Hurlbut's Bible Lessons - Part 16

Part 16

=11.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us do to this man? =He set him free from the evil spirit.=

Lesson XIV. The Little Girl Raised to Life.

(Tell Story 17 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= After his visit to the other side of the sea, where did J[=e]'[s+]us go with his disciples? =To C[+a]-p[~e]r'na-[)u]m again.=

=2.= Who came to meet J[=e]'[s+]us at the sh.o.r.e of the sea? =A man named J[+a]-[=i]'rus.=

=3.= What did J[+a]-[=i]'rus ask J[=e]'[s+]us to do? =To cure his sick daughter.=

=4.= Who met J[=e]'[s+]us on his way to the house of J[+a]-[=i]'rus? =A sick woman.=

=5.= What did this woman do? =She touched his robe.=

=6.= What came to the woman after touching J[=e]'[s+]us' robe? =She was made well.=

=7.= What happened while J[=e]'[s+]us was going to the house of J[+a]-[=i]'rus? =His little girl died.=

=8.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us say when he stood beside the little girl who was dead? ="Little girl, rise up!"=

=9.= What then took place? =The girl opened her eyes and sat up.=

Lesson XV. The Death of John the Baptist.

(Tell Stories 18 and 19 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Where was J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st, while J[=e]'[s+]us was preaching in G[)a]l'[)i]-lee? =In prison.=

=2.= Who put J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st in prison? =The wicked King H[)e]r'od.=

=3.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us say of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st while he was in prison? ="No greater man than J[)o]hn has lived."=

=4.= What other wicked deed was done by King H[)e]r'od? =He put to death J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st.=

=5.= Where did J[=e]'[s+]us go with his disciples, when he heard that J[)o]hn the B[)a]p't[)i]st was dead? =To a quiet place by the Sea of G[)a]l'[)i]-lee.=

=6.= Near what city was this place? =Near B[)e]th-s[=a]'[)i]-d[.a].=

=7.= What great work did J[=e]'[s+]us do at this place? =He gave food to a great company.=

=8.= How many people did J[=e]'[s+]us feed at that time? =Five thousand people.=

=9.= With what did J[=e]'[s+]us feed the five thousand people? =With five loaves and two fishes.=

=10.= After feeding the five thousand, how did J[=e]'[s+]us go to his disciples? =By walking on the water.=

Lesson XVI. The Mother's Prayer, and the Four Thousand Fed.

(Tell Story 20 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what land did J[=e]'[s+]us go with his disciples after feeding the five thousand? =To the land of T[=y]re and S[=i]'d[)o]n.=

=2.= Why did J[=e]'[s+]us go to that country? =To be alone with his disciples.=

=3.= Who came to J[=e]'[s+]us at that place? =A woman praying for her daughter.=

=4.= What did this woman ask J[=e]'[s+]us to do for her daughter? =To set her free from an evil spirit.=

=5.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us say to this woman when he cured her daughter?

="O woman, your faith is great."=

=6.= To what country did J[=e]'[s+]us and his disciples go from the land of T[=y]re and S[=i]'d[)o]n? =To D[+e]-c[)a]p'o-l[)i]s.=

=7.= Where was the country of D[+e]-c[)a]p'o-l[)i]s? =East of the Sea of G[)a]l'[)i]-lee.=

=8.= What did the people in that land say of J[=e]'[s+]us as they saw his great works? ="He has done all things well."=

=9.= To how many people in D[+e]-c[)a]p'o-l[)i]s did J[=e]'[s+]us give food at one time? =To four thousand people.=

=10.= With how many loaves did J[=e]'[s+]us feed the four thousand people? =With seven loaves.=

Lesson XVII. The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain.

(Tell Story 21 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What question did J[=e]'[s+]us ask his disciples? ="Who do you say that I am?"=

=2.= Who answered J[=e]'[s+]us' question for all the disciples?


=3.= What did P[=e]'t[~e]r say in answer to J[=e]'[s+]us? ="You are Chr[=i]st, the Son of G.o.d."=

=4.= What does the word "Chr[=i]st" mean? =The Anointed One, the King.=

=5.= On what mountain did J[=e]'[s+]us go with three of his disciples?

=On Mount H[~e]r'mon.=

=6.= What change came upon J[=e]'[s+]us while he was praying on the mountain? =He shone as bright as the sun.=

=7.= What two men of the past were seen talking with J[=e]'[s+]us?

=M[=o]'[s+]e[s+] and [+E]-l[=i]'jah.=

=8.= What did a voice from a cloud say? ="This is my beloved Son."=