Hurlbut's Bible Lessons - Part 21

Part 21

=10.= What did the risen J[=e]'[s+]us do on the Mount of [)O]l'[)i]ve[s+]? =He went up to heaven.=

=11.= What promise was then given to the disciples? =That J[=e]'[s+]us will come again.=

Lesson x.x.xIII. Review of People in the Gospel Story.

=1.= What great prophet was born a few months before J[=e]'[s+]us?

=J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st.=

=2.= Who was the father of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st?


=3.= Who was the mother of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st?


=4.= Who brought the news that Chr[=i]st would soon come? =The angel G[=a]'br[)i]-el.=

=5.= Who was the mother of J[=e]'[s+]us? =M[=a]'r[)y].=

=6.= Who heard the first news that J[=e]'[s+]us Chr[=i]st was born?


=7.= Who came from a far country and brought gifts to the child J[=e]'[s+]us? =Wise men.=

=8.= Who took up the child J[=e]'[s+]us in the temple and gave thanks to G.o.d? =S[)i]m'e-on.=

=9.= Who baptized J[=e]'[s+]us? =J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st.=

=10.= Who tried to tempt J[=e]'[s+]us to do wrong? =S[=a]'tan, the evil spirit.=

=11.= Who talked with J[=e]'[s+]us at night in J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m?


=12.= Who met J[=e]'[s+]us by a well? =The S[+a]-m[)a]r'[)i]-tan woman.=

=13.= With what two sisters did J[=e]'[s+]us stay near J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m? =With Mar'th[.a] and M[=a]'r[)y].=

=14.= What brother of these two sisters did J[=e]'[s+]us raise to life?


=15.= To what blind man did J[=e]'[s+]us give sight at J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o]? =To Bar-ti-mae'us.=

=16.= What rich man at J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o] took J[=e]'[s+]us to his house? =Z[)a]c-chae'us.=

=17.= Who poured costly perfume on the head of J[=e]'[s+]us at a supper?

=M[=a]'r[)y], the sister of L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s.=

=18.= What disciple of Chr[=i]st sold him to his enemies for money?


=19.= What ruler ordered that J[=e]'[s+]us should be put to death on the cross? =P[=i]'late.=

=20.= Who first saw J[=e]'[s+]us after he rose from the dead?

=M[=a]'r[)y] M[)a]g-da-l[=e]'n[+e].=

Lesson x.x.xIV. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.

=1.= Where was J[=e]'[s+]us born? =At B[)e]th'l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=2.= To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King H[)e]r'od? =To [=E]'[.g][)y]pt.=

=3.= Where did J[=e]'[s+]us live as a boy? =In N[)a]z'a-r[)e]th.=

=4.= In what place was he found when twelve years old? =In the temple.=

=5.= In what river was he baptized? =In the river Jor'dan.=

=6.= Where was he tempted by S[=a]'tan? =In the wilderness.=

=7.= Where was his first miracle? =At C[=a]'n[.a] in G[)a]l'[)i]-lee.=

=8.= In what land did J[=e]'[s+]us preach during the first year of his teaching? =In J[=u]-d[=e]'[.a].=

=9.= Where did J[=e]'[s+]us talk with a woman by a well? =In S[+a]-m[=a]'r[)i]-[.a].=

=10.= Where did J[=e]'[s+]us preach during the second year of his teaching? =In G[)a]l'[)i]-lee.=

=11.= Where did he live while he preached in G[)a]l'[)i]-lee? =At C[+a]-p[~e]r'na-[)u]m.=

=12.= On what sea did he still the storm? =The Sea of G[)a]l'[)i]-lee.=

=13.= At what pool in J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m did he heal a man who could not walk? =The Pool of B[+e]-th[)e][s+]'d[.a].=

=14.= To what other pool at J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m did he send a blind man to wash? =To the Pool of S[)i]-l[=o]'am.=

=15.= At what place in G[)a]l'[)i]-lee did he raise to life a widow's son? =At N[=a]'in.=

=16.= Where did he feed five thousand people?


=17.= On what mountain did he show his glory? =On Mount H[~e]r'mon.=

=18.= At what place did he raise L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s to life? =At B[)e]th'a-n[)y].=

=19.= At what place did J[=e]'[s+]us die on the cross? =At C[)a]l'va-r[)y].=

=20.= From what mountain did J[=e]'[s+]us go up to heaven? =From the Mount of [)O]l'[)i]ve[s+].=