, making them extremely vigilant, but it is not afraid, because they believe that there is always a way to deal with it.

But when this formidable enemy actually plays a trick, then its level of danger will not increase by a single star.

"Don't be stunned, take action immediately, and report the news here to the East China Sea Base Headquarters."

"All rescue teams, kill those mutant zombies. If they can't kill them, they will be restrained."

"In addition, quickly establish one survival point one by one, and issue a notice to tell all candidates that the entrance examination is over, and let them rush to the nearest survival point to seek shelter."

Having said that, Zuo Wenyao looked at Lu Wei and asked, "How long will it take for the mecha team to come over?"

The military never thought that such a thing would happen, so it did not carry heavy weapons to deal with mutant zombies.

In the absence of mechas, the only people who can kill these mutant zombies with their bare hands are the powerhouses above the body shaper level.

Such high-end power may be fine if it is used to deal with individual emergencies, but there are so many mutant zombies that are soaring now, and it is obvious that there are not enough manpower.

"It will take at least 15 minutes if it is shipped by air." Lu Wei immediately gave the answer.

"Okay! Let them speed up and start rescue operations now."

Having said that, Zuo Wenyao paused and added, "The members at the top of the standings will be given priority to rescue."