Hurlbut's Bible Lessons - Part 11

Part 11

=2.= What became of the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]'n[)i]-an kingdom when N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z'zar died? =It lost its power.=

=3.= Who was the last king in B[)a]b'[)y]-lon? =B[)e]l-sh[)a]z'zar.=

=4.= What did B[)e]l-sh[)a]z'zar see one night in his palace? =A hand writing on the wall.=

=5.= Who read the writing to the king? =D[)a]n'iel.=

=6.= What did the writing mean? =That his kingdom was ended.=

=7.= How was the kingdom ended? =The city was taken and B[)e]l-sh[)a]z'zar was killed.=

=8.= What kingdom took the place of the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]'n[)i]-an kingdom? =The kingdom of P[~e]r'[s+]i[.a].=

=9.= What was done to D[)a]n'iel after this? =He was thrown into a den of lions.=

=10.= How was D[)a]n'iel saved from the lions? =The Lord shut the lions'


Lesson XLII. The Return from Babylon.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= Who broke up the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]'n[)i]-an kingdom and formed the kingdom of P[~e]r'[s+]i[.a]? =c[=y]'rus.=

=2.= How did c[=y]'rus, the new king, treat the Jew[s+] who were in B[)a]b'[)y]-lon? =He was kind to them.=

=3.= What did c[=y]'rus allow the Jew[s+] to do? =To go back to their own land.=

=4.= How long had the Jew[s+] been in the land of B[)a]b'[)y]-lon?

=Seventy years.=

=5.= What happy journey did the Jew[s+] take? =To the land of J[=u]-d[=e]'[.a].=

=6.= What city did they begin to build again? =The city of J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=7.= What house did they build? =The temple of G.o.d.=

=8.= Who led the Jew[s+] in their journey and their building?

=Z[+e]-r[)u]b'ba-b[)e]l the ruler.=

=9.= What prophet encouraged the people to build? =H[)a]g'ga-[=i] and Z[)e]ch-a-r[=i]'ah.=

Lesson XLIII. Queen Esther.

(Tell Story 15 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= In what city did the king of P[~e]r'[s+]i[.a] live? =In the city of Sh[u:]'shan.=

=2.= What beautiful Jew'[)i]sh girl lived in Sh[u:]'shan?


=3.= Who cared for [)E]s'th[~e]r and brought her up? =Her cousin Mor'de-c[=a]i.=

=4.= Who was the king of P[~e]r'[s+]i[.a] at that time?


=5.= What did king [+A]-h[)a][s+]-[=u]-[=e]'r[)u]s do when he saw [)E]s'th[~e]r? =He made her queen.=

=6.= Who stood next to the king in power? =A man named H[=a]'man.=

=7.= What law did H[=a]'man cause king [+A]-h[)a][s+]-[=u]-[=e]'r[)u]s to make? =That all the Jew[s+] should be killed.=

=8.= What did Queen [)E]s'th[~e]r do when she heard that this law had been made? =She went to the king in his palace.=

=9.= What did she ask the king to do? =To spare the lives of her people.=

=10.= What became of H[=a]'man, the Jew[s+]' enemy? =He was put to death.=

Lesson XLIV. The end of the Old Testament.

(Tell Stories 16, 17 and 18 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= What good man came to J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m soon after the time of Queen [)E]s'th[~e]r? =[)E]z'r[.a] the scribe.=

=2.= What was a scribe among the Jew[s+]? =One who wrote copies of G.o.d's laws.=

=3.= What great work did [)E]z'r[.a] do? =He brought together the books of the Old Testament.=

=4.= What did [)E]z'r[.a] do at J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He taught the people to obey G.o.d's law.=

=5.= What other good man came while [)E]z'r[.a] was at J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m? =N[=e]-he-m[=i]'ah.=

=6.= What did N[=e]-he-m[=i]'ah do? =He helped the people to build a wall around the city.=

=7.= Why did they need a wall around the city? =To make it strong against enemies.=

=8.= What was done at a great meeting of the people when the wall was finished? =The law was read to the people.=

=9.= Who was the last prophet of the Old Testament? =M[)a]l'a-ch[=i].=

Lesson XLV. Review of Jewish People.

=1.= How many kings reigned over J[=u]'dah? =Nineteen kings and one queen.=

=2.= Who was the first king of J[=u]'dah? =R[=e]-ho-b[=o]'am.=