I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 399

Chapter 399

At this moment, these people in the Canglang Brigade were terrified.

On Gan Haoran's forehead, cold sweat was already oozing out.

Although he had guessed before, the opponent's speed-type ability user has a single attack method, and it is very likely that he will use firearms to attack them.

But he never imagined that the opponent's marksmanship was so good.

It's not even a good way to describe it, it's just horrifying.

Before they met Lin Xinghai again, it was not that their Blue Wolf brigade had not exchanged fire with other teams, and they had also used firearms.

But in fact, the role of firearms in such a battlefield is not as big as imagined.

First of all, in order not to be disqualified from the examination and be arrested for military service, no matter who is using a firearm, they will not shoot at the enemy's head.

In this case, they were wearing carbon nanocombat uniforms, and even if they were shot one or two times, it would not be a big problem.

They are not dead, and they will definitely fight back if they are aimed and shot by the opponent, so the above factors add up, and sometimes the damage caused by bullets to the enemy may not be as powerful as the powerful ability.

However, Lin Xinghai's marksmanship directly refreshed their three views. When the opponent was using the strafing mode, he could even accurately hit the unprotected palm of the member.

This kind of injury is not fatal, but it will be extremely painful, and more importantly, there is no way to hold the weapon, and the combat effectiveness will undoubtedly plummet.

However, although the members of the Blue Wolf Brigade were shocked by Lin Xinghai's marksmanship, their response was not slow. The remaining defensive power users also quickly displayed their powers to protect all the members.

The other members also quickly picked up the Ripper Rifle and began to look for Lin Xinghai's position, trying to counterattack.

But when they looked in the direction of the gunshots, there was no one there at all.

Chu Chu Chu!

The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded again, and a power user who displayed an energy barrier, the energy barrier shattered instantly under the impact of a dozen bullets? His face immediately paled.

However, before everyone could react, the palms of the eight members within his protection range were also pierced. When the weapons fell to the ground, they also covered their palms and let out a painful howl.

"Quick, quick? Use the ability to block the gap, pull everyone in, and guard against it. Bullet attacks can't break all defensive abilities."

"Also? Did no one notice the other party's attack just now? Why didn't they fight back?" Gan Haoran said angrily while commanding.

"Captain, I just saw that man, but he was attacking while moving at a high speed! The movement speed is at least 400 points? And there is no regularity when moving? The sharpshooter shouldn't even try to hit the opponent!" A member said suddenly.

Hearing this member's words? Gan Haoran's face immediately turned ugly? If so, they would have nothing to do with each other!

Do you want to be passively beaten all the time?

While he was thinking about these things, Lin Xinghai's voice came from a distance, "I'll give you one last chance, now hand over the energy ball? Plus 200 bullets, I'll let you go, otherwise, you won't be able to maintain your defense. When the type ability is consumed, it is the time to be eliminated."

The Ripper Rifle can't break all defensive abilities, only energy barriers and the like will be broken directly because of a point being pierced.

However, like water shields and earth walls, such defensive abilities, even if a certain position is penetrated, it will not affect the overall defense. Only when a large area is destroyed can the opponent's ability be broken.

To put it simply, this kind of ability needs to be broken with a hand cannon or an area of hand grenade weapon, but Lin Xinghai does not have it.

But it doesn't matter, after all, to maintain any ability, it needs to consume energy in the body, and he can completely consume it with the other party.

Hearing Lin Xinghai's threat again, Gan Haoran couldn't help it this time.

However, he was a little unwilling, and suddenly he thought of something, and said quickly: "What if it runs out? If I guessed correctly, there are still three teams coming here. When they arrive, you can still Can you eat so many of our teams?"

"Why not?" Lin Xinghai's voice continued to come from a distance, "As long as none of you can keep up with the speed of me, I will be invincible."

"And in the face of my marksmanship, you always need to keep using defensive abilities. I still say that when those defensive abilities run out of energy in their bodies, that's when you are eliminated from the game."

"Instead of that, you might as well hand over the energy **** obediently, and now go kill zombies to earn points."

However, Qian Haoran was still not to be outdone and said, "Do you really say we can be eliminated by eliminating us? Even if we are severely injured, do you really dare to come over? After all, even if our hands are injured, we can still use our abilities. ."

"Ah~" Lin Xing sighed lightly.

Hearing the other party's sigh, Gan Haoran suddenly felt a joy in his heart, thinking that he had really grasped the other party's weakness.

However, what greeted him was the sound of gunshots resounding again.

Chu Chu Chu!

This time, the gunshots stopped almost as soon as they were released, because Lin Xinghai only fired 3 shots in the strafing mode.

The target of his shot this time was a water shield.

This kind of water-based defensive ability, the defensive effect can only be regarded as ordinary. However, this type of defensive power is extremely resilient, and most of them have an automatic repair function.

This is the case with this water shield. After resisting two bullets, it was penetrated, and the third bullet was instantly shot in the same position.

However, the water shield is being repaired at an extremely fast speed. In less than a second, the bullet hole that was shot has been restored to its original state.

It was as if nothing had happened~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, at this moment, the defensive power user who released the water shield had a pale face. He was neither injured nor because of the water shield. Was penetrated and suffered a backlash.

It was because Lin Xinghai's third bullet hit his lower back, where he hid his communication watch.

At this time, Gan Haoran observed the members, and after seeing that no one seemed to be injured, he first breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he saw the pale face of this water-type power user.

"Luo Shui, what's wrong with you?" Gan Haoran asked immediately in shock.

If the other party is injured, it will be bad if they have one less defensive power user on their side.

However, the young man known as Luo Shui did not answer, but touched the lower back with despair on his face, and took out a broken communication watch.

The rest of the people were a little stunned when they saw this scene, and then thought of something, and their eyes widened in horror.