Hurlbut's Bible Lessons - Part 7

Part 7

=1.= What wicked thing did King D[=a]'vid do? =He caused one of his brave soldiers to be killed.=

=2.= For what purpose was this done? =So that D[=a]'vid might marry the soldier's wife.=

=3.= Who came to D[=a]'vid and told him that he had done wickedly? =The prophet N[=a]'than.=

=4.= In what story did N[=a]'than show the king how wickedly he had acted? =In the story of a little lamb.=

=5.= What did D[=a]'vid say when N[=a]'than spoke to him? ="I have sinned against the Lord."=

=6.= What did N[=a]'than say should come to D[=a]'vid because of his sin? =He should be made to suffer.=

=7.= What son of D[=a]'vid tried to take his kingdom from him?


=8.= How far did [)A]b'sa-l[)o]m succeed? =He drove D[=a]'vid away from J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=9.= Where was the battle fought between the men of [)A]b'sa-l[)o]m and the men of D[=a]'vid? =In the wood of [=E]'phr[)a]-[)i]m.=

=10.= What happened to [)A]b'sa-l[)o]m in the battle? =He was killed.=

=11.= What came to D[=a]'vid? =He reigned again as king.=

Lesson XXIX. Solomon.

(Omit Story 16. Tell Stories 17 and 18 in Part Third.)

=1.= What did D[=a]'vid wish to do while he was king? =To build a temple to the Lord.=

=2.= Why would not G.o.d allow D[=a]'vid to build the temple? =Because he had been a man of war.=

=3.= What did G.o.d promise to D[=a]'vid? =That his son should build the temple.=

=4.= How long did D[=a]'vid reign? =Forty years, seven over J[=u]'dah and thirty-three over [)I][s+]'ra-el.=

=5.= What does the Bible say of D[=a]'vid as king? =He was the greatest and best of all the kings of [)I][s+]'ra-el.=

=6.= Whom did D[=a]'vid make king before he died? =His son S[)o]l'o-mon.=

=7.= What did S[)o]l'o-mon have through all his reign? =Peace in all the land.=

=8.= What did the Lord say to S[)o]l'o-mon at night? ="Ask what I shall give you."=

=9.= For what did S[)o]l'o-mon ask the Lord? =For wisdom to rule the people.=

=10.= What did G.o.d promise to give to S[)o]l'o-mon besides wisdom?

=Riches, and honor, and long life.=

Lesson x.x.x. The Temple.

(Tell Stories 19 and 20, in Part Third.)

=1.= What was the greatest work in the reign of S[)o]l'o-mon? =The building of the temple.=

=2.= For what purpose was the temple built? =For the house of G.o.d.=

=3.= Where was the temple built? =On Mount M[+o]-r[=i]'ah.=

=4.= Of what older building was it a copy in its plan? =The Tabernacle.=

=5.= What stood in front of the temple? =An open court.=

=6.= What were the two rooms of the building? =The holy place, and the holy of holies.=

=7.= What was kept in the holy of holies? =The ark of the covenant.=

=8.= What was in the ark of the covenant? =The ten commandments.=

=9.= For what was S[)o]l'o-mon known throughout the world? =For his wisdom.=

=10.= What queen came from a far country to see S[)o]l'o-mon? =The Queen of Sh[=e]'b[.a].=

Lesson x.x.xI. Review of Part Third.

(Tell enough of the stories to help the pupils in answering the questions.)

=1.= Who was the first king of [)I][s+]'ra-el? =S[a:]ul.=

=2.= Where did S[a:]ul live as king? =At [=G][)i]b'e-ah.=

=3.= What was the name of S[a:]ul's brave son? =J[)o]n'a-than.=

=4.= Who spoke to S[a:]ul the word of the Lord? =S[)a]m'u-el.=

=5.= Why was the kingdom taken from S[a:]ul? =Because he disobeyed G.o.d.=

=6.= Whom did G.o.d choose for king in place of S[a:]ul? =D[=a]'vid.=

=7.= Where did D[=a]'vid live as a boy? =At B[)e]th'=l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=8.= What was the name of the giant whom D[=a]'vid killed?


=9.= Where did D[=a]'vid hide from S[a:]ul? =In the wilderness.=

=10.= What people were at war with S[a:]ul and the [)I][s+]'ra-el-[=i]tes? =The Ph[)i]-l[)i]s't[)i]ne[s+].=