I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 215

Chapter 215

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

After everyone was shocked and shocked, they began to continue their journey.

Of course, it is said to be on the road, but the speed is still not fast, because they want to wipe out all the nearby zombies as much as possible, and of course attack Yuanjing.

However, due to time constraints, they only charge intermediate and high-level Yuanjing. It has to be said that this kind of behavior is really extravagant. If other mercenary groups see it, I don't know what it will be like.

"Come on, you continue to practice marksmanship. I have already taught you the basic skills. Now all you have to do is to be fast! Continue to speed up the design and aiming, and practice the feel as soon as possible." Lin Xinghai pointed at Liu Miaomiao. , said while looking at the electronic map on the screen.

The industrial park is still about 15 kilometers away from them. Such a distance is not far or near.

If it weren't for this situation, it would take ten minutes to arrive, but if they fought all the way, it would take an hour less.

During this period, other mutant zombies will definitely be encountered. At that time, Lin Xinghai can roughly calculate the total number of mutant zombies in the entire Guanghan City based on the density of mutant zombies.

The next part of the journey was relatively stable, that is, the proportion of high-level zombies increased again, and one high-level zombie appeared among the 20 mutant zombies.

If the Split Sky Mercenary Group was not cultivated by him, and the overall marksmanship was outstanding, it is estimated that they would be in a hurry in the face of the high-level zombies that came one after another.

"No wonder Guanghan City is known as a restricted area, but simple exploration is so difficult. If you want to collect resources in this city, it is estimated that no matter how many mercenary groups have been killed recently." Lin Xinghai couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, after he went back and handed in the information, the military would also send an elite team to clear it up. If there were no accidents, it would still be possible to occupy an industrial park.

After all, the industrial park is only in the peripheral area of this huge city.

Chu Chu Chu!

Boom boom boom!

Along the way, the sound of gunfire and artillery fire kept going. After they advanced for about 5 kilometers, they encountered another mutant zombie.

This time I encountered a spitter. This mutant zombie is not strong, but its venom is definitely a troublesome ability.

Fortunately, there were no other mutant zombies nearby to assist him, and because he was discovered in advance, Lin Xinghai, as before, manipulated the mecha to use the cover of the building to quickly explore the past, and before the other party could react, Sneak up close, then kill it.

Seeing that Lin Xinghai easily killed a mutant zombie and returned, the momentum of the mercenary group rose again, and the killing of the zombies was even harder.

When they were the last 2 kilometers away from the industrial park, mutant zombies were detected again on the zombie radar.

The observation team quickly used the telescope to recognize the mutant zombie that appeared this time, and it turned out to be an iron-clad corpse.

This news made Lin Xinghai frown secretly. It wasn't to say how powerful the iron armored corpse was, but the defense power of the opponent, but it couldn't even compare to Death Claw.

This kind of thick-skinned zombie, he still imagined that it was impossible to get close to the instant kill in an instant.

And this iron-clad corpse rushed over because he felt the movement here, and he couldn't hide even if he wanted to hide.

Lin Xinghai thought for a while, this time he did not go to hunt alone, but waited until the other party was within 1 km of the convoy before taking Fang Tianhe to greet him.

Fang Tianhe's sky-splitting ability can play a big role in dealing with iron armored corpses.

In the end, with the joint efforts of the two, the iron-clad corpse was attacked more than a dozen times before being killed by Lin Xinghai.

Of course, the whole process is very short, only ten seconds.

In normal times, killing a mutant zombie in ten seconds is definitely an excellent performance.

But the problem is, this is Guanghan City, known as the mercenary Jedi.

Although the armored corpse lasted for more than ten seconds, it was enough for it to roar for help.

"We're going to the industrial park soon. Let's go over there. After exploring, we'll evacuate immediately." Lin Xinghai said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Fang Tianhe nodded immediately, how could he not understand Lin Xinghai's worries.

The only thing they can do now is to pray that there are no mutant zombies nearby, or that these mutant zombies ignore the iron-clad corpse's request for help.

But unfortunately, Fang Tianhe's prayers didn't help. When the convoy moved forward another 1 km, the zombie radar detector sounded the alarm frantically again.

From the direction of the industrial park, there are actually four mutant zombies, rushing in their direction.

When he saw the four black spots on the zombie radar detector, Fang Tianhe's expression instantly became ugly, not to mention the others, and they were even a little scared.

Four mutant zombies appeared at the same time, which was a crisis they had never encountered before.

Even Lin Xinghai's expression became a little dignified.

"If we solved the iron-clad corpse a little faster, maybe it wouldn't cause such a big trouble." Fang Tianhe blamed himself.

This is because his strength is not enough. If he breaks through to the blood energy realm, then with the power of blood energy and superimposing the sky-splitting ability, maybe the other party really has no chance to ask for help.

"Don't think too much~www.mtlnovel.com~ These four mutant zombies should be in the industrial park. We will definitely encounter problems when we go in and explore. It's just a problem sooner or later." Lin Xinghai casually comforted. .

As for how to deal with these four mutant zombies, we can only make a decision after the observers report the specific situation.

"Report! The four mutant zombies that appeared are Hunter, Spitger, Giant Arm, and Blood Worm." The observer found the location of the four mutant zombies through the positioning of the radar. After observing through the telescope, he immediately reported it.

After hearing the names of these four mutant zombies, the expressions of all the senior members of the mercenary group became even more ugly.

They are familiar with the hunter and the spit. If these two mutant zombies appear alone, then Lin Xinghai is there, and it will not pose any threat to their mercenary group, but when these mutant zombies are combined, it will be different. .

The spiter's venom can not only attack, but also make the rest of the zombies enter a violent state, such as a hunter whose speed is only about 2000 points, after entering the violent state, its speed will increase sharply, and it may even increase by 4000 points. , comparable to that of Lin Xinghai.

What's more, in addition to the spitters and hunters, the other giant arms and bloodworms are the real trouble.

The giant arm is a frontal combat capability, second only to the mutant zombies of the death claw.

Its shape is somewhat similar to an enlarged version of a monkey, except that there is no fluff on the body surface, but a hard cuticle instead.

Of course, the most outstanding thing about this mutant zombie is its strength. Those arms have almost ten thousand jins of strength.

Moreover, the fingers of the giant arms are very flexible, which makes them have excellent grasping ability, which makes them one of the few mutant zombies who can use "weapons".