Hollywood Divorces - Hollywood Divorces Part 57

Hollywood Divorces Part 57

'My kind of girl,' he said, with his usual cocky grin.

By the time Lola arrived at the hospital in L.A., Selma was doing more than moving her finger. Over the last few hours her eyelids had fluttered open, and she was conscious.

Lola sat by her bedside surrounded by her family, and Selma's husband and children.

'It's a miracle,' Claudine kept on repeating.

No, it's not a miracle, Lola thought. It's the result of my bargain with God.

She'd given up Tony and now Selma was on the road to recovery.

Her mother took her to one side. 'We're all so happy you're back with Matt,' she whispered. 'He's such a nice guy, and so right for you, Lucia.'

And boring! a voice screamed in her head. And a lousy lay! And a sponger!

'Maybe,' she said, in her best noncommittal tone.

'No, not maybe, my daughter. Matt will always be there for you. You don't want a wild man like Tony Alvarez. He's no good.'

I don't? she thought. Why not? Tony Alvarez makes me feel alive.

'Besides,' Claudine continued. 'Matt will make a wonderful father for your children.'

What children, Mama ?

She stayed at the hospital for a couple of hours, then went home to bed and Matt, who was naturally watching sports on TV.

Now that Selma was going to be all right, her thoughts turned to Tony. How could she possibly survive without him? She realized that, yes, she'd made a bargain with God, but if Selma completely recovered, didn't that change everything? She and Tony were so good together. Sure, she 'tknew he was dangerous and capable of doing terrible things, but somehow it didn't really matter. He'd never done anything terrible to her.

As far as Lola was concerned, love conquered all, good and bad.

Early the next morning, Shelby's gynaecologist called her with the news. She was a pleasant woman, young and confident. 'Shelby,' she said, her tone friendly.

'Yes?' Shelby said, holding her breath.

'It's as you thought.'

'It's as I thought,' Shelby repeated blankly.

'Yes, I'm happy to tell you that you are indeed pregnant.'

On the one hand, Shelby was ecstatic. On the other, she was more depressed than she'd ever been in her entire life. How could it happen now, when things with Linc were so bad?

Maybe the news of her pregnancy would bring him to his senses. Maybe he'd give up the wild life he'd decided to pursue, and be the husband she'd always wanted.

Surely the thought of a baby coming into their lives would straighten him out?

Didn't he deserve one more chance?

Without giving herself time to change her mind, she picked up the phone and called him in New York.

'Who's speaking?' the hotel operator enquired, monitoring his calls.

'Mrs Blackwood.'

'One moment, please.'

Then another female voice with a strong Australian accent and a sour attitude got on the Linc. 'Yes, what?'

'Is Linc there?'

A bad-tempered 'No. Who's this?'

'Mrs Blackwood.'

Change of tone: 'Oh, yeah, Shelby. He's mentioned you. I'm Allegra, we live together, y'know.'

'No, I didn't know that,' she said quietly, her stomach sinking.

'I guess the divorce is coming up any time soon, right? Is that what you're calling about?'

'No,' Shelby said tersely. 'I'd like to speak to my husband.'

'You could speak to him if he was here, but he's not, is he?'

'Then tell him I called, and have him get back to me as soon as possible.'

'He's busy, y'know.'

'What did you say your name was?'

'Allegra. You've probably seen me on the cover of Sports Illustrated.'

'Not a magazine I subscribe to.'

'Buy it,' Allegra said, in a bitchy fashion. 'Then you can get a gander at your competition.'

'Have Linc call me,' Shelby said, and uncharacteristically slammed down the phone. It wasn't often that she lost her temper, but who was this bitch? And what the hell was Linc doing with her?

Martha entered the room. 'Your father wants me to double-check our tickets to London, darling,' she said. 'Daddy and I are leaving this week. You'll be all right here by yourself, won't you?'

'Of course I will,' she said, attempting to calm down.

During the course of her parents' stay they had not once discussed her separation from Linc. They were determined not to bring it up unless she did, and she had no desire to raise the subject.

For a moment she thought about confiding in her mother, but then she realized it was hopeless. Neither of them would understand. They were both sweet people, and they'd always been caring parents, but they were totally unsophisticated.

'I've left my Saks credit card on the hall table,' Shelby said. 'Go there today while I'm at the studio and buy yourself a glamorous outfit for the party. I want to be proud of you.'

'Are you saying that you wouldn't be proud of me if I wore one of my suits?'

Martha replied, sounding hurt.

'Your suits are lovely, Mum - for England. But you should buy yourself something sexy.'

'Don't be so silly, Shelby,' Martha said, pursing her lips. 'Your father would be shocked.'

'Wouldn't it be fun to shock him sometimes?'

'No, dear,' Martha said primly. 'What is the matter with you?'

'Nothing,' Shelby said, and kissed her mother's cheek. Nothing, except that my husband is now living with a woman in New Tork, and m pregnant, and I don't know what to do about anything. How sad is that?. 'Okay,' she said. 'I've got to go, I'll see you later.'

Gathering up Tiger, she set off for the studio.

Pete was waiting outside her trailer with two cups of Starbucks coffee.

'Morning, beautiful,' he said, handing her a paper cup.

'Hi,' she said wanly.

'Did you sleep okay?'


'You look tired.'

'You know, it's so rude,' she said irritably.

'What is?'

'First of all Cat told me I didn't look well yesterday, now you're telling me I look tired. I'm sorry, Pete, but I don't appreciate it.' She slammed her way past him into her trailer.

He followed her in. 'You heard from Linc, didn't you?' he said.

'No. Actually I called to speak to him, and some bitch got on the line.'

'Who was she?'

'I imagine it was his new girlfriend.'

'Shelby,' he said patiently, 'I keep on telling you - hire a lawyer before he does.'

'Why? I don't want anything from him. No alimony, nothing.'

'It's not as simple as that, Shel. You have houses, cars, investments. It's all communal property.'

'But if I don't want anything...'

'You still need a lawyer,' he insisted.

'Why can't Linc and I work it out together? Why should a man be stuck paying the woman, unless there's children to consider?'

'Hmm... you're every man's dream,' Pete said. 'In more ways than one.'

'And another thing,' she said. 'Why are you so nice to me?'

'Because, as I've told you repeatedly, I'm waiting in the wings.'

'It might be a long wait, Pete.'

'There's something you should know about me.'


'I'm a very patient man.'

Their eyes met, and she found herself weakening. Pete might not have to be as patient as he thought. After her conversation with Linc's girlfriend, she was almost ready to move on.

Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Cat was ecstatic. She'd actually done it. She'd finished her movie! 'How do you feel?' Jonas asked, sitting in the production trailer with her.

'It's difficult to say,' she replied, drinking Seven-Up from the can. 'I'm kind of psyched it's over. Then I'm kind of sad 'cause I've so loved working with everyone. The crew, the actors - you. Saying goodbye is miserable. These people have become like family.'

'You should do a Woody Allen or a Clint Eastwood, and always work with the same crew.'

'Don't I wish!' she said fervently. 'Although somehow I've got a strong suspicion I'm not in the Woody and Clint arena yet.'

'You will be.'

'I do love you, Jonas,' she said, jumping up and giving him a hug. 'You're always so positive.'

'I try.'

'You succeed.'

'Did I tell you Merrill's coming to the wrap party?' Jonas said. 'He doesn't usually do that.'

'Should we be flattered?'
